सूत्रग्रन्थमाला 2 (sutragranthamaala 2) - The Book of Aphorisms (Part 2)


Volume 6

Vasishtha Ganapati Muni
Vasishtha Ganapati Muni

सूत्रग्रन्थमाला 2 (sutragranthamaala 2) - The Book of Aphorisms (Part 2)

वासिष्ठकाव्यकण्ठगणपतिमुनेः ग्रन्थमाला सूत्रग्रन्थमाला (2) Editors:
  K. Natesan
  Sampadananda Mishra
257 pages

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Table of Contents

6.1-16 visvamīmāmsā An encyclopedic work on all aspects of the Hindu religion (1640 aphorisms)
6.17 tattvānusāsanasūtrāni Instructions on the principles of existence (18 aphorisms)
6.18-26 dharmānusāsanam Instructions on Dharma (839 aphorisms)
6.27-28 devatāmīmāmsā On Vedic deties (162 aphorisms)
6.29 vāsisthadarsanam Doctrine of Ganapati Muni (45 aphorisms)
6.30 sarvārthadarsanam On the doctrine of direct perception (77 aphorisms)
6.31 ādisāstrdthasūtram On the first hymn of the Rigveda (70 aphorisms)
6.32 vāsisthakāma sutrāni On sexual love as understood by Ganapati Muni (89 aphorisms)
6.33 mahāvārtikam On sexual love as understood by Ganapati Muni (89 aphorisms)

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