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Aiyar, V.V.S. : Varahaneri Venkatesa Subramanya Iyer (1881-1925), an authority on Kamban & Valluvar, he was a successful writer considered the originator the short story format in Tamil. He lived in Pondicherry between 1910 & 1920.

11 result/s found for Aiyar, V.V.S.

... there in February and stayed four or five days. "At this time," he says, "Vanchi Aiyar came to see me at Pondicherry in connection with the publication of my books. He stayed there three or four days; every day he used to go and see V.V.S. Aiyar. I also met V.V.S. Aiyar at this time. I did not go with Vanchi Aiyar. V.V.S. Aiyar advocated violence and assassination to free the country. I asked him what his... when I saw V.V.S. Aiyar. V.V.S. Aiyar's idea was that Europeans in India should be assassinated, that the country had been quiet too long. He said many nationalists were working for India in America, England, France and Switzerland." At another place he explains that he was asked to go and see V.V.S. Aiyar by two young men of Pondicherry named Nagaswami Aiyar and Balu alias Balkrishna Aiyar; the former... travel about in the company of Sankara Krishna Aiyar, the youth who was with Vanchi Aiyar at the time of the murder, and that he had met Vanchi Aiyar himself frequently. The most important part of his statement was that relating to Pondicherry. He said he was there for fifteen days at the end of November, 1910, and the beginning of December, and that V.V.S. Aiyar came there at that time, but he did not see ...

... On The Mother INDEX Abdul Baha 40ff, 50 A.B. Patel 573, 686 Agastya, Rishi 133 Aiyar, V.V.S. 85, 132 Alfassa, Mathilde 3-4, 833 Alfassa, Matteo 132, 833 Alfassa, Maurice 3, 833 Alfassa, Mirra see MOTHER, THE Amal Kiran (K.D. Sethna) 86-7, 244, 253, 261, 264-5, 287, 290, 296-7, 319, 321, 325, 327-9, 341, 354, 358, 372, 387, 402,488,495, 504, 549-50... 296-7, 321, 325, 328-9, 362, 372, 433, 478, 494, 496, 558, 578, 678, 690-1, 732, 734, 780 Plato 315 Poincaré, President Raymond 132 Pondicherry 46-7, 89-90, 534, 571-2, 595, 756 Ponnuswami Aiyar, A.R. 353 Pournaprema (Francoise Morisset) 477 Poushpa Dass 745 Prabartak Sangha 200, 205, 213-4 Prabhat Sanyal, Dr 200, 491-5, 507, 817-8, 820 Pranab Bhattacharya 435, 437, 465, 549, 580, 652 ...


... one or by twos and threes and went home. I kept on waiting, not knowing what to do. As soon as the guests left, Iyengar came and told me that three big persons, namely, Bharati, Srinivasachari, V.V.S. Aiyar, would see Sri Aurobindo to pay their respects to him. If I could wait till they left, there would only be the inmates of the house, five or six, alone with Sri Aurobindo. He had a mind to take... fell upon me. Now and then, however, the British Secret Police would persuade the French postal authorities or their subordinates, and procure letters addressed to Sri Aurobindo or those coming to V.V.S. Aiyar from Europe, open them and after scrutiny seal them back before handing them over to the postal authorities. At least a strong rumour was current then to this effect. ... less than a minute, I wavered in mind and replied, “When the inmates are there.” “If so, you must wait for some time,” said Iyengar and left. I had to wait till 8 p.m. Bharati, Srinivasachari and Aiyar, at the time of going out of Sri Aurobindo’s house, looked closely at me with a view to recognise me. They did not expect me there so late. They at once doubted and wondered if I had become an inmate ...

... Subramania Siva, Nagaswami Aiyar and V.V.S. Aiyar (the last a close friend of the Maharashtrian revolutionary, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar). The stooge in this matter was Mayuresan, a French Indian, and the "documents" were placed in a tin box and dropped into the well in V.V.S. Aiyar's house. Accidentally the maid-servant caught up the tin box in her bucket while drawing water. Aiyar and Bharati took counsel... Nolini to minister to his needs, and to receive the bounty of his love and instruction and silent guidance. There were the other political exiles and revolutionaries - Bharati, Srinivasachariar, V.V.S. Aiyar - who had frequent contacts with Sri Aurobindo with whom they made a seminal world within the bleak world of Pondicherry, at once a source of irritation and menace to the British authorities in ...

