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Abdulla Pacha : probably Abdullah Pasha (1846–1937) also known as Abdullah Kölemen, an Ottoman general in the First Balkan War (q.v.), notable as the Ottoman commander in the Battle of Kirk Kilisse in 1912, the Battle of Lule Burgas (q.v.), & the Battle of Adrianople (1913) in which the Ottoman forces were defeated by the Bulgarians. “Abdullah Pasha’s battered army”, reported M.H. Donohue of Daily Chronicle from Tchataldcha (see Chatalja), “retreated from Lule-Burgas until it could retreat no further. The Government had mustered what raw levies it could, & sent them to hold the roads converging on San Stefano & Stamboul. Happily for Abdullah Pasha’s troops the exhausted Bulgarians did not press their pursuit from Tehorla with their early vigour. The road from Tehorla to Tchataldcha was a quagmire in which many Turkish guns were abandoned Most of the fugitives were frost bitten, wind blistered, & starving. In the last train from Tchorlu, the women & children were packed so closely that many of them were asphyxiated. The majority of the correspondents with the Turks lost their baggage in the stampede, & suffered great hardships.” Abdulla Pasha was Minister of War of the Ottoman Empire between 11 November & 19 December 1918 in the cabinet of Ahmet Tewfik Pasha.

1 result/s found for Abdulla Pacha

... containing the chief Young Turks and, if possible, others determined to hold out, should come in. Today this Aishwarya has been in substance fulfilled. The situation is felt to be full of dangers (Abdulla Pacha, the Powers, Russia, lack of money, possible defeat,) but also there are possibilities if the Aishwarya can prevail (sympathy of Triple Alliance, at least Austria & Germany, Page 216 ...

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