Mother's Chronicles - Book One

  The Mother : Biography

Sujata Nahar
Sujata Nahar

Covers Mother's family background and childhood, including her many extraordinary experiences.

Mother's Chronicles - Book One
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Mother's Chronicles

Book One - Mirra


1830, December - MIRA PINTO, daughter of Said Pinto, is born in Cairo, Egypt. Mother's grandmother. She died in Nice and was cremated in Paris in 1909.

1843 -MIRA PINTO and MATTEO ISMALUN are married in Alexandria.

1843, July -MAURICE ALFASSA is born in Adrianople, Turkey. Mother's father. Died on September 13, 1918.

1857, December 18— MATHILDE ISMALUN is born in Alexandria. Mother's mother. Died in Paris, on December 9,1944.

1874,June 18-MATHILDE ISMALUN and MAURICE ALFASSA are married in Alexandria, Egypt.

1876, July 13- MATTEO ALFASSA is born in Alexandria. Mother's brother. Died in Blois, on August 12, 1942.

1877, April -The ALFASSA family arrive in France.

1878, February 21— MIRRA ALFASSA (MOTHER) is born at 41 Boulevard Haussmann. Birth registered at the

Town Hall of Paris' 9th arrondissement.

1878 to 1886 -The ALFASSA family lives at 62 Haussmann (Paris VIII). Mother spends the first eight years of her life in that house.

1886 to 1807 - The Alfassas shift to 3 Square du Roule. Mother lives there from the age of eight to nineteen.

1890, August 28 - MAURICE ALFASSA gets French naturalization.

1897, October 13-MIRRA ALFASSA and HENRI MORISSET get married.

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