Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition


Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil

Sunil Bhattacharya
Sunil Bhattacharya

Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition

The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Six, Canto I


भयादस्याग्निस्तपति भयात्तपति सूर्यः ।
भयादिन्द्रश्च वायुश्च मृत्युर्धावति पञ्चमः॥३॥
नैव वाचा न मनसा प्राप्तुं शक्यो न चक्षुषा ।
अस्तीति ब्रुवतोऽन्यत्र कथं तदुपलभ्यते॥१२॥

bhayādasyāgnistapati bhayāt tapati sūryaḥ
bhayādindraśca vāyuśca mṛtyurdhāvati pañcamaḥ, 3
naiva vācā na manasā prāptuṁ śakyo na cakṣuṇā
astīti bruvato'nyatra kathaṁ tadupalabhyate. 12

Kathopanisad 2.3.3, 12

For fear of Him the Fire burns: for fear of Him the Sun gives heat: for fear of Him Indra and Vayu and Death hasten in their courses. (3)

Not with the mind has man the power to get God, no, nor through speech, nor by the eye. Unless one says “He is” how can one become sensible of Him? (12)

(Translation by Sri Aurobindo)

ॐ केयूरवान् कनककुण्डलवान् किरीटी हिरण्मयवपुर्धतशङ्खचक्रः॥
ॐ विष्णवे नमः।
ॐ नौमि नित्यं नारायणं हरिम् ॥
वन्दे वरदं वन्दे नारायणम्॥

om keyūravān kanakakuṇḍalavān kirīṭī hiraṇmaya-vapurdhṛtaśaṅkhacakraḥ.
om viṣṇave namaḥ,
om naumi nityaṁ nārāyaṇaṁ harim.
vande varadaṁ vande nārāyaṇam.

Vishnu dhyanam

OM. Obeisance to Vishnu, adorned with bracelets and golden ear-rings and a crown, the golden-bodied One, bearer of a conch and a discus. Obeisance to the Eternal Narayana-Hari. I bow down to Narayana, the giver of boons.

नीलतोयदमध्यस्था विद्युल्लेखेव भास्वरा ।
नीवारशुकवत्तन्वी पीता भास्वत्यणूपमा ॥११॥
तस्याः शिखाया मध्ये परमात्मा व्यवस्थितः।
स ब्रह्मा स शिवः स हरिः सेन्द्रः सोऽक्षरः परमः स्वराट् ॥१२॥

nīlatoyadamadhyasthā vidyullekheva bhāsvarā,
nīvāraśukavattanvī pītā bhāsvatyaṇūpamā. 11
tasyāḥ śikhāyā madhye paramātmā vyavasthitaḥ,
sa brahmā sa śivaḥ sa hariḥ sendraḥ so'kṣaraḥ paramaḥ svarāṭ. 12

Taittiriyaranyaka — Narayanasuktam 11, 12

Brilliant like the radiant range of lightning in between the rain-clouds and thin and fair like the golden-yellow flower-spike of paddy grain, bright and subtle as an atom, in that flame is seated the Supreme Self. He is Brahma, He is Shiva, He is Hari, He is Indra, He is the Immutable, the Supreme, the Master himself.

ॐ लोकनाथः त्रिलोकेशः कौस्तुभाभरणः हरिः।
श्रीकृष्णः शरणं मम ॥
पीताम्बरः नीलवर्णः श्रीवत्सपदभूषितः ।
श्रीकृष्णः शरणं मम॥
वासुदेवः हृषीकेशः माधवः मधुसूदनः।
श्रीकृष्णः शरणं मम॥
हरिः ॐ तत् सत्।

om lokanāthaḥ trilokeśaḥ kaustubhābharaṇaḥ hariḥ,
śrīkṛṣṇaḥ śaraṇaṁ mama.
pītāmbaraḥ nīlavarṇaḥ śrīvatsapadabhūṣitaḥ,
śrīkṛṣṇaḥ śaraṇaṁ mama,
vāsudevaḥ hṛṣikeśaḥ mādhavaḥ madhusūdanaḥ,
śrīkṛṣṇaḥ śaraṇaṁ mama.
hariḥ om tat sat.

(Source unknown)

Lord of the Universe, Master of all the three worlds, Lord Hari, adorned by the gem kaustabha, Lord Krishna is verily my refuge.

Garbed in yellow, blue-hued, embellished with the mark of Srivatsa, Lord Krishna is verily my refuge.

Vasudeva, Hrishikesha, Madhava, Madhusudana, Lord Krishna is verily my refuge.

Hari Om That Truth.

(Source unknown)

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