Mother's Chronicles (Book 5) 588 pages


Follows Sri Aurobindo from his return to India till he left it all behind in 1910, after a decade of dangerous revolutionary action which awakened the country. But through it all something else was growing within him ; a greater task now awaited the Revolutionary.

Mother's Chronicles (Book 5)


  The Mother : Biography   Sri Aurobindo : Biography

Sujata Nahar
Sujata Nahar

Follows Sri Aurobindo from his return to India till he left it all behind in 1910, after a decade of dangerous revolutionary action which awakened the country. But through it all something else was growing within him ; a greater task now awaited the Revolutionary.

Mother's Chronicles (Book 5) 588 pages
 PDF     The Mother : Biography  Sri Aurobindo : Biography

Mother's Chronicles

Book Five: Mirra Meets the Revolutionary


1893, February 6 — Sri Aurobindo, returning from England, lands at Apollo Bunder, Bombay.

February 18 —Joins the Baroda State Service.

May 31 — Swami Vivekananda sails for America to attend the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in


August 7 — Sri Aurobindo publishes in the Induprakash the first of nine articles entitled 'New Lamps for Old' in which he criticizes the leaders of the Indian National Con- gress and their 'mendicant' policy.

November 16 -Annie Besant comes to India.

1894, April 8 — Bankim Chandra Chatterji passes away. In July- August, Sri Aurobindo writes a series of articles on him in the Induprakash.

1897 - Sri Aurobindo begins to teach at the Baroda College, as a lecturer in French; teaches English also the

following year.

January 15 — Swami Vivekananda lands at Colombo, and on his way north delivers many lectures throughout India.

1899, October — Beginning of the Boer War.

1900 — Max Planck lays the foundation of quantum physics.

— International Exposition in Paris.

-J.C. Bose demonstrates the basic unity of inorganic and living matter at the International Congress of Physicists; Swami Vivekananda is present.

— Zeppelin builds his first dirigible.

-In China, Sun-Yat-Sen founds the Socialist Revolutionary Party; Boxer rebellion in Peking.

- Sri Aurobindo makes first contacts with revolutionary

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groups in Maharashtra and Bengal.

1901 - Rabindranath Tagore founds his school at Santiniketan.

January 21 - Death of Queen Victoria; accession of King Edward VII

April 30 - Sri Aurobindo marries Mrinalini Bose.

September 9 — US President William McKinley is assassinated; he is succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt.

1902 — The Trans-Siberian railroad is completed.

- Powerful eruption of Mount Pelée in Martinique; 30,000 dead, town of St. Pierre annihilated.

— Beginning of the Sinn Fein organization.

— Sri Aurobindo begins organizing revolutionary action in Bengal.

July 4 — Swami Vivekananda passes away.

December -Sri Aurobindo meets Bal Gangadhar Tilak at the Ahmedabad session of the Indian National Congress.

1903, May-August — Sri Aurobindo accompanies the Gaekwad on his tour of Kashmir as his Private Secretary.

December 17 - First successful flight of a plane by the Wright brothers in the USA.

1904, February - Beginning of the Russo-Japanese war. The Japanese sink the Russian fleet at Port Arthur (now Lüshun).

August 3 — British forces under Younghusband, sent by Lord

Curzon, reach Lhasa in Tibet.

December - Sri Aurobindo attends the Bombay session of the Con-

gress. 1905 - Einstein sets forth the special theory of Relativity and postulates the existence of the photon.

- Sri Aurobindo writes Bhawani Mandir.

-Mother meets Max Theon.

January — Sri Aurobindo becomes Vice-Principal of the Baroda College.

January 22 -"Bloody Sunday" massacre in St. Petersburg: repression from the Czar against petitioners.

April 4 - Severe earthquake in Kangra (India); thousands dead.

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October 16 -The Partition of Bengal comes into force, giving rise to massive protests and the beginning of the Swadeshi movement.

October 17 - First message by wireless telegraphy across the Atlantic.

December — Sri Aurobindo attends the Benares session of the Congress.

1906 -Earthquake in Chile; 5,000 lives lost. — Earthquake in California, followed by great fires; hundreds of deaths.

March 11 — Sri Aurobindo attends the creation of the National Council of Education in Calcutta.

