

Recollections by Vishwajit Talukdar of his contact with The Mother & life in the Ashram


Vishwajit Talukdar
Vishwajit Talukdar

Recollections by Vishwajit Talukdar of his contact with The Mother & life in the Ashram


My early days in the Ashram

I spent two days and nights in Pranab-da’s room. Pranab-da’s mother showered her affection on me and cooked various delicacies for me. I was accommodated in another place after this period.

On the second day, I had a fever at night. The high fever was accompanied with a splitting headache - the agony was unbearable. I was restless in agony. I had no desire for food. I wanted to drink water but was unable to. At that moment, Pranab-da arrived. He said I was being tested by Sri Ma. I asked him the reason for Sri Ma’s test. Eventually the night passed. When morning came, the fever, the headache and the agony just melted away. I did not have any fever after that. After taking a bath, I went upstairs to Sri Ma. Sri Ma gave me a mala.


Assistant to Pranab

I was given the job of assisting Pranab-da. He spent most of his time in the service of Sri Ma...


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