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Agra : city on the river Yamuna or Jamunā, best known as the site of Taj Mahal. It was conquered in the first battle of Pāṇīpat 21 Apr.1526 by Babur who killed Ibrahim Lodi the ruler of Delhi & his governors Daulat Khan & Ālām Khan who dominated Punjab, & became the first Mogul Emperor of Hindustan. By the time he died his kingdom extended from Afghanistan to Bengal & from the foot of the Himalayas to Gwalior. His son Humāyūn lost all this empire but his grandson Akbar regained it all in the 2nd Battle of Pāṇīpat on 5 Nov.1556 by killing Hīmū the native Hindu slave general-minister of the Afghan king Ādil Shah Sur after a chance arrow struck & incapacitated Hīmū. Agra, one of the chief jewels of the Mogul empire, is best known for the Taj Mahal built by Akbar’s son Shah Jahan.

32 result/s found for Agra

... Karmayogin An Extraordinary Prohibition Pandit Bhoje Dutt of Agra has been in our midst for some time, and none had hitherto imagined that he was a political agitator or his preachings dangerous to the public peace. We all knew him as secretary of the Suddhi Samaj, a religious body having for its object the re-admission of converts from Hinduism into... a liberty at all. It runs:— "Whereas it has been made to appear to me by evidence adduced before me that Pandit Bhoje Dutt, political agitator and Editor of the vernacular paper 'Musafir Arya', Agra, has arrived in Calcutta and intends to lecture in the Albert Hall in Calcutta this evening at 8 p.m. on the subject of 'Musulman logonke barkhilaf' i.e . against the interests of Mahomedans:— "And ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... came to know the history and the lore of the valorous Rajputs. Then on to Delhi and its sights. TajMahal beckoned; Page 29 in Agra she spent the last day of 1908, and saw the child 1909 enter the arena of the world. After Agra she went to Gwalior, to Kanpur, and on to the sacred city of Benares where Vishwanath, the Lord of the Universe, resides. If you die there you go straight ...

... with wrath, Wrinkling his fierce hard eyes, the Malsure: "What ponders then the hero? Such a man Of men, he needs not like us petty swords A force behind him, but alone will hold All Rajasthan and Agra and Cabool From rise to set." And Baji answered him: Page 297 "Tanaji Malsure, not in this living net Of flesh and nerve, nor in the flickering mind Is a man's manhood seated. God within... Hushed and deliberate. Far in the van, Tall and large-limbed, a formidable array, The Pathan infantry; a chosen force, Lower in crest, strong-framed, the Rajputs marched; The chivalry of Agra led the rear. Then Baji first broke silence, "Lo, the surge! That was but spray of death we first repelled. Chosen of Shivaji, Bhavani's swords, For you the gods prepare. We die indeed, But let... shout, the cry Of guns, the hiss of bullets filled the air, And murderous strife heaped up the scanty space, Rajput and strong Mahratta breathing hard In desperate battle. But far off the hosts Of Agra stood arrested, confident, Waiting the end. Far otherwise it came Than they expected. For, as in the front The Rathore stood on the disputed verge And ever threw fresh strength into the scale With ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Five 54 The Karmayogin Sukumar Mitra had gone to Agra to see if he could do something for his father, Krishna Kumar Mitra, held a prisoner in the Agra Fort from December 1908. So he was not at home to welcome his cousin when he was released from Alipore Jail. Upon his return he found his Auro-dada at home in N°6... there was no lack of that I He met a lot of visitors. Young men also came regularly in groups to meet him. Basanti Chakravarty, Sukumar's sister, recounts an anecdote or two. Father was in jail in Agra. Mother, always sickly, became very sick with worry. Their doctor, Dr. Col. U.N. Mukherji, Surendranath's son-in-law, advised Lilabati to have a daily bath in the Ganges. Somebody always went with her ...

... the daytime it is only a shade less hot than Baroda, except when it has been raining. The Maharaja will probably be leaving here on the 24ᵗʰ,—if there has been rain at Baroda,—but as he will stop at Agra, Mathura & Mhow, he will not reach Baroda till the beginning of July. I shall probably be going separately & may also reach on the 1ṣṭ of July. If you like, you might go there a little before & put ...


... When we speak of the rivers, mountains and cities of our country, we have in mind not only the present, not at all. What we speak of is a history of five thousand years. When we speak of Delhi and Agra, does not the image of Delhi as it was during Emperor Akbar's time stand before your mind's eye? That is why, in speaking of the nation, we should recall the great achievements of our ancestors; then ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Numismatic Society, XI, p. 50. 7.Mookerji, Hindu Civilization, II p. 340, fn. 2. Page 425 Their neighbours the Ārjunāyanas who "have been assigned to the region lying west of Agra and Mathura about the Bharatpur and Alwar States of Rājputana" 1 may have been, according to some scholars, 2 the Agalassoi who fought Alexander after the submission of the Sibae (Sivis) near the ...


