Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition


Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil

Sunil Bhattacharya
Sunil Bhattacharya

Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition

New Year Music 1998



...O Toi que je ne puis penser mais que je connais avec certitude!
(Prières et Meditations, p. 250)

...O Thou whom I cannot think, but whom with certitude I know!

The Mother, Prayers and Meditations: August 20, 1914

नमस्ते शरण्ये शिवे सानुकम्पे नमस्ते जगद्व्यापिके विश्वरूपे।१।
नमस्ते जगच्चिन्त्यमानस्वरूपे नमस्ते महायोगिनि ज्ञानरूपे॥२॥
नमस्ते जगद्वन्यपादारविन्दे नमस्ते जगत्तारिणि त्राहि दुर्गे।।
नमस्ते सदानन्दनन्दस्वरूपे नमस्ते जगत्तारिणि त्राहि दुर्गे ॥२॥

namaste śaraṇye śive sānukampe namaste jagdvyāpike viśvarūpe, 1
namaste jagaccintyamānasvarūpe namaste mahāyogini jñānarūpe, 2
namaste jagadvandyapādāravinde namaste jagattāriṇi trāhi durge. 1
namaste sadānandanandasvarūpe namaste jagattāriṇi trāhi durge. 2

O Protector, O Consort of Siva, O Compassionate, I bow to Thee.
O Pervader of the world, O Real Form of the world, I Bow to Thee.
The whole world worships Thy feet. I worship Thee.
O Deliverer of the World, I bow to Thee.
O Durga do deliver me.
The dexterity in creating reveals Thy Self,
O the Great Yogini, O the embodiment of Knowledge, I bow to Thee.
Thou art the Bliss of All Bliss. I bow to Thee.
O Deliverer of the World, I bow to Thee.
O Durga do deliver me.

Viswasara: Sridurgastavaraja 1, 2

हे चन्द्रचूड मदनान्तक शूलपाणे स्थाणो गिरीश गिरिजेश महेश शम्भो।
भूतेश भीतभयसूदन मामनाथं संसारदुःखगहनाज्जगदीश रक्ष ॥१॥
हे पार्वती-हृदयवल्लभ चन्द्रमौले भूताधिप प्रमथनाथ गिरीशजाप।
संसारदुःखगहनाजगदीश रक्ष ॥२॥

he candracūḍa madanāntaka śūlapāṇe
sthāṇo girīśa girijeśa maheśa śambho,
bhūteśa bhītabhayasūdana māmanāthaṁ
saṁsāraduḥkhagahanājjagadīśa rakṣa. 1
he pārvatīhṛdayavallabha candramaule
bhūtādhipa pramathanātha girīśajāpa,
saṁsāraduḥkhagahanājjagadīśa rakṣa. 2

O Thou Whose crown is the moon, the Destroyer of Madana (the lord of passion), the Holder of Javelin, who is motionless, Who lies on the peak of the Mountain, the Consort of the daughter of the Mountain, Parvati, O Siva, O Sambhu, O lord of all beings, the Reliever of fear of the frightened, My Lord, the Lord of the World, deliver me from the deep forest called the world.

O the Dear of the heart of Parvati (daughter of the Mountain), Wearing the moon as His Crown, the Lord of living beings and the Lord of the Dead, O Lord of the World, deliver me.

Sivanamabalyashtakam 1, 2

ॐ नमो भगवते शिवाय श्रीअरविन्दाय
ॐ नमो भगवते आदित्याय
ॐ नमो भगवते शिवाय श्रीअरविन्दाय
ॐ नमो भगवते शिवाय श्रीअरविन्दाय

om namo bhagavate śivāya śrīaravindāya
om namo bhagavate ādityāya
om namo bhagavate śivāya śrīaravindāya
om namo bhagavate śivāya śrīaravindāya

Om. Salutations to the Divine Auspicious One, Sri Aurobindo
Om. Salutations to the Divine Sun.
Om. Salutations to the Divine Auspicious One, Sri Aurobindo
Om. Salutations to the Divine Auspicious One, Sri Aurobindo

अनन्तगिरिगिरीश जगन्निवास त्वमक्षरं नमोऽस्तु ते।
सर्वदेहसङ्गमं सुखदं सुभगं भवसारम् ॥

anantagirigirīśa jagannivāsa tvamakṣaraṁ namo'stu te
sarvadehasaṅgamaṁ sukhadaṁ subhagaṁ bhavasāram.

Thou, who art indestructible, O Lord of the Infinite Mountains, Inhabiter of the World, One in body with All, the Giver of Happiness, the Divine Grace, the Essence of the World, I bow to Thee.

(Source unknown)

आनन्द ममि तमामधि सत्यमपि परम

Om anandamaji chaitanyemaye satyamazi param

Sri Aurobindo

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