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Amaravati Amraoti : ‘city of immortals’. Amravati is derived from Um(b)rāvati the corrupted form of Udumbrāvati the Sanskrit name given after the city’s ancient temple consecrated to Goddess Amba Situated 340m above sea-level, it is located on the banks of the River Krishna. In 2nd century, it became the capital of the Śatavāhana dynasty & grew into a renowned centre of Hindu & Buddhist culture. A purely indigenous school of art, architecture & sculpture developed here which may have preceded the Mathura & Gāndhāra schools but is free from all trace of Greek influence. Between 1880 & 1920, the district was a stronghold of the Nationalist leaders G.S. Khaparde, R.N. Mudholkar, Moropant Joshi, & P.P. Jog. On 28th January 1908, after the Surat Congress, Sri Aurobindo came to Amraoti from Dhulia & Akola as a guest of Dadasaheb Khaparde; at 5:40 p.m. he left in Dadasaheb’s Victoria carriage followed by a procession of 4,000 people, reached Indra Bhavan Theatre at 7 p.m. where he addressed an assembly of about 3000 on Swadeshi, Swaraj & National Education. Next day, he explained the national song Bande Mataram at Jog’s Square (see Navakishan), later by Virgil & Ovid. Spenser, in his “Colin Clouts come home again” used the name to signify Alice, a daughter of Sir John Spencer of Althorpe. Milton used the name in Lycidas.

12 result/s found for Amaravati Amraoti

... reminiscent amusement as he spoke, "was sitting Moropant Joshi. Deshmukh was by his side. Joshi was all along gaping at me." At 6 in the evening the train chugged away from Nagpur. Then it stopped at Amraoti, the home town of Khaparde. Here Page 405 too a big reception party led by him waited with garlands in hand and cries of 'Bande Mataram' on its lips. Here again Sri Aurobindo made... For this shy, frail young man was the Harbinger of the creed of Nationalism. His inspiring speech produced a deep and lasting impression. A single example should suffice, so here is a report from Amraoti: "The manner in which he treated of love and devotion was exceedingly touching and the audience sat before him like dumb statues, not knowing where they were or whether they were listening to a prophet ...

... to Monoranjan Guha, Giridih:] CELEBRATE DEMONSTRATION NINTH. HELP PURSE PERSONALLY ALSO FRIENDS. WIRE AMOUNT. [6] [Telegram from Ghose, Harrison Road, Calcutta, to G. S. Khaparde, Amraoti:] JOIN DEMONSTRATION NINTH THROUGHOUT BERAR. HELP PURSE. WIRE AMOUNT. Page 169 [7] [Telegram from Ghose, Calcutta, to Balgangadhar Tilak, Poona:] PLEASE JOIN DEMONSTRATION ...

... myself brought up short by the sweepingly positive but hardly judicial and certainly not judicious statement that "the Deccan like the North was inspired by the Greek and Roman arts and the marbles of Amaravati can be compared to the sculptures of Gandhara". The plain fact is that whatever outside influences there may or may not have been in India as elsewhere, even the earliest work shows a characteristic ...

... Within the short period of its existence it has done more to awaken Nationalistic and patriotic aspirations than any other known power of agency...." From a public meeting of the Swadeshi Manda at Amraoti: "The several speakers dwelt upon the rare attainments, the sage-like career and the exemplary character of Babu Aurobindo Ghose whose [vigorous] writings have gained him an abiding name in the j ...

... nation's Congress? The farce is almost over. The falsity of their pretensions has been shown up signally. The Convention will not dare again to meet in the Punjab; it will not come to Bengal; Nagpur, Amraoti and the Maharashtra are barred to it; and if the attendance from Madrasis any sign, it will not be easy for it to command a following or an audience again in the Southern Presidency. What remains to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... and wrote about it. After the Surat Congress, Sri Aurobindo had to give lectures wherever he went. On Wednesday 29 January 1908 he delivered one in the Grand Square of the National School, at Amraoti, in Berar. The meeting had commenced with the singing of Bande Mataram. He made it the subject of his speech. We quote a little from a summary printed in the newspaper Bande Mataram. "The song, he ...

... voices") against British rule. And it has a depth of spiritual suggestion which the exegesis he is reported to have offered in a speech delivered in 1908 in the grand square of the National School of Amraoti lays bare excellently. In the light of that explanation it stands out also as essentially Aurobindonian, representative of the philosophic and mystic vision growing in him at the time. Not only is ...

... unfolding scheme both artistically and philosophically satisfying, a three-stepped progression which, in a speech delivered at the end of January 1908 in the grand square of the National School of Amraoti, Sri Aurobindo is reported to have explained. As with the individual, so with the nation, there are three sheaths or bodies - the gross or outer, the subtle or inner, the causal or higher. The first ...

... later writings and speeches came from a higher source above the mind; All his movements began to be guided by the Divine. On his way to Calcutta, spoke in Poona, Nasik, Dhulia, Amraoti on the inner significance of Indian Nationalism. April 3o: Unsuccessful attempt on the life of Kingsford in Muzaffarpur by Khudiram Basu and Prafulla Chaki. ...

... come. Lele then told Sri Aurobindo that there was no further need for instructions; he could henceforth rely on the Guru within, and be guided by the inner Voice. From Bombay to Nasik, Dhulia, Amraoti, Nagpur - centres of Maharashtrian culture which Tilak had persuaded Sri Aurobindo to visit - and everywhere a spontaneous welcome, and everywhere a memorable speech or two. On the 24th January... Shivaji, inspired by the gospel of Tukaram and Ramdas, led the country to freedom? That miracle could be re-enacted once more. On the 26th at Dhulia, the subject being Swadeshi and Boycott. At Amraoti on the 29th, the meeting commenced with the singing of "Bande Mataram", and Sri Aurobindo spoke on the history and significance of the song. The mantra was no poetic concoction of Bankim Chandra's... nation was infinitely more important than the body or its apparent life-currents. It needed a Yogi and a Rishi to see this soul-truth about India and embody it in the mantra "Bande Mataram". From Amraoti to Nagpur, where Sri Aurobindo delivered three lectures, on "The Policy of the Nationalist Party", "The Work Before Us" and "Commercial Swaraj and Educational Swaraj" on 30 and 31 January and 1 ...

... experience, 275,322,362, 371,388-9, 572; at Poona, 276; on Ramamurti's feats, 276, 300-01; speech at National Union, 277ff; Nationalism a Religion, 277; on Revolutions, 279, 301; at Nasik, Dhulia, Amraoti, Nagpur, 280; on ahimsa, 283ff, 533; two-pronged plan of campaign, 284; recruiting revolutionaries, 285; disapproval of mere terrorism, 287-8, 298fn; burden of multiple responsibility, 290; with ...

... mysteries of life...." 139 From Amraoti Sri Aurobindo went to Nagpur, and delivered three lectures there. The subject of the first lecture, 138. He deals with this subject in his book . The Human Cycle and we have already referred to it before. 139. Speeches of Sri Aurobindo. Page 260 Sri Aurobindo at Amraoti, 1908 delivered on the... been able to get any authentic record of it. From Nasik Sri Aurobindo went to Dhulia and addressed there a meeting on the 25th on the subject of Swadeshi and Boycott. From Dhulia he went to Amraoti (Berar), where he spoke at the Grand Square of the National School on 29th. The meeting commenced with the singing of the Bande Mataram. He said that Bande Mataram was not only a national anthem ...