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Bhur Bhu Bhuloka : the material world, symbolically the physical consciousness. It is the lowest of the seven worlds of Purāṇas, & one of the three vyāhṛtis of the Vedas. Vyāhṛtis are the three mystical words uttered by Manu (the first Man) to have been milked from the Vedas by Prajāpatis – Bhūr from Rig, Bhūvah from Yajur, & Swar from Sāma – which became respectively Earth, Firmament, & Sky.
... seven conditions of the Atman, seven distinct worlds with their denizens and seven kinds of bodies. These seven states are Annam, Prana, Manas, Vijnanam, Ananda, Chit and Sat; these seven worlds are Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, Swarloka, Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka; these seven conditions of the Atman are the Visva Atma, Prana Atma, Buddha Atma, Mahan Atma,Mahajana Atma, Chaitanya Atma and Satya... with the other worlds and have relations with the Gods. This then is the arrangement of the created universe, and the world we live in is its base, not only earth but all these sidereal systems, Bhuloka, the material universe, our present inheritance. Being the lowest of the Aparardha worlds, it is according to a common action of God's love and wisdom, at once the least and the most privileged, the... through Mahas we aspire to the perfect oneness of Sacchidananda. Brahman at first becomes involved in gross matter,—he Page 517 becomes or seems to become Annam, the conscious principle of Bhu. In pure Annam consciousness is involved, implicit, latent; from annam it has to develop or manifest the other six principles and this development or manifestation is the evolution of the modern Jadavadins ...
... supramental state appears to the untransformed mind when it touches or apprehends it, for it falls inevitably into such a superconscious sleep—then the difference would be cured. The Seven Worlds 1) Bhu—Physical 1 2) Bhuvah—Vital 3) Swar—Mental Page 38 4) Mahat—Vijnana (supramental) 5) Jana—Ananda world—Sachchidananda worlds 6) Tapah—World of Chit-tapas—Sachchidananda worlds ...
... the gods in their higher existences in the worlds above Bhu. The Manus manifested in the Manoloka of Bhu bring pressure to bear upon the earth for the manifestation of life and mind. Prajapati as Rudra then begins to form life upon earth, first in vegetable, then in animal forms. Man already exists but as a god or demigod in Bhuvarloka of Bhu, not as a man upon earth. There he is Deva, Asura, Rakshasa... of God works itself out in Life. The material world is first formed with the Sun as centre, the Sun [ ] 1 being itself only a subordinate star of the great Agni, Mahavishnu, in whom is centred the Bhu. Mahavishnu is the Virat Purusha who as Agni pours Himself out into the forms of sun and star. He is Agni Twashtá, Visvakarman, he is also Prajápati and Matariswan. These are the three primal Purushas ...
... Five Bhur, Bhuvar and Suvar, these are the three Words of His naming. Verily, the Rishi Mahachamasya made known a fourth to these, which is Mahas. It is Brahman, it is the Self, and the other gods are his members. Bhur, it is this world; Bhuvar, it is the sky; Suvar, it is the other world: but Mahas is the Sun. By the Sun all these worlds increase and prosper. Bhur, it is Fire; Bhuvar... heaven¹ increase and prosper. Bhur, it is the hymns of the Rig-veda; Bhuvar, it is the _____________________ ¹.Or, shining fires Page 40 Anthocephalus Cadamba (Supramental Sun) Page 41 hymns of the Sama; Suvar, it is the hymns of the Yajur; but Mahas is the Eternal. By the Eternal all these Vedas increase and prosper. Bhur, it is the main breath; Bhuvar... two palates, this that hangs down like the breast of a woman, is the womb of Indra; yea, where the hair at its end whirls round like an eddy, there it divides the skull and pushes through it. As Bhur He is established in Agni, as Bhuvar in Vayu, as Suvar in the Sun, as Mahas in the Eternal. He attains to the kingdom Page 42 of Himself; He attains to the Lord of Mind; He becomes Lord ...
