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Bacchae : tragedy by the Greek poet Euripides in 5th cent BC, on the Pentheus story.

4 result/s found for Bacchae

... (Hiranyavāha, Sonos/Son), 116 Eratosthenes, 261 Erythraean Sea, 55, 56 Essenes, 240 Eudemus, 66 Eucratides/Eukratides, 40, 429, 441 Eumenes of Pergama, 236-7 Euripides: Bacchae, 260 Euthydemus, 532 evam aha, 384 Evvi, 380 Fa-hien/Fa-hsian, 44, 45, 228, 365, 407-08, 605 Fairservis, Walter Jr., 393 Ferenc, Z., 276 Filliozat, J., 271, 307 ...


... Oxford University Press, third edition 1983), pp. 24-33. Page 277 Notes 1. Karl K. Darrow, The Renaissance of Physics (New York: 1936), p. 301. 2. Chorus from The Bacchae of Euripides. Gilbert Murray's translation. A few dates 1889 (November, 14) - Birth of Nehru in Allahabad. 1905 - Goes to England for study in Harrow ...


... prepared to classify all the poets in the universe—it was the front bench or benches you asked for. By others I meant poets like Lucretius, Euripides, Calderon, Corneille, Hugo. Euripides ( Medea, Bacchae and other plays) is a greater poet than Racine whom you want to put in the first ranks. If you want only the very greatest, none of these can enter—only Vyasa and Sophocles. Vyasa could very well ...


... Nysaioi lay in his path, and his soldiers played with the idea that they were a colony left behind by Dionysus when he returned home from the wandering which, according to a story by Euripides in his Bacchae, had taken him all over the East. However, we may heed what Strabo (XV.7) has to say on the "conquests" of both Dionysus and Heracles: "As for the stories of Heracles and 1. "The Yavanas", ...
