Covers Mother's family background and childhood, including her many extraordinary experiences.
The Mother : Biography
Matter. What is the reality of Matter ?
What is the reality of Matter ?
"I was only a child,'' Mother narrated to us one day, "when I was told that everything is 'atoms' (that was the term used in those days). They said, 'You see this table? You think it's a table, that it's solid and it's wood-well, it is only atoms moving about.' I remember, the first time I was told that, it made a kind of revolution in my head, bringing such a feeling of the complete unreality of all appearances. All at once I said, 'But, if it's like that then nothing is true!
Mother was no more than fourteen or fifteen years old when she had that decisive experience.
This "revolution in my head" led Mother to the quest of Real Matter. For over eighty years she relentlessly hunted down the falsehood of appearances. And she found Real Matter, the supreme Reality hidden in the centre of the atom.
Before we embark with her on this hunt and this quest, let us cast a glance at her background, which will help us to better understand all that was to follow.
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Sujata Nahar
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