आयुर्वेदज्योतिषग्रन्थमाला (Ayurvedajyotisagranthamala) - The Book of Ayurveda and Astrology


Volume 8

Vasishtha Ganapati Muni
Vasishtha Ganapati Muni

आयुर्वेदज्योतिषग्रन्थमाला (Ayurvedajyotisagranthamala) - The Book of Ayurveda and Astrology

वासिष्ठकाव्यकण्ठगणपतिमुनेः ग्रन्थमाला आयुर्वेदज्योतिषग्रन्थमाला Editors:
  K. Natesan
  Sampadananda Mishra
105 pages

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Table of Contents

8.1cikitsānusāsanamInstructions on medical
8.2prānatosanamA treatise on the maintenance of a healthy life (108 verses)
8.3horānimayasangrahaḥA treatise on Astrology (81 verses)
8.4sodasaslokīMerits and demerits of the planetary positions (16 verses)
8.5tribhāvaphalacandrikā"A work on Keraliya Astrology dealing with Ayu - life-span, Kalatra - wife, Putra - son (89 verses)"
8.6ganakakanthābharanamOn movements of the planets

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