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Aramaean : Aramaeans were a confederacy of tribes that spoke a North Semitic language & occupied Aram (11-8th cent BC) a large region in northern Syria. In the same period some of these tribes seized large tracts of Mesopotamia.

3 result/s found for Aramaean

... The country in which the action is located is a Syria of romance, not of history. Indeed a Hellenic legend could not at all be set in the environments of the life of a Semitic people and its early Aramaean civilisation: the town of Cepheus must be looked at as a Greek colony with a blonde Achaean dynasty ruling Page 327 a Hellenised people who worship an old Mediterranean deity under a Greek ...


... digression the Flood waters must have receded. Let us then see how the Semitic peoples were faring in West Asia. After the Deluge, many nomadic tribes roamed the West Asia region. Abram, of an Aramaean nomadic 1. And 'modern man,' according to archeologists, is supposed to have appeared some 40.000 years ago, which leaves very little time for the 'wonderful civilizations' mentioned by ...

... back even to the 17th century B. C. This dating seems a fair middle course between the usual belief that the Aramaic language "appeared at the end of the second millennium B. C. as the tongue of the Aramaeans who had settled in Damascus" and the opinion of "some philologists [who] affirm that it was already in use in the third millennium B.C.". 2 In regard to the possible touch of Aramean and allied scripts ...