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Aswini Kumar Dutta Aswini Kumar Dutt Aswini Kumar Ashwini Babu : (1856-1923) Nationalist leader of Barisal district; professor of English literature & of law; founded the Brajamohan Institute (see Chatterjee, Satish), & started the “Little Brothers of the Poor”.

21 result/s found for Aswini Kumar Dutta Aswini Kumar Dutt Aswini Kumar Ashwini Babu

... that Aswini Kumar has been taken from his people. It is not in vain that Krishna Kumar Mitra has been taken from us and is rotting in Agra Jail. It is not in vain that all Maharashtra mourns for Tilak at Mandalay. It is He, not any other, who has taken them and His ways are not the ways of men, but He is all-wise. He knows better than we do what is needful for us. He has taken Aswini Kumar Dutta away... come to no ordinary place. When I come to Barisal, I come to a chosen temple of the Mother—I come to a sacred pithasthan of the national spirit—I come to the birth-place and field of work of Aswini Kumar Dutta. It is now the fourth year since I came to Barisal first on the occasion of the Provincial Conference. Three years have passed since then—they have been years of storm and stress to the country... Of those deported three are sons of this district. The man whose name will live for ever on the lips of his countrymen as one of the great names of the age—one of the makers of the new nation—Aswini Kumar Dutta has been taken away from you. His active and devoted lieutenant has been taken away from you. That warm-hearted patriot whom I am proud to have had the privilege of calling my personal frien ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... they rescued many from the grasp of death. Aswini Kumar Dutta is in exile. How did he establish that influence which caused him to be thought dangerous? By philanthropy, by service. While ordinary colleges under the control of the Government were mere soulless machines where they cram a few packets of useless knowledge into the brain of the student, Aswini Kumar breathed his own lofty and noble soul into... and self-sacrifice, whose object of existence was to help the poor and nurse the sick. That was the flowering out of the Hindu religion. That was what Swami Vivekananda preached. That was what Aswini Kumar Dutta strove to bring into organised existence. That was what the Ramakrishna Mission, the Little Brothers of the Poor at Barisal tried to effect. This was the third way in which the new association... in Barisal, the association called the Swadesh Bandhab Samiti which with its network covered the whole district of Bakarganj. This association grew out of a much smaller association started by Aswini Kumar Dutta called the Little Brothers of the Poor. What was the work commenced by these Little Brothers of the Poor? When epidemic broke out, when cholera appeared in all its virulence, the young men of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... consider the matter of supreme interest. Nevertheless, the names of a few men of advanced opinions did find their way into the Bengal list. Men like Srijuts Motilal Ghose, Bipin Chandra Pal, Aswini Kumar Dutta and A. Rasul sitting side by side with Messrs. Tilak and Khaparde would form a leaven which, however small, might easily season the mass of the Committee and would at any rate prevent it from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... continued life of the organism. In times of stress or revolution the replacement is more rapid, that is all. Whatever the importance of particular individuals,—and the importance of men like Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta or Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra is not denied by any man in his senses and was not denied but dwelt upon by the speaker at Jhalakati,—they are not necessary, in the sense that God does not depend... not expressly deny God's existence or His omnipotence or His providence, and if he accepts them, he is debarred from insisting that God cannot save India without Sj. Surendranath Banerji or Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta, that He is unable to remove them and find other instruments or that their deportation or disappearance will defer the fulfilment of His purposes to future centuries. The Fatalism of Action ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... encourages them to go to political meetings,—barring celebrations of the Empire Day,—he will, of course, be dismissed at once. Finally the College Professors, men like Srijuts Surendranath Banerji, Aswini Kumar Dutta, Krishna Kumar Page 387 Mitra, are not to be altogether gagged, but their hands are to be bound. "If he diverts his students' minds to political agitation," as Srijut Surendranath ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Sj. Anath Bandhu Guha or Sj. Hardayal Nag, the leading men of Mymensingh and Chandpur respectively, or declared by the authorities to be of undesirable antecedents, e.g. Lala Lajpat Rai, Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta, Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra and all Nationalists and agitators generally, are ipso facto incapable of representing the people under these exquisite reforms. After all this it may seem a waste ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... districts far outran the capital in the swiftness and thoroughness of their activity, they always waited for an intellectual initiative and sanction from the leaders in Calcutta. Barisal under Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta was the exception. What the people themselves could not accomplish under the most favourable circumstances, the Government is not likely to effect merely by excluding the Calcutta leaders from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... English friends including the above two, describing the plight of his father in the Agra jail. K.K. Mitra, along with eight others, among whom were Subodh Mullick, Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, and Aswini Kumar Dutt, had been deported or held without trial for months and months, from December 1908, because "even the police" were "unable to procure evidence Page 71 against them," to quote ...

... Bepin Chandra Pal, Page 323 P. Mitter, Surendranath Banerji, Gaganendranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore, Chittaranjan Das, Aravindo Ghose, Satish Chandra Mukherji, A. Rasul, Aswini Kumar Dutt, Radha Kumud Mukherji, etc. And Dr. Nilratan Sarkar, that enemy of death. Add a galaxy of eminent personalities of the then Bengal. For his part, Sri Aurobindo who was never really ...

