

Recollections by Vishwajit Talukdar of his contact with The Mother & life in the Ashram


Vishwajit Talukdar
Vishwajit Talukdar

Recollections by Vishwajit Talukdar of his contact with The Mother & life in the Ashram


The Occult

Some events have taken place in my life which defy explanation. I realised that these events gave a certain meaning to my life. I would have dreams at night which were more real than waking reality. Hence I would not get rest at night.This also affected my exercise routine. Sometimes I had to forego my exercise.These dreams were strange and would chase me even during the daytime. People who were no longer alive would come to me seeking help. They wanted to be liberated through Sri Ma's grace.

My deceased father

I have spoken to Sri Ma about this. She would do the needful for them. One such case was my father's. He had passed away a long time ago. He would come to me night after night and speak of many things, most of which I was unaware of, since I had left home at a young age. Once I wrote a letter to my brother with some intricate details. He was amazed and asked me how I had got this information. I shared with him where beings go after dying and what happens to them. I also revealed to him that this information was given to me by our father.

Once my father said, "I will have to be in this plane for a long time. Only you can request Sri Ma to help me get across." The next day I met Sri Ma and told her everything. She wanted to know everything about my father. After quite some time, my father came to me and said, "I am free now". I never saw him again after this.

The wicked 'tantrik'

The 'tantrik', with whom I had a close association during my younger days, suddenly appeared in my dream one night. I had kept no contact with him ever since I left Berhampore. In the dream, he demanded, "Come with me to the himalayas". I refused but he insisted on taking me by force. My whole body was as if turned to stone. I could not move. I was struggling to free myself. Something from inside prompted me to take refuge in Sri Ma. My faith in Sri Ma was still not strong enough. But out of fear, I cried out, "Ma, Ma".

I saw that the 'tantrik' had lifted the mosquito-net and was calling me. Suddenly he left the room. I looked and found that the door downstairs was open.

Behari babu was my neighbour. The next morning he asked me, "Who were you talking with last night?" I narrated my dream to him. Then I narrated it to Dada as well. Dada went and informed Sri Ma. Sri Ma spoke about the matter with Sri Aurobindo.

I then came to know that the 'tantrik' had died. He had made a grave mistake. Later on the same 'tantrik' appeared in my dream and said,"I am begging Sri Ma. I want to be freed". Sri Ma did the needful.

I felt as if this was my life's mission - to be of assistance to such beings.


There was a young boy in the Ashram. He was a good boy. He had gone on an outing with his brother and met with an accident. He was knocked over by a 'lorry'. Although he survived, his condition was not good. His name was Indra. He appeared in my dream on the second day and said that it would not be possible to return to his body. He wanted Sri Ma to make some arrangement for him. I informed Mother. After listening to my words, Sri Ma taught me something and asked me to practise it diligently every night without a break. I followed her instructions and practised it every night before going to bed for many days. Meanwhile, Mother asked me, "Have you seen anything?" I replied, "No, nothing as yet". Mother said, "Continue the practice as per my earlier instructions"

I followed Mother's command and continued as before. One day, Indra came to me and said, "Please implore Sri Ma on my behalf". The next day, when I informed Mother, She was very happy and said, "You have done something remarkable".

Also read The Mother's reference to this incident

Occult work given by Mother

After this incident, Mother gave me similar work and said, "Practise sincerely every night. You have to complete this work." Mother's command was clear and inviolable. I carried out the instructions diligently.

After a couple of days, I had the next visitor - a muni. I recognised him and asked, "What do you want?" He wanted to be reborn and sought Sri Ma's help. He had come to me with this purpose.

Gradually the matter became clear to me. The next day, I went to Mother and said, "I have started having these kinds of dreams." Mother said,"This is what I had wanted. It is very good that you have developed this ability. But do not tell anyone else about it."

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