भाष्यग्रन्थमाला (bhasyagranthamala) - The Book of Commentaries


Volume 7

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Table of Contents

7.1mūlagranthaprasamsāA tribute to Rigveda
7.2nutanabhāsyakaranāvasara kathanamNessecity for a fresh and new interpretation of the Rigveda
7.3-5ṛgvedabhāśyam Introduction to a commentary on the Rigveda
7.6ādivedamīmāmsāOn the Rigveda
7.7ṛgvedavimarśīRigveda - an introduction
7.8ṛgvedamantrabhāśyamExplanation of some of the hymns of the 1st, 2nd and 7th mandala of Rigveda
7.9visvamīmāmsāprathamamaksara prakaranamOn word-meaning relationship
7.10devatākāndedvītiyam prakaranamSecond chapter on Vedic godheads
7.11aindrasahasranāmabhāśyamCommentary on thousand names of Indra
7.12jaiminiyasutrabhāśyamCommentary on the aphorisms of Jaimini
7.13īsopanisadbhāśyamCommentary on Ishopanishad
7.14upadesasārabhāśyamCommentary on Upadeshasara of Sri Ramana Maharshi
7.15gurumantrabhāśyamCommentary on Gurumantra
7.16agniḥ catsro vibhūtayaḥFour Emanations of Agni
7.17daivarāta-darsanam anvayabhāshyamCommentary on the doctrine of Daivarata, a disciple of Sri Ganapati Muni
7.18mātrtattva prakāshikāA Sanskrit rendering of two of Sri Aurobindo's The Mother
7.19shārīrakamīmāmsā-tippanīA note on sutra-bhashya of Adi Sankara
7.20vaidikashabdānām arthāḥMeanings of Vedic Words

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