Tells the story of how Sri Aurobindo lived in Pondicherry as a refugee, evading British spies and schemes, but also the story of his tapasya 'of a brand of my own' – a systematic exploration which sought to build the foundations for a new life on this earth

Mother's Chronicles - Book Six

  The Mother : Biography

Sujata Nahar
Sujata Nahar

Tells the story of how Sri Aurobindo lived in Pondicherry as a refugee, evading British spies and schemes, but also the story of his tapasya 'of a brand of my own' – a systematic exploration which sought to build the foundations for a new life on this earth

Mother's Chronicles - Book Six
 PDF    LINK  The Mother : Biography

A Word with You, Please

Hello! Hello! Friends. Are you still there? My absence has been pretty long, hasn't it? But only a wink in time, no? This probably calls for an explanation. But knowing my readers, I don't think it's necessary. As you enter this story you will understand the reasons for the length of time taken over this book. The time span covered is only four years, but, oh my! What years they turned out to be! It's a secret for the moment and I wouldn't want it to be immediately noised abroad. I let each of you discover for yourself.

I must, however, divulge a few secrets.

Our friend, Patrice Marot, obtained for me a pile of documents regarding the erstwhile French India from the French government's archives. I have made good use of them. And shall continue in the next book also.

Nicole Elfi deserves a hearty thanks for the trouble she took as no trouble while computerizing my manuscripts.

As for Michel Danino I don't know what I would have done without his invaluable help always forthcoming to my hundred and one questions; apart from the task of editing this Book Six of Mother's Chronicles.

Help has also come from brothers Abhay, Nirmal and Noren, and sister Suprabha, for the out-of-the-blue questions I have the habit of putting.

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And why not tell you the material help extended by friends Magda and Werner Itin? The book would not have seen the light of day had not Werner given me a magical eye.

Actually what caused so much delay was a request from Sri Gobindo Gopal Mukhopadhyay, bolstered by Satprem. Imagine! They wanted me to delve into the beginnings of Sri Aurobindo's sadhana. I could not very well refuse them, could I? In spite of my inadequacies. So bowing to their wishes, I dived into the subject, since my ideas were vague, if not downright fuzzy. And, gosh! Did I come up with untold treasure! Here I present to you but a few of those priceless treasures. With the hope that at least some of you would go on to discover the trove.

Happy hunting! Enjoy yourself.

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