Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music
Le Monde se prépare a un grand changement. Voulez-vous aider? (Paroles de la Mère 3, p. 188)
The world is preparing for a big change. Will you help?
The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: New Year Messages
अभ्यवस्थाः प्रजायन्ते प्र वनेर्वविश्चिकेत । उपस्थे मातुर्वि चष्टे ॥१॥ जुहुरे वि चितयन्तोऽनिमिषं नृम्णं पान्ति । आ दूळ्हा पुरं विविशुः ।।२।। आ श्चैत्रेयस्य जन्तवो द्युमद् वर्धन्त कृष्टयः। निष्कग्रीवो बृहदुक्थ एना मध्वा न वाजयुः॥३॥
abhyavasthāḥ pra jāyante pra vavrervavriściketa, upasthe māturvi caṣṭe. 1 juhure vi citayanto'nimiṣaṁ nṛmṇaṁ pānti, ā dṛļhāṁ puraṁ viviśuḥ.2 ā śvaitreyasya jantavo dyumad vardhanta kṛṣṭayaḥ, niṣkagrīvo bṛhaduktha enā madhvā na vājayuḥ.3
State upon state is born, covering upon covering has become conscious and aware, in the lap of the mother he sees.
Awaking to an entire knowledge they have called and guard a sleepless strength, they have entered the strong fortified city.
Creatures born, men who people the earth have increased the luminosity of the son of the white mother; his neck wears the golden necklace, he has the utterance of the Vast, and with his honey-wine he is the seeker of the plenitude.
Rig Veda 5.19.1, 5.19.2, 5.19.3
Translation by Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire: Vavri
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