Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition


Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil

Sunil Bhattacharya
Sunil Bhattacharya

Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition

The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Eight, Canto III


यामस्तोत् स्वपिते हरौ कमलजो हन्तुं मधु कैटभम्।
नीलाश्मद्युतिमास्यपाददशकां सेवे महाकालिकाम्।

yāmastaut svapite harau kamalajo hantuṁ madhuṁ kaiṭabham,
nīlāśmadyutimāsyapādadaśakāṁ seve mahākālikām.

Devi Mahatmyam – Mahakalidhyanam

Who shines like a blue stone and has ten feet and whom the lotus-born Brahma lauded in order to slay Madhu and Kaitava when Hari was asleep, I worship that Mahākālikā.

(Translation by Shankaranarayanan)
Glory of the Divine Mother, p. 133.

सेवे महातारिका कोमलाङ्गि देवि दुर्गे॥
ॐ श्रीनारायणि नीलावगुण्ठे॥
ॐ नमो देवि दुर्गे॥
ॐ श्रीनारायणि नीलावगुण्ठे॥

seve mahātārikāṁ komalāṅgi devi durge.
om śrī nārāyaṇi nīlāvaguṇṭhe.
om namo devi durge.
om śrī nārāyaṇi nīlāvaguṇṭhe.

I worship that Mahatarika, the graceful-tenderlimbed Devi Durga.

OM. Sri Narayani veiled in blue.
OM. I bow to Devi Durga.
OM. Sri Narayani veiled in blue.

(Source unknown)

अक्षस्त्रक्परशुं गदेषुकुलिशं पद्मं धनुः कुण्डिका
दण्ड शक्तिमसिं च चर्म जलजं घाण्टां सुराभाजनम्।
शूलं पाशसुदर्शने च दधतीं हस्तैः प्रवालप्रभा
सेवे सैरिभमर्दिनीमिह महालक्ष्मी सरोजस्थिताम् ॥

akṣasrakparaśuṁ gadeṣukuliśaṁ padmaṁ dhanuḥ kuṇḍikāṁ
daṇḍaṁ śaktimasiṁ ca carma jalajaṁ ghaṇṭāṁ surābhājanam,
śūlaṁ pāśasudarśane ca dadhatīṁ hastaīḥ pravālaprabhāṁ
seve sairibhamardinīmiha mahālakṣmīṁ sarojasthitām.

Devi mahatamyam – Mahalakshmidhyanam

Wielding in Her hands the string of beads, battle axe, mace, arrow, thunderbolt, lotus, bow, water-pot, cudgel, lance, sword, shield, conch, bell, wine-cup, trident, noose and the discus Sudarsana, She has a complexion of coral and is seated on a lotus. I worship here that Mahalaxmi, the vanquisher of asura, Mahisha.

(Translation by Shankaranarayanan)
Glory of the Divine Mother, p.153.

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