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Admetus : king of the Pherae in Thessaly & husband of Alcestes (q.v.), whom Apollo when he was banished from Olympus, served as a shepherd.

5 result/s found for Admetus

... In the Greek story of Admetus and Alcestis (the theme of Euripides' Alcestis), the wife dies so that the husband may live. Although Admetus' father and mother both decline to die in his place, his wife Alcestis agrees to make the sacrifice.         Yet Alcestis is no Savitri, and Admetus no Satyavan. Alcestis is a simple woman who accepts death as a duty, while Admetus is merely petulant and ...


... In the Greek story of Admetus and Alcestis (the theme of Euripides' Alcestis), the wife dies so that the husband may live. Although Admetus' father and mother both decline to die in his place, his wife Alcestis agrees to make the sacrifice.         Yet Alcestis is no Savitri, and Admetus no Satyavan. Alcestis is a simple woman who accepts death as a duty, while Admetus is merely petulant and ...


... of the foe and her spear-shafts hastened before her, Messengers whistling shrilly to Death; he came like a wolfhound Called by his master's voice and silently fell on the quarry. Hyrtamus fell, Admetus was wounded, Charmidas slaughtered; Cirrhes died, though he faced not the blow while he hastened to shelter. Itylus, bright and beautiful, went down to night and to Hades. Back, ever back the Hellenes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... learning from Yama the secret of death. 6 In some mythical accounts this restoration to life has been conditional and partial; thus Alcestis 7 sacrifices her life so that her husband Admetus may be spared from the jaws of death; immortal Pollux 8 spends half his time in Hades in order that his twin Castor who was dead might return to life; Ruru 9 sacrifices half of the life-span allotted ...

... Astyoches and Ucalegon, dateless Pallachus, Aetor, Aspetus who of the secrets divine knew all and was silent, Ascanus, Iliones, Alcesiphron, Orus, Aretes.... 96 Hyrtamus fell, Admetus was wounded, Charmidas slaughtered; Cirrhes died, though he faced not the blow while he hastened to shelter. Itylus, bright and beautiful, went down to night and to Hades. 97 As ...