Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition


Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil

Sunil Bhattacharya
Sunil Bhattacharya

Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition

New Year Music 1980


त्वं नो अस्या उषसो व्युष्टौ त्वं सूर उदिते बोधि गोपाः ।
जन्मेब नित्यं तनयं जुषस्व स्तोमं मे अग्ने तन्वा सुजात ॥२॥
त्वं नृचक्षा वृषभानु पूर्वीः कृष्णास्वग्ने अरुषो वि भाहि ॥
वसो नेषि च पर्षि चात्यंहः कृधी नो राय उशिजो यविष्ठ ॥३॥
अषाळ्हो अग्ने वृषभो दिदीहि पुरो विश्वाः सौभगा संजिगीवान् ।
यज्ञस्य नेता प्रथमस्य पायोर्जातवेदो बृहतः सुप्रणीते ॥४॥

tvaṁ no asyā uṣaso vyuṣṭau tvaṁ sūra udite bodhi gopāḥ,
janmeva nityaṁ tanayaṁ juṣasva stomaṁ me agne tanvā sujāta.2
tvaṁ nṛcakṣā vṛṣabhānu pūrvīḥ kṛṣṇāsvagne aruṣo vi bhāhi,
vaso neṣi ca parṣi cātyaṁhaḥ kṛdhī no rāya uśijo yaviṣṭha.3
aṣāļho agne vṛṣabho didīhi puro viśvāḥ saubhagā sañjigīvān,
yajñasya netā prathamasya pāyorjātavedo bṛhataḥ supraṇīte. 4

Thou in the dawning of this dawn, thou when the Sun has arisen wake for us and be our protector. Take pleasure in the Son as if in an eternal birth. Accept my affirmation of thee, O Fire, perfectly born in thy body.

Thou art the male with the divine vision, in the wake of many dawns shine out luminous in the black nights, O Fire. O prince of the riches, lead and carry us over beyond the evil; O youthful god, make us aspirants for the treasure.

Shine out, O Fire, the invincible male, conquering all the cities, all the felicities; thou art the knower of the births, O perfect guide on the way, thou art the leader of the first, the Vast all-protecting sacrifice.

Rig Veda 3.15.2, 3.15.3, 3.15.4

Translation by Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire: Utkila Katya


Seigneur, remplis le cœur des délices de Ton amour.
Inonde les esprits des splendeurs de Ta lumière.
Permets que nous réalisions Ta victoire!
(Prières et Méditations, p. 195)

Lord! Fill our hearts with the delight of Thy love.
Flood our minds with the splendour of Thy light.
Grant that we may effectuate Thy Victory!

The Mother, Prayers and Meditations: June 19, 1914

भद्रं कर्णेभिः शृणुयाम।
भद्रं चक्षुर्भिरवलोकयाम।
भद्रं मनोभिश्चिन्तयाम।
भद्रं बाहुभिः साधयाम॥

bhadraṁ karṇebhiḥ śṛṇuyāma,
bhadraṁ cakṣurbhiravalokayāma,
bhadraṁ manobhiścintayāma,
bhadraṁ bāhubhiḥ sādhayāma.

OM! May we hear good and auspicious things with our ears.
May we see good and auspicious things with our eyes.
May we think good and auspicious things with our minds.
May we accomplish good and auspicious works with our arms.

(Source unknown)

ॐ रसो वै सः।

om raso vai saḥ.

... it is no other than the delight behind existence.

Taittiriya Upanishad: Brahmanandavalli 7

Translation by Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads: Taittiriya Upanishad

नमस्तेऽस्तु महारौद्रे महाघोरपराक्रमे।

namaste'stu mahāraudre mahāghoraparākrame.

Obeisance to Thee, O Goddess who art terrible and supremely valiant.

महाबले महोत्साहे महाभयविनाशिनि ।
त्राहि मां देवि दुष्प्रेक्ष्ये शत्रूणां भयवर्धिनि ॥१४॥

mahābale mahotsāhe mahābhayavināśini.
trāhi māṁ devi duṣprekṣye śatrūṇāṁ bhayavardhini, 14

Othou of great strength, of great zeal, Destroyer of immense fear, Increaser of fear in our enemies, Devi, quite difficult for our perception, protect me.

Devikavacham 14

Translation by Shankaranarayanan
Glory of the Divine Mother, p. 88

सर्वस्वरूपे सर्वेशे सर्वशक्तिसमन्विते ।
भयेभ्यस्त्राहि नो देवि दुर्गे देवि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥२४॥

sarvasvarūpe sarveśe sarvaśaktisamanvite,
bhayebhyastrāhi no devi durge devi namo'stu te. 24

O the form of all, the master of all, O thou accompanied by all the forces, Devi, protect us from fear. O Devi Durga, salutations be to thee.

Devimahatmyam 11.24

Translation by Shankaranarayanan
Glory of the Divine Mother, p. 254

ॐ यस्मिन् सर्वं यतः सर्वं यः सर्वं सर्वतश्च यः।
यश्च सर्वमयो नित्यः तस्मै सर्वात्मने नमः ॥८३॥

om yasmin sarvaṁ yataḥ sarvaṁ yaḥ sarvaṁ sarvataśca yaḥ,
yaśca sarvamayo nityaḥ tasmai sarvātmane namaḥ.83

Om! In whom all are, from whom all are, who is all and who is everywhere, who is full of everything and eternal, salutations to Him who is the Self of all.

Mahabharata Shantiparva 47.83

तामुपैहि शरणं परमेश्वरी
सर्वरूपमयी मीरा सर्वं मीरामयं जगत्॥

tāmupaihi śaraṇaṁ parameśvarīṁ
sarvarūpamayī mīrā sarvaṁ mīrāmayaṁ jagat.

Take refuge in that supreme Goddess. Mira who possesses all these forms. The whole universe is constituted of Mira (pervaded by Mira, nothing but Mira).

ॐ गुरुभ्यो नमः। ॐ देवेभ्यो नमः ।

om gurubhyo namaḥ, om devebhyo namaḥ,

Om! Salutations to Gurus. Om! Salutations to Gods.

ॐ मीरा श्रीमीरायै नमः।
स्मरेन्नित्यं मीरा मीरा अक्षरद्वयम् ।
मीरा श्रीमीरा श्रीमीरायै नमः॥

om mīrā śrīmīrāyai namaḥ,
smarennityaṁ mīrā mīrā akṣaradvayam,
mīrā śrīmīrā śrīmīrāyai namaḥ.

Om! Mira! Salutations to Sri Mira. One should remember Mira daily, the two sacred syllables Mira, Mira, Sri Mira, obeisance to Sri Mira.

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