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Bellerophon : Greek hero originally named Hipponus, an ancestor of Sarpedon & a native of Ephyre (Corinth), who rode the immortal winged horse Pegasus & destroyed the Chimaera & killed the giant Bellerus (q.v.). On completing numerous labours given to him by Iobates, king of Lycia, he was married to the king’s daughter. “Bellerophon’s city”, in Ilion, refers to Lycia, where Sarpedon was buried.
... it into the poetical and mystic imagery which was the very body of the ancient Mysteries. We might indeed go farther and inquire whether there was not some original connection between the hero Bellerophon, slayer of Bellerus, who rides on the divine Horse, and Indra Valahan, the Vedic slayer of Vala, the enemy who keeps for himself the Light. But this would take us beyond the limits of our subject ...
... has finished the thread of her spinning. Hector is dead, he walks in the shadows; Troilus fights not; Resting his curls on the asphodel he has forgotten his country: Strong Sarpedon lies in Bellerophon's city sleeping: Memnon is slain and the blood of Rhesus has dried on the Troad: All of the giant Asius sums in a handful of ashes. Grievous are these things; our hearts still keep all the pain ...
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