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Antariksha Antariksham : the Mid-Region, between Heaven & Earth; the plane of the Gāndharvas, Apsarās, & Yakshas.
... has to be held in man as the god in the creature born who reflects in him the godhead and knows all his births. 2) अपां सधस्थे. Sy. सहस्थाने—the place where the waters are together = the antariksha. सधस्थे = place of session & is used in the sense of world. This सधस्थ is the world or seat of the waters and may refer either to the upper or lower ocean. Here, however, it must necessarily indicate... rapidity, 2) waste, destruction as in जरा old age, and 3) enjoyment, love, adoration as in जारः, जरिता. Sayana's rendering. The Bhrigus serving him held him in the meeting place of the waters (antariksha) in the people (the Ritwiks) of the man (the Yajamana) and from the place of the two; may he, swift-horsed, the lord of the gods (or, the swift-mover among the gods) overcome very much all (enemies) ...
... their creatures have their habitation. Earth, heaven and "that" world of bliss are the three strides. Between earth and heaven is the Antariksha, the vital worlds, literally "the intervening habitation". Between heaven and the world of bliss is another vast Antariksha or intervening habitation, Maharloka, the world of the superconscient Truth of things. 2 The force and the thought of man, the ...
... gross-physical "Vaiswanara", the universal godhead of Matter. The "turiya" of the Rigveda stands "fourth" from below as well as from above: it is above the lower triplicity of "prithivi" (earth), "antariksha" (vital mid-world) and "dyau" (mind-heaven) but below the higher triplicity, "tridhatu", constituted by "vasu" (substance), "urj" (abounding force of being) and "priyam" or "mayas" (delight or love) ...
... of relationship between man and the cosmos. They discovered three earths of physical existence (prithvi) and three heavens of pure mind (dyau) and the intermediate Mid-region of life-force (antariksha); they discovered, at a still higher level, three luminous heavens of Swar, described variously in terms of the Truth, Right and Vast (satyam, ritam, brihat), and the supreme triple divine worlds... world of vastness (Maharloka); the principle of mind, which was Dyau in the Vedas corresponds to the Puranic world of light (Swar); the principle of life which in the Veda was the Principle of antariksha corresponds to the world of various becoming (Bhuvar); and the principle of matter, prithvi, corresponds to the material world (Bhur). The Page 99 cosmic gradations in the Veda ...
... told, Ayasya becoming universal, embracing the births in all the worlds, brought into being a fourth world or fourfold world, which must be the supramental beyond the three lower sessions, Dyaus, Antariksha and Prithivi, that wide world which, according to Kanwa son of Ghora, men reach or create by crossing beyond the two Rodasi after killing Vritra. This fourth world must be therefore Swar. The se... the world of Truth, and this is the Mahar discovered according to the Taittiriya Upanishad by the Rishi Mahachamasya as the fourth Vyahriti, the other three being Swar, Bhuvar and Bhur, i.e. Dyaus, Antariksha and Prithivi of the Veda. × Sayana says varanta is here "opened", which is quite possible, but ...
... “exceeded”. मात्राभी .. देवेभिः Exceeded all measures, exceeded the gods & was unappalled. उरोर्महो अन्तरिक्षाद् . This seems to refer to something vaster than heaven & earth & may mean the Antariksha of Mahas. 4 जनुषा—either “from birth” or “जनुषा अभि” intense or forceful (cf ओजः) in his relations with the worlds. प्रदिवि S. पूर्वैष्वहःसु —either “in the morning”, “on a former day” or ...
... for you) I call, the Aswins, Dawn & Agni kindled high & Bhaga for my increase; Indra & Vishnu & Pushan, Brahmanaspati & the sons of Aditi, Earth & Heaven & the waters & Swar. अपः waters or the Antariksha? (2) Let us awaken by adoration Dadhikra & impel him upward; let us approach the sacrifice & seating Ila the goddess on the seat of fullness, let us invoke the Aswins illumined & swift to the ...
... describe the pure mental consciousness as heaven, Dyaus, of which Swar, the luminous mind, is the summit. To the intermediate dynamic, vital or nervous consciousness they give the name either of Antariksha, the intermediate vision, or of Bhuvar,—multiple dynamic worlds formative of the Earth. For in the idea of the Rishis a world is primarily a formation of consciousness and only secondarily a physical ...