... or terms of existence Page 99 are the basis of the sevenfold world of the Puranas (Satyaloka, Tapas, Jana, Mahar, Swar, Bhuvar & Bhur). The lower hemisphere in this arrangement of consciousness consists of the three vyahritis of the Veda, "Bhur, Bhuvah, Swar"; they are states of consciousness in which the principles of the upper world are expressed or try to express themselves under ...
... that process of teaching and learning. It can be seen that the Vedic system of education aims at comprehending the entire universe of knowledge. It aims at the knowledge of the physical world (bhur), the vital world (bhuvar), and the mental world (swar). But it does not stop here. It speaks also of a fourth world, mahas, or the supramental. Amongst the contents of knowledge we find ...
... six work under the law of the stratum which houses them. This means seven sub-strata in each; in the three vyahritis there are therefore thrice seven, trih saptani. (6) Man, although living here in Bhu, belongs to Swar & Bhuvar. He is manu, the Thinker,—the soul in him is the manomayah pranasarira neta of the Upanishad, “the mental captain & guide of life & body”. He has to become vijnanamaya (mahan)... without comments, may help the reader to find his way through the following pages. (1) Vedic religion is based on an elaborate psychology & cosmology of which the keyword is the great Vedic formula OM, Bhur Bhuvah Swah; the three vyahritis and the Pranava. The three Vyahritis are the three lower principles ofMatter, Life & Mind, Annam, Prana & Manas of the Vedanta. OM is Brahman or Sacchidananda of whom... is connected with ideal knowledge. But we have first one more step in our evidence to notice,—the final & conclusive link. In the Taittiriya Upanishad we are told that there are three vyahritis, Bhur, Bhuvar, Swar, but the Rishi Mahachamasya insisted on a fourth, Mahas. What is this fourth vyahriti? It is evidently some old Vedic idea and can hardly fail to be our maho arnas. I have already, in ...
... our father and earth the mother— daurme pitā mātā pṛthvimahīyam. The Vedantins usuallyand mainly worship the father, and Tantriks, the mother. Svarga, Dyaus, is the world of light, and earth or bhu is that of delight and enjoyment. We have already said that high above, up there, dwell Apollo and Zeus and Juno, and below here on earth, Dionysus and Bacchus and Semele and Aphrodite. However ...
... The original nature of Agni as a conscious will begins to manifest more and more evidently, and it begins to be experienced by self-conscious processes of yoga as a link between the physical world ( Bhur ) and the intermediate worlds ( Bhuvar ) and the higher worlds ( Swar ) , and it is also found that there is a still higher world ( Turīyam Svid ) ¹² which it manifests itself fully, since it is... Indra: Next Step Agni leads man in his search for the truth ( Satyam ) It is Agni that connects man with the cosmic forces and with all the gods of the three worlds ( triloka ), of earth ( Bhur ) , middle world ( Bhuvar) and heaven ( Swa r) At a height of the heaven is the functioning of Indra who is described as gomat, one who possesses light and one who presides over the clarity of... yogin is a chariot of Aryaman, and these chariots are seven because the human being conducts his journey by the energy that is sevenfold corresponding to the sevenfold principle of integral existence, Bhur, Bhuvar, Dyauh, (with swar on its summit), Mahar, Janah, Tapas, and Satyam. It is Aryaman's aid to the yogin to the sevenfold energy of human aspiration that leads to the fulfillment in integral ...
... our father and earth the mother – daurme pitā mātā prthvimahīyam. The Vedantins usually and mainly worship the father, and Tantriks, the mother. Svarga, Dyaus, is the world of light, and earth or bhu is that of delight and enjoyment. We have already said that high above, up there, dwell Apollo and Zeus and Juno, and below here on earth, Dionysus and Bacchus and Semele and Aphrodite. However ...