... a professional spy by the name of Mayuresan who worked hand in glove with the CID. By that time many Tamil revolutionaries had taken refuge in Pondicherry and a prominent figure among them was V.V.S. Aiyar who was close to Srinivasachari and also well known to Sri Aurobindo. Mayuresan got hold of some seditious pamphlets etc. and forged other documents such as letters and plans. He also produced some... indicate that the swadeshi revolutionaries were involved with the Tamils in what appeared to be large-scale subversive activities. He then packed these in a tin which was dropped into the well at V.V.S. Aiyar's house. Having planted the 'evidence', Mayuresan now went to the French authorities and lodged an official complaint that the revolutionaries were engaged in carefully planned and extremely dangerous... the revolutionaries be searched, particularly those of Aiyar and Sri Aurobindo. Unfortunately for Mayuresan, however, before the French police could take any action, the tin was discovered by Aiyar's maidservant — she had gone to the well to draw water and the tin had come up with the bucket! She ran to her master with the find and when Aiyar saw the contents he at once consulted Srinivasachari and ...

... information, they would just fabricate the news.’ 3 The British tried their best to make the French extradite Aurobindo Ghose. Incriminating false documents were hidden in a well in the house of V.V.S. Aiyar, but they were found by a maidservant. A police spy was smuggled into Aurobindo’s house as attendant of an invalid guest. Rumors were afloat that Aurobindo would be kidnapped, and his young associates ...

... Younger than all these, Amrita (Aravamudachari) who was yet a school-boy came under Sri Aurobindo's spell and had his first darshan on 15 August 1913 in the Mission Street house. After Bharati, V.V.S. Aiyar and Srinivasachariar had left having received Sri Aurobindo's birthday blessings, Amrita was called in to make his obeisance. Recalling the event, Amrita wrote many years later: Sri Aurobindo's... evenings. He read the Hindu in the mornings, met special visitors before lunch, wrote or typed out his articles for the Arya whenever he could find time, received Bharati, Srinivasachariar and V.V.S. Aiyar in the evenings, and had dinner usually at nine.* He seldom moved out of his house, but on special occasions - a marriage or baptism in a friend's house, the opening of the "Aryan Stores" - he made... only to realise the Divine and attain to a complete spiritual consciousness, but also to take all life and all world activity into the scope of this spiritual consciousness * When Bharati, Aiyar and Srinivasachariar met Sri Aurobindo in the evenings, there would be no sense of time, for talk was free. "In Bharati's speech there was the aggressiveness of the smell of jasmine. Sri Aurobindo's ...

... topmost cultural circle of France were coming to Sri Aurobindo for practising yoga". There was understandable excitement among the young disciples as also the revolutionaries (Subramania Bharati, V.V.S. Aiyar, Srinivasachariar, and others) who too had found political asylum in Pondicherry. Page 85 VII On 29 March 1914, the very day they arrived in Pondicherry from France Mirra ...

... of the sadhana; and Thought raced through "spirit immensities" - "past the orange skies of the mystic mind" - to be one with the "vasts of God". 10 There were visitors in the evening. Bharati, V.V.S. Aiyar, Srinivasachariar; there were readings in the Veda; there were the younger men, Nolini, Bejoy, Moni, Va Ra, Saurin, Amrita, who were in attendance whenever necessary; there were occasional visitors... Bengal or in India. There were visitors, and there were interviews, and there were discussions and there was also some significant action, as yet nameless, on the occult planes. Advocate S. Doraiswami Aiyar from Madras, W. W. Pearson from Shantiniketan, Dr. Moonje from Nagpur, Colonel Wedgewood from Britain, and Saraladevi Chaudhurani from Calcutta were among the more important visitors at this time, and ...

... upon me. Now and then, however, the British Secret Police would persuade the French postal authorities or their subordinates, and procure letters addressed to Sri Aurobindo or those coming to V.V.S. Aiyar from Europe, open them and after scrutiny seal them back before handing them over to the postal authorities. At least a strong rumour was current then to this effect (7) Sri ... one or by twos and threes and went home. I kept on waiting, not knowing what to do. As soon as the guests left, Iyengar came and told me that three big persons, namely, Bharati, Srinivasachari, V.V.S. Ayer, would see Sri Aurobindo to pay their respects to him. If I could wait till they left, there would only be the inmates of the house, five or six, alone with Sri Aurobindo. He had a mind to ...

... became a whole-time mission or vocation; and there was the danger of disruption of family life, and the possibility of persecution and incarceration. Revolutionaries like Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, V.V.S. Aiyar and Jatindranath Mukherji (Bagha Jatin), of course, ran even greater dangers. When the fight for independence became a mass movement the women could hardly keep (or be kept) out. In South Africa... and spiritual poise - Tilak * The Nationalist contingent from Madras was quite strong and included V.O. Chidambaram Pillai, V. Chakkarai Chetti, Subramania Bharati the poet and S. Doraiswami Aiyar. Page 269 the lawyer, the mathematician, the man of intellect and erudition, of incisive logic and imperturbable equanimity: these were the master-minding duumvirate of the Nationalist ...