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5 result/s found for Bhaga Savitri

... sevenfold delight, perfect on all the planes of our being, is the bhāga , enjoyment or portion of Bhaga Savitri in the completed sacrifice, and it is that varied wealth which the Rishi seeks for himself and his fellows in the sacrifice by the acceptance of the divine Enjoyer. Shyavashwa then calls on Bhaga Savitri to vouchsafe to him even today a felicity not barren, but full of the fruits of activity,... The Secret of the Veda Chapter VII To Bhaga Savitri, the Enjoyer Rig Veda V.82 तत्सवितुर्वृणीमहे वयं देवस्य भोजनम् । श्रेष्ठं सर्वधातमं तुरं भगस्य धीमहि ॥१॥ 1) Of Savitri divine we embrace that enjoying, that which is the best, rightly disposes all, reaches the goal, even Bhaga's, we hold by the thought. अस्य हि स्वयशस्तरं सवितुः कच्चन... instead all that is good,— bhadram , good in the sense of felicity, the auspicious things of the divine enjoying, the happiness of the right activity, the right creation. For, in the creation of Bhaga Savitri, in his perfect and fault less sacrifice,—there is a double sense in the word sava , "loosing forth", used of the creation, and the sacrifice, the libation of the Soma,—men stand absolved from ...


... great poem.         There is, further, the double conception of the Surya Savitri and the Bhaga Savitri, who are themselves aspects of Surya, the Sun; for the Sun is, not only Truth, but also Light; he is the creator (Surya Savitri), the fosterer or increaser (Pushan), and the enjoyer (Bhaga Savitri). Like reflections of light on a sheet of trembling water, meanings merge and separate and mingle... dismiss what belongs to the evil dream. 47   Surya Savitri, creator and increaser, and Bhaga Savitri, receiver Page 272 and enjoyer, come into a natural relation or partnership; from the unmanifest come the "seven delights", thanks to Surya Savitri, and Bhaga Savitri prevents their misuse and induces "fruitful felicity", or creative enjoyment:   Surya Savitri... active Ananda, the praj ā vat saubhagam, comes thus out of the unmanifest, received and heard rightly of the knowledge in the faultless rhythm of things, then is our creation that of Bhaga Savitri, and all the births of that creation, our children, our offspring, praj ā d, apatyam, are things of the delight, vi ś va v ā m ā ni. 43   Nay more: Savitri the creator, Surya ...


... on and overcome till we reach the goal of our perfection in an infinite beatitude, this is the sign of the birth of Bhaga in man and this his divine function. All enjoyment comes indeed from Bhaga Savitri, the mortal as well as the divine; "creating a wide and vast force he brings forth for men their mortal enjoyment." But the Vedic ideal is the inclusion of all life and all joy, divine and human... infinite knowledge and strength receiving in thought and working out in will a divine Truth, an infinite beatitude possessing and enjoying all without division, fault or sin, this is the creation of Bhaga Savitri, this that greatest Delight. "This creation of the divine Creator goddess Aditi speaketh forth to us, this the all-kings Varuna and Mitra and Aryaman with one mind and heart." The four Kings find ...


... saubhagam, comes thus out of the Page 30 unmanifest, it is received and heard rightly in the faultless rhythm of things. In that state of attainment all creations are creations of Bhaga Savitri, and all the births of that creation, all our offsprings, prajā apatyān, are things of the delight, viśva vāmāni. 29 This is the accomplishment of Bhaga in man, his full portion of the ...

... one to (Surya) Savitri, V.81 ; and one to Varuna, V.85.In Selected Hymns , another series in the Arya , he had published a different translation of V.81 and a translation of V.82 , to Bhaga Savitri, with commentaries. A paraphrase rather than a translation of V.52 – 61, addressed to the Maruts, was published under the title “A Hymn of the Thought- Gods” in the issue of February 1916. In ...