... themselves. The three worlds, tribhuvana, trailokya are called in Vedic terminology, Bhu, the material world, Bhuvar, the intermediate world and Swar, the pure blissful mental world,—Bhur, Bhuvar, Swar, earth, the lower heavens and paradise, are the three sacred & mighty vyahritis of the Veda, and the great Vedic formula OM Bhur Bhuvah Swah expressive of our manifest existence triply founded in matter, m... which alone entirely suits the actual phraseology of the last Rik of the Sukta. We find our clue in the Taittiriya Upanishad. It is said there that there are three recognised vyahritis of the Veda, Bhur, Bhuvar, Swah, but the Rishi Mahachamasya affirmed a fourth. The name of this doubtful fourth vyahriti is Mahas. Now the mystic vyahritis of the Veda are the shabdas or sacred words Page 130 ... existence mind, life & matter. Vijnana is the link; standing in ideal knowledge we are aware, looking upward, of our spiritual existence, looking downward, we pour it out into the three vyahritis, Bhur, Bhuvah & Swar, mental, vital & material existence, the phenomenal symbols of our self-expression. Objectively vijnana becomes mahat, the great, wide or extended state of phenomenal being,—called also ...
... himself all the worlds in which, objectively, he is contained. Preferring ordinarily a concrete to an abstract language, the Rishis speak of the physical consciousness as the physical world, earth, Bhu, Prithivi. They describe the pure mental consciousness as heaven, Dyaus, of which Swar, the luminous mind, is the summit. To the intermediate dynamic, vital or nervous consciousness they give the name ...
... the process of the material world by the appearance first of the plant, then of the animal. This evolution of life is caused & supported by the pressure of the gods of the Bhuvar or life-world upon Bhu. Life entering into body is dominated partly by the laws of body; it is therefore unable to impart its own full & uninterrupted energy to its form. Consequently there is no physical immortality. ...
... What are they? SRI AUROBINDO: One is the fire in the heart. Another is above, and the two ends of the third are not known but only the middle term. This middle term is the physical, vital and mental—Bhur, Bhuvar and Swar—including the highest mind regions. I wanted to explain other things also but at present the whole matter remains pending. SATYENDRA: Why did you take up the Isha Upanishad? SRI ...
... Savitri... is neither subjective fantasy nor yet mere philosophical thought, but vision and revelation of the actual inner structure of the Cosmos and of the pilgrim of life within its sphere—Bhu, Bhuvar, Swar: the Stairway of the Worlds reveals itself to our gaze—worlds of Light above, worlds of Darkness beneath—and we see also ever-circling life ('kindled in measure and quenched ...
... Sept. 1937): bhurloka = material world; bhuvarloka = vital world; dyoloka = mind-world; swarloka = highest region of mind-world. The Rishis preferred a concrete language to an abstract one. Bhu, to them, meant the physical consciousness, and not just the earth. Page 43 may note that this formula is a verse from the Rig-veda, from a hymn of the Rishi Vishvamitra." Ages ...
... in her outward workings only, in the energy itself, in the form of her own works & to forget her own more universal reality; a veil falls between manas & vijnána, the veil of Achitti or ignorance. In Bhu, the world of Matter, this movement is complete. Consciousness is involved in its forms & has to be rescued out of it by beings who bring conscious life & mind into the mechanism of its formal energies... of its substantial forms. Man is the nodus, the agent & instrument of the gods for the full recovery of Consciousness in material Energy, universal being in particular Form. Man, the mental being in Bhu, shares with the Gods the appellation, Nri, the Purusha; he too is a guiding Soul of consciousness & not the mere gana, formal executive energy & mechanical ratio of things which is the outward aspect ...
... × The worlds in which, respectively, Matter, Life-Energy, Mind, Truth and Beatitude are the essential energies. They are called respectively Bhur, Bhuvar, Swar, Mahas and Jana or Mayas. × Divine Being, Consciousness, Bliss,—Sachchidananda. ...
