Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition


Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil

Sunil Bhattacharya
Sunil Bhattacharya

Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition

New Year Music 1996



1996... C'est Toi qui vis en moi, Toi seul;...
(Prières et Meditations, p. 32)

It is Thou who livest in me, Thou alone;...

The Mother, Prayers and Meditations: August 17, 1913

ॐ सह नाववतु । सह नौ भुनक्तु । सह वीर्यं करवावहै।
तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु। मा विद्विषावहै ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

om saha nāvavatu, saha nau bhunaktu, saha vīryaṁ karavāvahai,
tejasvi nāvadhītamastu, mā vidviṣāvahai. om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ.

OM. Together may He protect us, together may He possess us, together may we make unto us strength and virility. May our study be full to us of light and power. May we never hate. OM. Peace! Peace! Peace!

Taittiriya Upanishad: Brahmanandavalli 1

Translation by Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads: Taittiriya Upanishad

देहि पदपल्लवमुदारम्॥

dehi padapallavamudāram.

Let me worship the leaves of thy lotus-feet that gives desired results.

नमः कमलनाभाय कमलापतये नमः॥५॥
नमः प्रणतपालाय श्रीकृष्णाय नमो नमः॥९॥
केशव क्लेशहरण नारायण जनार्दन।
गोविन्द परमानन्द मां समुद्धर माधव ॥१४॥

namaḥ kamalanābhāya kamalāpataye namaḥ.5
namaḥ praṇatapālāya śrīkṛṣṇāya namo namaḥ.9
keśava kleśaharaṇa nārāyaṇa janārdana,
govinda paramānanda māṁ samuddhara mādhava. 14

Salutations to the One Who has a Lotus on thy navel,
Salutations to the Lord of Kamala (Lakshmi).
Salutations to Sri Krishna the protector of the devotee,
Salutations to Kesava (Krishna), Narayana, Janardana, the reliever from sorrows,
Salutations to Govinda, the Supremely delightful Madhava deliver me.

Gopalapurvatapaniya Upanishad

जयतु जयतु देवो देवकीनन्दनोऽयं
जयतु जयतु कृष्णो वृष्णिवंशप्रदीपः।
जयतु जयतु मेघश्यामलः कोमलाङ्गो
जयतु जयतु पृथ्वीभारनाशो मुकुन्दः॥३॥
नाहं वन्दे तव चरणयोर्द्वन्द्वमद्वन्द्वहेतोः
कुम्भीपाकं गुरुमपि हरे नारकं नापनेतुम् ॥६॥

jayatu jayatu devo devakīnandano'yaṁ,
jayatu jayatu kṛṣṇo vṛṣṇivaṃśapradīpaḥ,
jayatu jayatu meghaśyāmalaḥ komalāṅgo,
jayatu jayatu pṛthvībhāranāśo mukundaḥ. 3
nāhaṁ vande tava caraṇayordvandvamadvandvahetoḥ,
kumbhīpākaṁ gurumapi hare nārakaṁ nāpanetum.6

Victory be to the Son of Devaki.
Victory be to Krishna, the glorifiers of the Vrishnies.
Victory be to Mukunda having a body that is soft and dark as the cloud,
The reliever from the burden of the World.
I do not worship Thy feet for relief from sorrows and miseries,
Nor for keeping away the frightful hell called Kumbhipaka,
O Hari.

Mukundamalastotram 3, 6

ॐ नमः प्रणतपालाय श्रीकृष्णाय नमो नमः॥९
ॐ नमो गोविन्दाय श्रीअरविन्दाय नमः।
ॐ नमो भगवते श्रीअरविन्दाय ॥

Om namaḥ praṇatapālāya śrīkṛṣṇāya namo namaḥ.9
om namo govindāya śrīaravindāya namaḥ,
om namo bhagavate ṣrīaravindāya.

Om. Salutations to the refuge of Devotees, Sri Krishna.
Om. Salutations to Govinda Sri Aurobindo.
Om. Salutations to the Divine
Sri Aurobindo
Gopalapurvatapaniya Upanishad
Srikrishnastuti 9

देहि पदपल्लवम्

dehi padapallavam

Let me worship the leaves of Thy lotus feet.

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