... discerned only if we consent to look upon the Vedic tradition not merely in its outer religious import but in its deeper pursuit of knowledge relating to what the Vedas call Prithvi, the earth, Antariksha, subtle levels of existence between matter and mind, Dyau, the plane of the higher mind, Svah, the world of light, and Surya, the world of everlasting day or of the supramental light, and ...
... beheld a space within our space but linked with it, they were aware of a Time connected with our Time but different from it. This earth was Bhur. Rising in soul into the air above the earth, the antariksham, they thought they came into contact with other sevenfold earths in which just as here matter is the predominant principle, so there nervous or vital energy is the main principle or else manas, still ...
... सदुत्पन्नमिव दृश्यते । Sugg. नू चित्—Is it not “Now indeed”? Now indeed the force-born and immortal smites in (?) when he becomes the envoy of the wide-dwelling (Sun); he has measured out the Antariksha with most effective paths and in the formation of the gods he by the offering lodges them (in the home of the wide-dwelling Sun). (2) युवमानः . संमिश्रयन् (grass, bushes etc)—rather taking (joining)... तत्सत्यं cf तत्ते भद्रं & Sayana’s note (12) धायसे. S. धारणयावस्थापनाय. From धा. S. understands भवतु and अयं = स्तोता. Rather it is अयं हेळः and धायसे अवयातां. अवयातां S. अवस्ताद्गच्छतां that is in Antariksha below Swarga! it is rather descending मृळ. S. सुखाय सु S. प्रसन्नं (13) देवो देवानां. S. द्योतमानः सर्वेषां देवाना मित्रः वसुर्वसूनां. धनानां निवासयिता अभ्डुतः S. महान् . So in 12 अभ्डुत ...
... heaven and earth; Indra, the bull, made the lightning his helper, by the Light he milked the shining cows out of the darkness." The battle takes place not on earth but on the other shore of the Antariksha, the Dasyus are driven out of heaven by the flames of the thunderbolt, they circle round the earth and are cast out of both heaven and earth; for they can find no place in either heaven or earth ...
... -Rishis. We shall refer mainly to five of these discoveries. I Greatest of these discoveries was that of the fourth world as distinguished from the world of matter (prithm), world of life (antariksha) and the world of mind (dyau). This fourth world was called "turiyam svid, the world of truth and of everlasting light. Three words describe this fourth world: satyam, ritam, brihat, truth ...
... a working out of all the things. Perhaps the most important discovery described in the Veda is that of turn/am svid, a certain fourth world, a world higher than the three worlds, prithvi, antariksha, and dyau, the worlds corresponding to our body, life and mind. In an important hymn, there is a reference to Ayasya, the companion of the Navagas, and we are told that Ayasya became by ...
... Navagwas and Dashagwas) was that of the turiyam svid, a certain fourth world, a world higher than the three worlds of ordinary experience, the earth, the mid-world and the heaven, prithwi, antariksha and dyauh, the worlds corresponding to our body, life and mind. This fourth world, the supramental world, the Swar was discovered, according to the Vedic legend, as a consequence of the discovery ...
... mantra, "OM Bhur Bhuvah Swah", and in the connection of the fourth Vyahriti, Mahas, with the psychological term "Ritam". The Rishis speak Page 44 of three cosmic divisions, Earth, the Antariksha or middle region and Heaven (Dyaus); but there is also a greater Heaven (Brihad Dyau) called also the Wide World, the Vast (Brihat), and typified sometimes as the Great Water, Maho Arnas. This "Brihat" ...
... The Truth, Right, Vast, manifested in Swar, with its three luminous heavens 3) The triple lower world Pure Mind Life-force Matter Heaven (Dyaus, the three heavens) The Mid-Region (Antariksha) Earth (the three earths) And as each principle can be modified by the subordinate manifestation of the others within it, each world is divisible into several provinces according to different ...
... seers often image them in a series of trios. There are three earths and three heavens. There is a triple world below consisting of heaven, earth, and intervening mid-region, — dyau, prthvi and antariksha. There is a triple world between, the shinning heavens of the sun; and there is a triple world above, — the supreme and rapturous abodes of the godheads. Page 59 In other words, there ...
