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Aspasia : mistress of Pericles, renowned for her learning, wit, & beauty.
... famous for his unscrupulous cleverness. Presumably it was his brains rather than his character that interested Socrates. Page .86 Phidias in the centre, Pericles and Aspasia on the left, Alcibiades on the right, admiring the work of the sculptor Page 87 Page 88 ...
... morals. Many of them, no doubt, as will inevitably happen when the restraints of society are not recognized, led loose, immoral & sensual lives; in such a class Lais & Phryne must be as common as Aspasia. Nevertheless the higher & intellectual element seems to have prevailed; those who arrogated freedom in their sexual relations but were not prostitutes, are admirably portrayed in Vasuntsena of the ...
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