...   Here is another passage, from the narrative poem, Baji Prabhou:         Clamorous, exultant blared       The Southron trumpets, but with stricken hearts       The swords of Agra back recoiled; fatal       Upon their serried unprotected mass       In hundreds from the verge the bullets rained,       And in a quick disordered stream, appalled,       The Mogul ...


... stand dreaming of the past glory: Ayodhya of Rama of the Raghus, Mathura and Vrindaban of Krishna, Sarnath of Buddha, Allahabad where Ganga the daughter of Himavan meets Yamuna the daughter of the Sun, Agra with its Tajmahal like a teardrop on the cheeks of Time. And here lies its brightest jewel, Benares, where Shiva the Godhead reigns as Vishwanath, the Lord of the Universe. This land gave us: ...

... signatories to the appeal for funds for the university centre were: S. Radhakrishnan, K. M. Munshi, R. R. Diwakar, Tan Yun-Shan, Nandalal Bose, Hare- krishna Mahtab. Vice-chancellers of the Universities of Agra, Allahabad, Bombay, Gujrat etc. Publication of Parts Two and Three of Sri Aurobindo's epic Savitri. Most of Part Three were dictated by him at a stretch in 1950. 1953 December ...

... profound hatred for the foreign government; with the result that he did not hesitate to take full part in the movement of 1905-10 —a participation which the government cut short by imprisoning him in the Agra fort from December 1908 to February 1910. Afterwards, K. K. Mitra continued to support the Congress but he did not believe in the non-cooperation movement of NL K. Gandhi. Another political leader who ...

... men against twelve thousand Moguls. The metre is, in the truest sense of the epithet, the heroic blank verse, breathing in every line the dauntless ardour of the protagonists—the angry impatience of Agra to put an opportune end to Shivaji's intolerable career and the grim resolution of the Mahrattas to thwart and foil the Moguls to the last. The language is full-winded and noble, with a staccato rapidity... Wrinkling his fierce hard eyes, the Malsurè : "What ponders then the hero? Such a man Of men, he needs not like us petty swords A force behind him, but alone will hold All Rajasthan and Agra and Cabool From rise to set." To this taunt Baji replies in one of the most nobly thrilling passages in epic literature: "Tanaji Malsurè, not in this living net Of flesh and nerve ...


... remorseless particularity, with the suspense mounting moment by moment. The Pathan infantry, "a formidable array"; the "hero sons" of Rajasthan who are the "playmate of death"; the chivalrous sons of Agra - they all come, one horde after another, with the stem determination to force the pass, regardless of expense; and in the result - ...the fatal gorge Filled with the clamour of the ... continue to fight with fanatic courage and desperate determination against "Agra's chivalry glancing with gold"; and Maratha mountaineers prove ultimately more than a match for the city-dwellers of Agra: So fought they for a while; then suddenly y Upon the Prabhou all the Goddess came. Loud like a lion hungry on the hills He shouted, and his stature seemed to increase Striding ...

... the armour of the warrior seated on the right, of the flickering lines of the pillar on the left are inherited from an intellectual ancestry whose daily vision was accustomed to the rich decoration of Agra and Fatehpur Sikri or to the fullness and crowded detail which informed the massive work of the old Vedantic artists and builders, Hindu, Jain and Buddhist. Another peculiarity is the fixity and stillness ...


... India it is we girls who have the right of choice. NIRMOL He will not listen. These Scythians stick to their customs as if it were their skin; they will even wear their sheepskins in midsummer in Agra. COMOL Then, Nirmol, we will show you to him for the Princess Comol Cumary and marry you off into the mountains. Would you not love to be the Queen of Cashmere? NIRMOL I would not greatly ...


... ion of policy and the wise men said,—The people of Bengal are easily cowed down, and we will try whether force cannot do what patience has failed to do. When Sir Bampfylde Fuller met Lord Curzon at Agra, this was the policy agreed on between them—to hammer the Bengalis into quietude. But Sir Bampfylde Fuller has gone and the movement remains. Hare too will go, and many will go, but the movement will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... strength,—without sacrifice there can be no growth. It is not in vain that Aswini Kumar has been taken from his people. It is not in vain that Krishna Kumar Mitra has been taken from us and is rotting in Agra Jail. It is not in vain that all Maharashtra mourns for Tilak at Mandalay. It is He, not any other, who has taken them and His ways are not the ways of men, but He is all-wise. He knows better than ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... general affirmation which we know as pure Atman, Self of itself, not yet of things, where nothing is yet differentiated and even Chit and Ananda are involved inmere featureless existence. Asad va idam agra asit, tatah sad ajayata. Atman is featureless, unconnected, inactive, alakshanam avyavaharyam akriyam. It must be featureless in order to contain all possible feature; it must be unconnected with the ...


