सूत्रग्रन्थमाला 1 (sutragranthamaala 1) - The Book of Aphorisms (Part 1)


Volume 5

Vasishtha Ganapati Muni
Vasishtha Ganapati Muni

सूत्रग्रन्थमाला 1 (sutragranthamaala 1) - The Book of Aphorisms (Part 1)

वासिष्ठकाव्यकण्ठगणपतिमुनेः ग्रन्थमाला सूत्रग्रन्थमाला (1) Editors:
  K. Natesan
  Sampadananda Mishra
368 pages

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Table of Contents

5.1mahaavidyaasuutramOn the ten cosmic powers of the Divine Mother (705 aphorisms)
5.2raajayogasaarasuutramEssence of Rajayoga (103 aphorisms)
5.3indresvaraa bhedasuutramProclamation of the non-difference between Indra and Ishwara (37 aphorisms)
5.4caturvyuuhasuutramFour main aspects of the Indra of the Rigveda (162 aphorisms)
5.5rudrakutumbasuutramDescription of the family of Rudra (42 aphorisms)
5.6srstisuutramOn Creation (33 aphorisms)
5.7iisvaramiimaamsaaDescription of the true nature of Ishwara (65 aphorisms)
5.8kriyaasaktimimaamsaaOn the Divine power of action (24 aphorisms)
5.9siddhaantasaarasuutramThe essence of decisive truth principle (42 aphorisms)
5.10maniisaasangrahahA manual of spiritual science (120 aphorisms)
5.11atha saantitapobodhaanaam phalaniruupanam"Determining the fruits of peace, austerity and knowledge (9 aphorisms)"
5.12gaayatriivyaakhyaanamExplanation of the Gayatri Mantra of Rishi Vishwamitra (48 aphorisms)
5.13yogavydkhydnamOn Yoga (48 aphorisms)
5.14sTtdvydkhydnamOn Sita - the consort of Sri Rama (51 aphorisms)
5.15krsnavyaakhyaanamOn Sri Krishna (75 aphorisms)
5.16tattvasaamaanyamimaamsaaA brief enquiry intolhe principles of existence (20 aphorisms)
5.17tatvamiimaamsaThe principles of existence (245 aphorisms)
5.18pramaanapanksaa"Explaining Pramana, a means to attain Prama or a certain Knowledge (50 aphorisms)"
Explaining Samavaya or me perpetual co-inherence that lies between a substance audits qualities (14 aphorisms)
5.20abhaavapariiksd"Explaining Abhava or non-existence, one of the six pramanas of the Vedanta philosophy (40 aphorisms)"
5.21pancajanacarcaaOn untouchability (89 aphorisms)
5.22gotrapravaranimayahDetermination of the family sub-divisions (200 aphorisms)
5.23vivaahadharmasuutramOn Hindu laws and custom of marriage (151 aphorisms)
5.24sabdapramaanacarcaaAn enquiry into the authority of Vedas( 166 aphorisms)
5.25jaimimyatarkavaartikamA new interpretation of the aphorisms of Jaimini (348 aphorisms)
5.26pancamamiimaamsaaOn five kinds of people (130 aphorisms)
5.27darsanamalaaOn Metaphysics (121 aphorisms)
5.28ganapatidarsanamSpiritual thoughts of GanapatiMuni (95 aphorisms)
5.29saktidarsanamOn the dynamic aspect of the Divine (109 aphorisms)
5.30saamraajya nibandhanamA new constitution for India (560 aphorisms)

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