A General Note on Sri Aurobindo's Political Life > Pg. 51
Desher Katha was published in June 1904. It sold ten thousand copies in four editions within the year. The fifth edition came out in 1905. The government of Bengal banned the book in 1910 and confiscated all the copies.
Beginnings of the Revolutionary Movement > Footnote on Pg. 71
Sakharam Ganesh Deuskar (1869-1912) was a Marathi Brahmin who had settled in Bengal. Sakharam was born in Deoghar. He studied in the Deoghar School and later became a teacher there. He was Barin's teacher of History.
Also read:
Mother's Chronicles Book 5 > The King and the Taxpayer where Sujata Nahar has acknowledged the usage of content from 'Desher Katha'.
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