... Rishis are the flame-powers of Agni and the Bhrigus the solar powers of Surya. × For state we have agra , first, top and Greek agan , excessively; for feeling, Greek agapē , love, and possibly Sanskrit aṅganā , a woman; for movement and action several words in Sanskrit and in Greek and Latin. ...


... while the same cannot be said for luxury and over-abundance. Most often, the things which are of no use to men are also those which cause them harm. In the reign of the famous Akbar, there lived at Agra a Jain saint named Banarasi Das. The Emperor summoned the saint to his palace and told him: "Ask of me what you will, and because of your holy life, your wish shall be satisfied." "Parabrahman ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... exponents of educated native thought in Bengal they might claim a consideration to which their numerical strength would hardly entitle them. Then, there were the representatives of Lahore, Lucknow, Agra, Allahabad Benares, each representing Political Associations collectively of very widespread influence. Besides these representatives, who would take an actual part in the proceedings, he rejoiced to ...

... accept me as an inmate. So I had to leave. Now, what was I to do next? I decided to start off straight along the Grand Trunk Road, the road of the Mughals, which they say would take one as far as Agra and Delhi. So, on to the march now, never to return. I could very well repeat the words of the poet, Page 385 "Thou hast found a shelter for everyone, O Shankara, O Lord of the ...

... sentences commuted into transportation for life. After his release, Sri Aurobindo put up at the office of Sanjivani, the organ edited by his uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, who was at that time in Agra jail. The political atmosphere of the country was bleak and forlorn. Most of the leaders were either in jail or away from India. There was discontent seething underground, but the surface was deceptively ...

... daytime it is only a shade less hot than Baroda except when it has been raining. The Maharaja will probably be leaving here on the 24th, - if there has been rain at Baroda, but as he will stop at Agra, 30 30. A town in the United Provinces, famous for the Tajmahal. Page 34 Sri Aurobindo with his wife Mrinalini Devi at Nainital, 1901 Mathura 31 ...

... daytime it is only a shade less hot than Baroda except when it has been raining. The Maharaja will probably be leaving here on the 24th,– if there has been rain at Baroda, but as he will stop at Agra, Mathura and Mhow he will not reach Baroda before the beginning of July. I shall probably be going separately and may also reach on the 1st of July. If you like, you might go there a little before ...


... has brought me safe through it. Aurobindo Ghose 6, College Square, May 14, 1909¹ After his acquittal Sri Aurobindo remained with Krishna Kumar Mitra's family. Mitra himself was in jail in Agra. Sri Aurobindo's aunt had become very weak, so the doctor advised her to bathe in the Ganges. Generally somebody accompanied her to the Ganges. The old lady sometimes went up to Sri Aurobindo when he ...


... Saturdays or Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 24 January. Interview of Dilip Kumar Roy with Sri Aurobindo. 30 January. The evening sitting was resumed. 31 January. A letter from Kirparam of Agra: reference to the Radhaswami Sampradaya, description of his experiences, request for guidance. A letter to Veiji Thakersi Shah of Bidada, Cutch. February (beginning). Surajmal Lallubhai Zaveri and ...


... no growth. It is not in vain that Aswini Kumar Dutt has been taken from his people.   Page 342 It is not in vain that Krishna Kumar Mitra* has been taken from us and is rotting in Agra jail. It is not in vain that all Maharashtra mourns for Tilak at Mandalay. It is He, not any other, who has taken them and his ways are not the ways of men... . 20 Great as Aswini Kumar Dutt ...

... All sorts of Indian technology were objects of curiosity to the Europeans. How Indians extracted juice from sugar cane. How they built their houses ... The engineering skill of those who built the Agra bridge over the Yamuna river far surpassed a bridge built at 1 An interesting definition from the Oxford Illustrated Dictionary of the adjective "Jesuitical": (2.) Having character ascribed ...

... India at the height of the Nationalist Movement. During his father's incarceration Sukumar had written to several English friends including the above two, describing the plight of his father in the Agra jail. K.K. Mitra, along with eight others, among whom were Subodh Mullick, Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, and Aswini Kumar Dutt, had been deported or held without trial for months and months, from December ...

... protesting against such searches. Need we add the amount of pressure that they exerted on the Secretary of State for India? Those were the letters Sukumar had written during his father's incarceration in Agra Jail to men like Ramsay MacDonald, Keir Hardy, Sir Henry Cotton and others, and the replies he had received from them. "For Page 67 the first time, no doubt under pressure from British ...

... shade less hot than Baroda except when it has been raining. The Maharaja will probably be leaving here Page 120 on the 24 th ,—if there has been rain at Baroda, but as he will stop at Agra, Mathura and Mhow he will not reach Baroda before the beginning of July. I shall probably be going separately and may also reach on the 1 st of July. If you like, you might go there a little before ...