Aspiring Swan


Champaklal-One of the Hundred



To be free from ego and become an instrument of God is indispensable for sadhana, Sri Aurobindo conveyed this in the following words, "I do not want hundreds of thousands of disciples. It will be enough if 1 can get a hundred complete men, purified of petty egoism, who will be the instruments of God." On 2nd February 1972, the Mother wrote on Champaklal's birthday card,

"Bonne Fête

To Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's Champak,

One of the hundred

With my love, appreciation, trust and blessings for ever.

En route vers la Réalisation."


Champaklal, who served Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for over five decades as their blessed child and faithful servitor was affectionately called by the Mother, "My Lion," "My true child," "My most faithful child," "A part of myself."

Ever since his childhood, Champaklal had sincerely aspired to live constantly in the Divine presence of someone like Sri Ramakrishna. In his own words, his aspiration was "truly fulfilled in a number of ways." Sincere aspiration, even when not expressed in words, can evoke the Divine Grace. Champaklal's life is a

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shining example of this truth.

When he first arrived in Pondicherry in April 1921, for a "Darshan" of Sri Aurobindo, Champaklal had noted his experiences in his diary. He wrote a very affectionate letter to Sri Aurobindo soon after his return from Pondicherry in which he described his inner conflict and asked for his guidance. It is observed from his diaries (Gujarati) of 1922 that he had a great inclination towards God and he used to remain constantly aware of Him. He always reminded himself to be ever conscious and introspective. In one of his diaries he has stated: "What have you done about the practice of sadhana shown to you by Arvind- babuji? Free yourself, free yourself from pride and attachment, what a shallow life! Have you come for worldly enjoyment! What is your aim in life? Follow the straight path of faith. Never forget even for a moment the path shown to you by Arvindbabuji. You will never find a God so long as you do not have a keen desire to find Him. But, when will I find God? 0 God! Show mercy on me! Give me Thy refuge! Give me pure knowledge,, devotion and love."

Each man who enters the realms of yogic experience is free to follow his own way, but guidance from a guru is indispensable. The guru can show the path for the contact with the Divine. Champaklal has absolute trust in Divine Grace as reflected in his prayers and utterances.¹

1. These have been compiled and published in a book in Gujarati entitled "Prarthana and Udgaro" by Roshan & Apurva

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. These utterances spring from truthful experiences and total dedication. There is a constant flow of pure and true feelings of a devoted heart and a fragrance of Sat-Chit- Ananda.

Champaklal has seen many visions.² These visions are "like a glorious song of cosmic forces at work both in man and nature." About his 'Golden Vision' an enlightened devotee Amal Kiran has written, "It reveals the Mother in her full reality - not only the Universal Form of her but also the individual being.... What you saw shows not only the cosmic power set to greater use by her departure from the body. What you saw shows also how closely and organically the Universal and the Individual in her were related and how naturally they interplay."

Some of these visions reveal the cardinal principles of Sadhana that Champaklal has practised ail along with steadfastness and unceasing devotion. These values have permeated every cell of his being and manifested themselves in various forms in the visions.

Champaklal always believed that "A drop of practice is more than an ocean of knowledge." His life is a standing example of service to the Divine. One day he told the Mother: "Ail these years 1 have served as 1 wanted to serve; now 1 want to serve as you would want me to do." All day and night - many times missing his sleep - Champaklal used to do his work with meticulous care,

2. "Visions of Champaklal" compiled and edited by Roshan and Apurva.

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which earned him the Mother's grace who said: "Champaklal is very particular and careful about his work." The Mother was so satisfied with Champaklal that once She told him as follows:

"I am very much pleased with your work,

I like your faithfulness,

I like your sincerity,

I like your steadiness,

I like your regularity,

I like your courage."

Champaklal lives and breathes in the higher consciousness, the consciousness of Sri Aurobindo and the other and still he is with us with his simplicity and love. He is a perfect example of devotion, love, humility and service to the Divine. Our ardent prayer to the Divine Mother is for his long life rich with his devotion that would enlighten the paths of aspirants to a higher life.

Our humble salutations to Champaklalji

on his 89th birthday.

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