Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition


Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil

Sunil Bhattacharya
Sunil Bhattacharya

Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition

The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto X


शिशुं न त्वा जेन्यं वर्धयन्ती माता बिभर्ति सचनस्यमाना।
धनोरधि प्रवता यासि हर्यञ्जिगीषसे पशुरिवावसृष्टः॥ ॥३॥
कूचिज्जायते सनयासु नव्यो वने तस्थौ पलितो धूमकेतुः।
अस्नातापो वृषभो न प्रवेति सचेतसो यं प्रणयन्त मर्ताः॥ ॥५॥

śiśum na tvā jenyaṁ vardhayantī mātā bibharti sacanasyamānā,
dhanoradhi pravatā yāsi haryañjigīṣase paśurivāvaṣṛṣṭaḥ. 3
kūcijjāyate sanayāsu navyo vane tasthau palito dhūmaketuḥ,
asnātāpo vṛṣabho na pra veti sacetaso yaṁ praṇayanta martāḥ. 5

Rig Veda 10.4.3, 5

The mother bears thee like an infant child clinging cherishingly to thee, increasing thee to be a conqueror; headlong down over the dry land he goes rejoicing, he is fain to go like an animal let loose. (3)

Anywhere he is born new in eternal wombs; he stands in the forest hoary-old with smoke for his banner: a bull unbathed he journeys to the waters and mortals who are conscious lead him on his way. (5)

(Translation by Sri Aurobindo)

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