... their intelligence. They must not forget that nine of their most devoted workers were rotting in British jails under the name of deportation. What was the meaning of conciliation when men like Aswini Kumar Dutta, Krishna Kumar Mitra and others were taken away from them and not restored? What kind of conciliation was this which was offered us while this great wrong remained unremedied? Who could trust ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... integral part of the political programme, ultimately leading to India’s independence. At the time of the Surat Congress, December 1907 Front row left to right: G.S. Khaparde, Aswini Kumar Dutta Middle row: Sirdar Ajit Singh, Sri Aurobindo, B.G. Tilak, Saiyad Haider Reza Back row: Dr. B.S. Munje, Ramaswamy, K. Kuverji Desai Sri Aurobindo at Amravati, January 1908, after ...

... not in vain that Aswini Kumar Dutt has been taken from his people.   Page 342 It is not in vain that Krishna Kumar Mitra* has been taken from us and is rotting in Agra jail. It is not in vain that all Maharashtra mourns for Tilak at Mandalay. It is He, not any other, who has taken them and his ways are not the ways of men... . 20 Great as Aswini Kumar Dutt and Tilak were,... Mandalay in Burma. * On 11 December 1908, Minto had issued orders for the arrest and deportation of Subodh Mullick, Krishna Kumar Mitra, Manoranjan Guhathakurta, Shyamsundar Chakravarti, Aswini Kumar Dutta and others.   Page 333 this tidal wave of repression and the false logic behind it provoked even Morley to protest in these terms: That's the Russian argument; by packing ...

... with a charge of sedition already hanging over him. We state on good authority that the assertion in the Empire report to the effect that Wednesday's meeting in Beadon Square was called by Mr. Aswini Kumar Banerji is entirely unfounded. Mr. Banerji is not likely to disown any public action he has really taken, however obnoxious to the powers that be; but he had nothing to do with this particular meeting ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... deported leader, was placed in the presidential chair and Sri Aurobindo, the only leader who happened to be out being acquitted in the Alipur bomb case, declared from the platform : " Great as he is Aswini Kumar Dutt is not the leader of this movement Tilak is not the leader. .... God is the leader." He assur et the audience : " God is within you ..... An immortal Power is Page 31 working ...

... 117 In his view, the ideal of independence was the beginning of all evil. The ideal of independence is an insane ideal; the men who hold it even as an ultimate goal, Tilak, Chidambaram, Aswini Kumar, Manoranjan, Bipin Chandra, Aurobindo, are madmen outside the lunatic asylum. Not only is it an insane ideal, it is a criminal ideal. "It should be plain to the weakest understanding that towards ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... with the sometimes defective text reproduced in Terrorism in Bengal . On the Barisal Proclamation . Editorial title. November 1905 or shortly thereafter. On 7 November 1905, Aswini Kumar Dutta and other Nationalist leaders of Barisal issued a proclamation in which they    Page 1169 urged the people of the district to support the Swadeshi movement. A short while ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... calculus applicable to other men would thus not lead us anywhere. In that age of supermen - for among the Nationalists there were personalities like Tilak, Lajpat Rai, Ajit Singh, Bepin Pal, Aswini Kumar Dutt, Subramania Bharati, Chidambaram Pillai - Sri Aurobindo somehow indisputably steamed foremost, for it was more than human ability that sustained him, it was more than political leadership ...

... Congress mendicancy and perorative politics. If Sri Aurobindo condemned the Congress leaders as the one-eyed (if not the totally blind) who were trying to lead the masses, Vivekananda was to tell Aswini Kumar Datta in the course of a conversation: "Can you tell me what the Congress is doing for the masses? Do you think merely passing a few resolutions will bring you freedom? I have no faith in ...

... 317, 321 Dante, 92, 619, 636 Das, C. R., 64, 68, 77, 79, 282, 326ff, 343, 411, 528, 529, 531ff, 727 Das, Hemachandra, 62, 64 Dass, Poushpa, 774 Datta, Aswini Kumar, 184, 269, 343 Datta, Bhupendranath, 199, 234, 245, 305 Datta (Dorothy Hodgson), 526, 540, 548, 549, 575 Datta, Ullaskar, 219, 325, 329ff Dattagupta, Birendranath ...

... connection it would be interesting to know what Swami Vivekananda thought about the Congress. In 1898 - five years after Sri Aurobindo had attacked the Congress policy of protest, petition and prayer - Aswini Kumar Datta, the saintly leader of the district of Barisal in Bengal and a great educationist and social worker, about whom we shall hear something from Sri Aurobindo himself later on, met Swami Vivekananda ...

... Yogis, possessing the Yogic vision and intuition - Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. Some of the others were disciples of Yogis - Tilak, 40 Bepin Pal, P.C. Mitter of the Anusilan Samity, and Aswini Kumar Datta of Barisal, to name only a few. But, though they were spiritually inclined, they never claimed to possess any intuitive vision or to have attained any such close contact with the Divine ...