March 12 - Declaration of the Yugantar (Bengali weekly).

April 14 -Sri Aurobindo attends the Barisal Conference, then tours East Bengal with Bepin Chandra Pal.

June 19 - Sri Aurobindo leaves Baroda for good.

July 12 -In France, Dreyfus is cleared from all guilt twelve years after being convicted of treason, and reinstated to the Army.

August 6 - Declaration of the Bande Mataram (English daily).

August 15 -The Bengal National College opens in Calcutta, with Sri Aurobindo as its principal.

December — In Calcutta, the Indian Congress, presided over by Dadabhai Naoroji, declares Swaraj as its goal.

1907 -Powerful earthquakes in Jamaica and Turkestan.

—A. Lumiere invents colour photography.

May 9 — Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh are deported.

August 16 - Sri Aurobindo is arrested on a charge of sedition for articles published in the Bande Mataram; released on bail; after his acquittal in September, Sri Aurobindo becomes the leader of the Nationalist party in Bengal.

December 7-9 - Sri Aurobindo is the leader of the Nationalists at the Bengal Provincial Conference at Midnapore.

Dec. 26-27 -The Surat session of the Congress, which ends in a break-up; on the 28th, Sri Aurobindo presides over the conference of the Nationalists.

1908, January - Sri Aurobindo meets the Maharashtrian yogi Vishnu

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- Bhaskar Lele at Baroda.

May 2 — Sri Aurobindo is arrested in the Alipore Bomb Case.

He is defended by Chittaranjan Das.

June 30 — A large area at Tunguska in Siberia is devastated, supposedly by the falling piece of a comet.

July 22 — Tilak is sentenced to six years' transportation to

Burma for alleged seditious writings in the Kesari.

December 16 - Deportation of Ashwini Kumar Dutt, Krishna Kumar

Mitra, Satish Chatterjee, Subodh Mullick, Monoranjan Guha Thakurta, and four others.

December 28 — An earthquake followed by a tidal wave in Messina,

Sicily, leaves 160,000 victims.

1909 — Morley-Minto Reforms.

April 7 - American explorer Peary reaches the North Pole in his sixth attempt.

May 6 - Sri Aurobindo is acquitted in the Alipore Bomb Case.

May 30 — Gives his famous speech at Uttarpara.

June 19 — First issue of The Karmayogin (English weekly).

July 25 — French aviation pioneer Bleriot flies over the English Channel.

August 23 - First issue of the Dharma (Bengali weekly).

September - Sri Aurobindo is the leader of the Nationalists at the Bengal Provincial Conference at Hooghly.

1910, February — Halley's comet becomes visible to the naked eye; its perihelion is on April 20. It is preceded in January by the Great Daylight Comet.

mid-February — Sri Aurobindo abruptly leaves Calcutta for Chandernagore.

April 1 - Leaves for Pondicherry on board S.S. Dupleix.

April 4 - Sri Aurobindo arrives at Pondicherry.

— Charged in Calcutta with sedition for an article published in The Karmayogin; acquitted by the Calcutta High Court in November.

May 6 -Death of King Edward VII and accession of King George V.

1911 - British physicist Rutherford experimentally confirms

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the existence of the electron and sets forth the

'planetary model' of the atom.

October — In China, formation of the Kuo-min-tang by Sun-Yat-Sen; revolutionary movement against the Manchu dynasty.

December 12 -'Delhi Durbar' for the visit of King George V.

December 14 — Norwegian explorer Amundsen is the first to reach the South Pole.

1912 - Powerful earthquakes in Mexico and Turkey.

January 17 - British explorer Scott reaches the South Pole a month

after Amundsen, but perishes along with his companions on his way back.

February 2 -The Chinese Emperor abdicates; China becomes a Republic under Sun-Yat-Sen.

April 14 -The Titanic collides with an iceberg off Newfoundland and sinks; 1,517 victims.

October 10 -Outbreak of the Balkans War over Serbia.

December 23 — India's capital is transferred from Calcutta to Delhi.

1913 - Danish physicist Niels Bohr modifies Rutherford's model of the atom with the help of quantum mechanics.

December - Rabindranath Tagore receives the Nobel prize for literature.

1914, March 29 -Mother meets Sri Aurobindo.

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