A Vision of United India

  On India

Book 2

The Solution

Chapter 1


In this part of the book, we shall try to suggest some lines along which a solution to the problem of Indian political unity may be brought about. It has to be clearly understood that when we speak of the political unity of India, we mean the unity of the whole subcontinent and not just the unity of India and Pakistan. The question whether the unity will take the form of a federation or a confederation depends on circumstances and is not of paramount importance. But the creation of this unity is of great importance not only for India, but also for the whole world. In fact, one might go so far as to say that unless India becomes united, there is little hope of bringing about a stable world unity. As we have seen in the first part of this book, a durable and lasting political unity has eluded the Indian nation for the last five thousand years. We have also seen in the previous chapters the root causes for the inability of the Indian nation to bring about a political unity. These may be summarised as:

• The attempt to bring about unity by over-centralisation and the method of military domination by one people or one imperial dynasty over the rest of the country. This led to a succession of empires, but none of them were permanent

• The inability to handle the religious conflict after the Muslim invasion and influx into India.

The time has now come to make an attempt to solve this problem for it is in the interests of all the nations of the subcontinent and eventually, of the world. A stable and united India on a sound federal basis will be a great source of strength to the world. It will help usher in a sound political, economic and cultural framework for a united world. For India is the one country where all the religions are being practised vigorously; at the same time, it has an unparalleled cultural diversity. A successful resolution of the Indian problem will make it easier for world unity to take shape. This can only be done by making spirituality the basis of unity; in other words, by going beyond the religious approach into the spiritual approach. The spiritual framework assures unity on the basis of diversity.

We divide this part of the book into four parts.

1. The first part deals with the inevitability of the union of the subcontinent. It will be shown here that the so-called Pakistan nation will disintegrate and get dissolved by the sheer law of political forces. Nature will see to it that Pakistan as a political unit will disappear. The only thing that has to be taken into account is the speed at which it will disintegrate. It is here that the human agency comes in, more specifically, the attitudes of the Governments of India and Pakistan and of the people of the two countries. We have also to take into account the attitudes of the Western nations, in particular that of the United States.

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But whatever their attitudes, we shall show in this part that Pakistan will inevitably dissolve because it is not a nation in the true sense.

2. In the second part, we shall analyse the human obstacles to the union. We shall analyse and identify these obstacles in order to deal with them and wherever possible, eliminate them. The chief obstacle to the unification is the Pakistan Army and its offshoots. They have a vested interest in the continuation of the division and have, therefore, to be brought under Indian control with firmness and tact.

3. In the third part, we shall study the aspects that unite the different parts of the subcontinent. We shall study and analyse all the elements that make for unity — the geographical, the economic, the cultural and the religio-spiritual aspects. We will try to show that in all these areas, there is a deep underlying core of unity. These elements have to be highlighted and brought to the forefront and firmed up to establish a lasting unity. At the same time, one will have to note the fact that there are sharp differences between Hinduism and Islam; but these differences exist more on the life plane and in the outer structure of the religion. We shall show that on the deeper level, there are many common points and similarities; it is very important and necessary to stress on these common points. But far more important, we shall ultimately have to go beyond religion to spirituality. It is only in the spiritual approach that there can exist a harmony - a harmony that will be based on unity in diversity.

4. In the last part, we shall suggest some practical lines along which this unity can be established and cemented. On the political and economic fronts, it will be necessary to move towards the creation of a confederation in the subcontinent. This confederation will include all the nations that constitute SAARC. Institutions will have to be created which will help foster unity in all the fields of human activity.

Messages from Sri Aurobindo and Mother

It will not be out of context to start with some messages which reflect the views of Mother and Sri Aurobindo on the partition of the Indian nation.

Sri Aurobindo wrote on the Aug. 15 1947:

"But the old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country. It is to be hoped that this settled fact would not be accepted as settled forever or as anything more than a temporary expedient. For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest. India's internal development and prosperity may be impeded, her position among the nations weakened, her destiny impaired or even frustrated. This must not be; the partition must go. Let us hope that this may come about naturally, by an increasing recognition of the necessity not only of peace and concord but of common action, by the practice of common

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action and the creation of means for that purpose. In this way unity may finally come about under whatever form — the exact form may have a pragmatic but not a fundamental importance. But by whatever means, in whatever way, the division must go; unity must and will be achieved, for it is necessary for the greatness of India's future".

It is therefore, of great importance that this goal be achieved. It is only after this is achieved that we can touch on the mission of India and its destiny. And for that, India will have to move beyond the religious approach to the spiritual; for it is the spiritual approach that is the genius of India; in fact, one might even say that it is the very purpose of India's existence. In the words of Sri Aurobindo: "Afterwards the work for the Divine will become more possible and it may be well that the dream, if it is a dream, of leading the world towards the spiritual light, may even become a reality."

Later, in 1950, in an interview with K.M. Munshi, Sri Aurobindo said:.

Here is an extract from the writings of Munshi regarding the interview.

"Then the Mahayogi sprang a surprise on me: " When do you expect India to be united?" he asked.

I was taken aback. I explained to him how our leaders had agreed to partition.

I then said: " So long as the present generation of politicians is concerned, I cannot think of any time when the two countries — India and Pakistan — can be united."

Sri Aurobindo smiled and answered: " India will be reunited. I see it clearly."

Was it an opinion? Was it a clear perception?

I shook my head in doubt and asked how India could be reunited. In two short sentences the god-man described what Pakistan stood for, and indicated how the two countries could come together."

Pakistan has been created by falsehood, fraud and force. It must be brought under India's military ambit."

Much later in 1971, the Mother had written in a letter to a disciple:

La disparition du Pakistan est inevitable; elle aurait pu deja se produire, mais l'ignorance humaine l'a retardee.

The English translation is as follows:

The disappearance of Pakistan is inevitable; this could have already happened, but human ignorance has retarded it.


Thus in the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Pakistan will inevitably get dissolved as a political unity and merge with India.

We shall now take up all these points in some detail.

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