Life of Sri Aurobindo

  Sri Aurobindo : Biography

Introductory Quotes

The attempt [to write my biography] is bound to be a failure, because neither you nor anyone else knows anything at all of my life; it has not been on the surface for man to see.

Sri Aurobindo, Autobiographical Notes and Other Writings of Historical Interest: Appendix: Letters on "Sri Aurobindo: A Life Sketch"


Once when a disciple asked Sri Aurobindo's permission to help a Marathi biographer in his task, Sri Aurobindo wrote:

If I am to be murdered in cold print, it had better be done without my disciples becoming abettors of the crime.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram: On Writing His Biography


And the second fact is that I do not care a button about my having my name in any blessed place. I was never ardent about fame even in my political days; I preferred to remain behind the curtain, push people without their knowing it and get things done. It was the confounded British Government that spoiled my game by prosecuting me and forcing me to be publicly known and a “leader”.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram: Writing Philosophy


Q: What is the truth behind personality?

Sri Aurobindo: There are many personalities in man. But the true person is also there; it is the Eternal thrown out in time as the Cosmic and the individual for a particular purpose, use or work. This true person is all the time conscious of his identity with the Cosmic.

Evening Talks, 1 January 1939


First of all what matters in a spiritual man’s life is not what he did or what he was outside to the view of the men of his time (that is what historicity or biography comes to, does it not?) but what he was and did within; it is only that that gives any value to his outer life at all. It is the inner life that gives to the outer any power it may have, and the inner life of a spiritual man is something vast and full and, at least in the great figures, so crowded and teeming with significant things that no biographer or historian could ever hope to seize it all or tell it.

9 February 1936

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram: On Writing His Biography


God must be born on earth and be as man
That man being human may grow even as God. ||128.42||


If far he walks above mortality’s head,
How shall the mortal reach that too high path? ||128.40||


In the unfolding process of the Self
Sometimes the inexpressible Mystery
Elects a human vessel of descent. ||10.13||

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