Mother or The Divine Materialism - I 451 pages 2003 Edition
English Translation
  Marie Pontacq
  Roger Harris


Recounts Mother's childhood experiences, her training in occultism with Max Théon, her meeting with Sri Aurobindo in 1914, and her work with him until 1950.

Mother or The Divine Materialism - I

  The Mother : Biographical


Recounts Mother's childhood experiences, her training in occultism with Max Théon, her meeting with Sri Aurobindo in 1914, and her work with him until 1950.

English translations of books by Satprem Mother or The Divine Materialism - I 451 pages 2003 Edition
English Translation
  Marie Pontacq
  Roger Harris
 The Mother : Biographical


Most of the quotations from MOTHER’S AGENDA have been considerably abridged, at times even composed of different extracts, otherwise several volumes would have been necessary. We indeed apologize for this to the future readers of the AGENDA, but they will have the joy of discovering for themselves the pure essence of these unabridged texts.

References to the works of Sri Aurobindo correspond to the original English of the Centenary Edition. The first number refers to the volume number.

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