Surya Namaskar, an ancient compound exercise to be performed in the early morning as an oblation to the Sun God - an introduction, illustrations & explanations
Physical Edu.
1, 3, 7, 10
2, 4, 8, 11
5, 6, 9, 12
There are two modes of performing Surya Namaskar. In one, there are twelve steps and in the other ten steps. In the ten-step Surya Namaskar, the 5th and 9th steps are omitted.
Starting Position: Stand erect with feet together and hands folded.
1. Raise the arms sideways and upward above the head, join them together, bend the trunk backward. Inhale.
2. Bend the body forward and downward, forehead touching the knees, palms touching the ground on either side of the feet, knees straight. Exhale.
3. Crouch and place the right leg backward, make it as straight as possible with the left knee between the arms, back arched, chest held high and head up. Inhale.
4. Take the left leg backward, in line with the right leg and rest only on palms and toes, keep the body straight from head to toes. Exhale and hold the breath.
5. Bend the knees, rest them on the floor without changing the position of the palms and toes, touch the forehead on the ground. While taking the position inhale, and then exhale.
6. Without moving the palms and toes, come forward, perform a dip by bending the arms, body weight on palms and toes. While taking the position inhale, and then exhale.
7. Straighten the arms, back well arched, head up, without changing the position of the palms and toes. Keep the knees off the ground. Inhale.
8. Raise the hips, keep the arms and legs straight, heels touching the ground, bring the head between the arms. Exhale.
9. Same as 8th position. Inhale and exhale.
10. Take 3rd position with right leg between the arms. Inhale.
11. Return to 2nd position and exhale.
12. Inhale and return to the starting position.
Pranab Bhattacharya
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