... Veda speaks of five births for man, five worlds of creations where works are done, pancajanah, panca krstih. The mind and the body, Dyauh and prithvi, rodasi, our two firmaments; the third is antariksha, the intermediate or connecting level of the vital or nervous consciousness. These three worlds are to be overpassed, for then we find admission to another heaven than that of the pure mind — to ...
... the superconscient; they spoke of the triple world below, — the world of mind or heaven as they had called it, the world of matter or Earth, and the world of the intervening mid-region of Life or Antariksha. They spoke of a triple world above, the supreme and rapturous abodes of the highest godhead that came to be called in later developments Sat-Chit-Ananda.. Page 56 ...
... creates a world and Vishnu maintains it by His dynamic presence. Rig Veda speaks of " Dyawa Prithivi" Heaven and Earth symbolising the Mental and the Physical planes of consciousness. It mentions ' Antariksha '—-the intermediate vital plane between Earth and Heaven—the physical and. mental. Veda mentions three shining summits of the Mind " Trini Rochana". Surya, the sun, is the symbol of the Trut ...
... language of the Veda. Wherever the word "heaven" comes in the Veda, one has to understand "mind". Wherever the word prithivi, earth, comes, one has to understand it to be the physical. The word antariksha is the algebraic term for intermediate world. So there are three worlds: the world of the physical, the world of the vital and the world of the mental. These are the first three, to which we have ...
... swar, the domain of Indra. Below is the triple system in which we live. This triple system consists of three earths, three heavens, dyaus, and the connecting mid-region Page 25 (antariksha). In simpler terms, the triple lower world in which we live is the world of matter, life-force and pure mind. According to the Vedic idea, each principle can be modified by the subordinate manifestation ...
... "fourth" is not the Mandukyan grand finale , the indescribable Supracosmic, but stands in that numerical position both from below and from above: it is above the lower triplicity of Prithivi (earth), antariksha (vital plane) and dyau (mind-level) as well as below the higher triplicity (tridhatu) constituted by Vasu (substance), urj (abounding force of being) and priyam or mayas (delight or love) ...
... heavenly luminous worlds of Swar, the domain of Indra. Below is the triple system in which we live. This triple system consists of three earths, three heavens, dyaus, and the connecting mid-region (antariksha). In simpler terms, the triple lower world in which we live is the world of matter, life-force and pure mind. According to the Vedic idea, each principle can be modified by the subordinate manifestation ...
... Swar, with its three luminous heavens. 3 The triple lower world Pure Mind Heaven (Dyaus, the three heavens) 4 Life-Force The Mid-Region (Antariksha) 5 Matter Earth (the three earths) Our earth, according to the Veda, has been shaped out of the dark inconscient ocean of existence, and our physical life lifts ...
... bhūvar, bhūr) corresponding to the seven psychological principles or states of existence (sat-chit-ānanda-vijñāna-manas-prāna-anna) to the Vedic threefold division, - Sat-chit-ananda above, Dyaus-antariksha-prithvi below, and the link world of Supermind or Brihad-dyau of Satyam-ritam-brihat (Truth-Right-Vast). The seven planes of subjective consciousness were seen as the reflection within of the seven ...
... is the material world, our dwelling place, in which Annam predominates, in which everything is subject to or limited by the laws of matter & material consciousness. Bhuvar are the middle worlds, antariksha, between Swar & Bhur, vital worlds in which Prana, the vital principle predominates and everything is subject to or limited by the laws of vitality & vital consciousness. Swarloka is the supreme ...
... truth, सत्यधर्म, often figured in Vedic language by the idea of straightness. × S. “the air-world, Antariksha, belonging to the earth”. For a discussion of the रजांसि see Appendix A. × रोचना. S. “the shining ...
... physically felt, but curiously enough in movements of pain as well as of ananda. Rupa of varna, crude, is becoming brilliant & perfect in a few forms. Rupas 1) Small green sun, brilliant, in the antariksha; followed by a balloon of reddish orange. N.B. Orange is psychical sight or power & red is pravritti & karma. 2) In room, a leaping red flame of a lamp, now visible, now extinguished. Symbolic ...
... manifestation & non-manifestation contain the supreme force and in unison nourish the one child (Agni, Tapas); it shines out in various activity between pure mind and body, ie, in the vitalised mind, antariksha; and the gods then hold Agni, the pure tapas, & gain force & substance. This was given before the Nakta or period of non-manifestation in the later afternoon & evening, or when the manifestation ...
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