
Volume 2

Vasishtha Ganapati Muni
Vasishtha Ganapati Muni

स्तोत्रग्रन्थमाला - द्वितीयः खण्डः (stotragranthamaalaa Part 2) - The Book of Adoration Part 2

वासिष्ठकाव्यकण्ठगणपतिमुनेः ग्रन्थमाला स्तोत्रग्रन्थमाला - द्वितीयः खण्डः Editors:
  K. Natesan
  Sampadananda Mishra
170 pages

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Table of Contents

2.1devī stotra manjarīVerses in praise of Goddess Uma (118 verses)
2.2sri tripura sundari gītamSinging praise of Goddess Tripurasundari (18 verses)
2.3amrta ambā pancaratnam"Verses in praise of Amritamba - the consort of Narasimha, (5 verses)"
2.4soundarya ambā nirvāna shatkamVerses on the liberation of Saunda-ryamba - the mother of Sri RamanaMaharshi (6 verses)
2.5renukasatkamVerses on Renuka - the mother of Parasurama (6 verses)
2.6renukāsaptakamVerses in praise of Goddess Renuka (7 verses)
2.7indranīsaptasatīVerses in praise of Goddess Indrani - the consort of the Vedic godhead Indra (700 verses)
2.8pracandacandī-trisatīVerses in praise of Chinnamasta - one of the ten cosmic powers of the Divine Mother (300 verses)
2.9mangalagaurī-stotramBenedictory verses in praise of Goddess Gauri (8 verses)

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