

Recollections by Vishwajit Talukdar of his contact with The Mother & life in the Ashram


Vishwajit Talukdar
Vishwajit Talukdar

Recollections by Vishwajit Talukdar of his contact with The Mother & life in the Ashram


The Mother on Vishwajit

Conversation of 24.Jun.1961 - Mother's Agenda  

.... These things are very interesting. They must form part of the work I have come on earth to do. Because even before encountering Theon, before knowing anything, I had experiences at night, certain types of activities looking after people who were leaving their bodies—and with a knowledge of the process; I didn't know what I was doing nor did I seek to know, yet I knew exactly what had to be done and I did it. I was around twenty.

As soon as I came upon Theon's teaching (even before meeting him personally), and read and understood all kinds of things which I hadn't known before, I began to work quite systematically. Every night, at the same hour, I was working to construct—between the purely terrestrial atmosphere and the psychic atmosphere—a path of protection across the vital, so that people wouldn't have to pass through it (for those who are conscious but without knowledge it's a very difficult passage—infernal.) I was preparing this path, doing this work (it must have been around 1903 or 1904, I don't remember exactly) for months and months and months. All sorts of extraordinary things happened during that time—extraordinary. I could tell long stories....

Then, when I went to Tlemcen, I told Madame Theon about it. 'Yes,' she told me, 'it is part of the work you have come on earth to do. Everyone with even a slightly awakened psychic being who can see your Light will go to your Light at the moment of dying, no matter where they die, and you will help them to pass through.' And this work is constant. Constant. It has given me a considerable number of experiences concerning what happens to people when they leave their bodies. I've had all sorts of experiences, all kinds of examples—it's really very interesting.

Lately it has increased, become more precise.

There is a boy here, Vishwajit, who is especially interested in what happens at the moment of death (this seems to be one reason why he has reincarnated). He's a conscious boy, a remarkable clairvoyant, and he has a power. And we have had (how to put it?) some quite interesting correlations of experiences concerning people who pass away here. Extremely interesting and extraordinarily precise: he sends word to me, I reply, and at night when the disincarnated person comes he says, 'Mother has done this and says to do that,' and the person does it. And we don't need to speak—such precision!

This happens in sleep?

He might do this work in sleep, or sometimes in meditation, or in a kind of trance he enters into—it depends on the case.

I will give you a concrete example, then you'll understand. When Indra B. was killed, I had to gather up all his states of being and activities, which had been dispersed by the violence of the accident2—it was terrible, he was in a dreadful state of dispersion. For two or two and a half days the doctors fought in the hope of reviving him, but it was impossible. During those two days I gathered up all his consciousness, all of it; I collected it over his body, to the point where, when it had come and formed itself there, such vitality, such life was coming back into his body that after some hours the doctors believed he would be saved. But it couldn't last (it wasn't possible—a part of the brain had come out). Well, when not only his soul but his mental being, his vital being, and all the rest had been properly collected and organized over his body and had realized that the body had become quite unusable, it was over—they gave up the body and it was over.

I was keeping Indra B. near me because I already had the idea of putting him immediately back into another body—his soul was not satisfied, it had not finished its experience (there was a whole combination of circumstances) and it wanted to continue to live on earth. Then, that night, his inner being went to find Vishwajit, lamenting, saying he was dead and hadn't wanted to die, that he had lost his body and wanted to continue to live. Vishwajit was very perplexed. He let me know about it in the morning: 'Here's what has happened.' I sent word to him of what I was doing, that I was keeping Indra B. in my atmosphere and that he should stay very calm and not get excited, for I was going to put him back into a body as soon as possible—I already had something in view. The same evening Indra B. again went to find Vishwajit, with the same complaint. Vishwajit told him very clearly, 'Here is what Mother says, here is what she is going to do; come now, be calm and don't torment yourself.' And he saw in Indra B.'s face that he had understood (the inner being was taking on Indra B.'s physical appearance, naturally); his face relaxed, he became content.

He went away and he never came back. That is, he stayed tranquilly with me, until I was able to put him into C'.s child.

This correlation in the work is very interesting because it has quite practical effects—Vishwajit was able to communicate exactly what I had to say to Indra B., and Indra B. understood better through him than through me directly (because I do the work, but don't have time to deal with all the details, to tell each individual what to do).

I was telling you the other day how vexing it is that we are all on different planes all the time, but on that particular plane it works very well with this boy—on this one point, this tiny, precise point concerning the moment of leaving the body. We can do interesting work this way....

  Mother's Agenda > 24.Jun.1961

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