... variety, frequency and brief continued activity of scenes and images. Communication with the manasic world in the jagrat is now occurring; formerly there was drishti only of the pranajagat and the subtle Bhu. 5 February 1913 Another shipwreck; the resumption of hostilities in the Balkans; the insufficient pressure of the Powers on the belligerents; the attitude of the Porte; the Roumano-Bulgarian tension ...
... principle of life which in the Veda was the Principle of antariksha corresponds to the world of various becoming (Bhuvar); and the principle of matter, prithvi, corresponds to the material world (Bhur). The Page 99 cosmic gradations in the Veda correspond with those in the Puranas although they were differently grouped, - seven worlds in principle, five in practice, three in their ...
... world that links to other worlds. In a subsequent chapter, chapter five, we find a further exposition of these three worlds, and here these three worlds Page 84 have been designated as Bhur, Bhuvar, and Swar, which are, respectively, synonyms of prithvi, antarikṣa and dyau, or the physical, the vital, and the mental. In this fifth chapter, the Upanishad speaks of the fourth world... state in which the honey of the highest delight is manifested. The Vedic system of education aims at comprehending the entire universe of knowledge. It aims at the knowledge of the physical world (bhur), the vital world (bhuvar), and the mental world (swar); it also aims at covering the knowledge of the fourth world (mahas). Underlying these four worlds, the Upanishads affirms the knowledge ...
... The inner Vedic religion attributes psychic significance to the godheads in the cosmos. It conceives of a hierarchical order of the worlds, and an ascending stair of planes of being in the universe, bhur, bhuvah, and swar. Truth and Right (satyam and ritam), which have their home in the highest world of swar, sustain , and govern all the levels of Nature. They are one in the essence but they... of the vastness (Maharloka) 5. Mind World of light (Swar) 6. Life (nervous being) World of various becomings (Bhuvar) 7. Matter The material world (Bhur) Page 26 The Vedic interpretation of life as a movement of sacrifice and a battle continued in the Purano-Tantric tradition also. According to the Veda, the struggle of ...
... — Truth, Knowledge and Infinity; it is One, which is triple, — Sat, Chit, Ananda (existence, consciousness, delight). It is One which has four heads and three feet, it is One that is also septule, Bhur (matter) Bhuvah (life), Swar (mind and light in the mind), Mahas (or vijanana or supermind), Janah (creative bliss), Tapas (concentrated force of action), and Satyam (existent). It is ...
... The inner Vedic religion attributes psychic significance to the godheads in the cosmos. It conceives of a hierarchical order of worlds, and an ascending stair of planes of being in the universe, bhur, bhuvah, swar. Truth and Right (satyam and ritam), which have their home in the highest world of swar, sustain and govern all the levels of Nature. They are one in essence but they take different... Truth Vijnana World of the Vastness (Maharloka) 5 Mind World of light (Swar) 6 Life (nervous being) World of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7 Matter The material world (Bhur) The Vedic' interpretation of life as a movement of sacrifics and a battle continued in the Purano Tantric tradition also. According to the Veda, the struggle of life is a warring of Gods ...
... knowledge not only of the pure state of the universal existence, but of that existence in all its parts, the waking world and the dream self and the sleeping, the manifest, the half-manifest, and hidden, Bhur loka, Bhuvar, Swar, — the right means to win all of them, enjoy all of them, transcend all of them. Finally, we may refer to the Brhadāranyaka Upanishad which is the profoundest of the Upanishads; ...
... World of the Vastness (Maharioka) 5. Mind World of light (Swar) 6. Life (nervous being) World of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7. Matter The material world (Bhur) According to the Vedic sages, we live in physical consciousness, and we experience only this physical world of the Earth-Mother, and we are aware only of mortal Page 57 existence ...
... the Vastness (Maharloka) 5 Mind World of light (Swar) 6 Life (nervous being) World of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7 Matter The material world (Bhur) 6 Indeed, in the Vedic system, cosmic gradations are differently grouped, — seven worlds in principle, five in practice, three in their general groupings: Page 11 1... leader and priest (purohita). Agni leads man in his search of the Truth (satyam). It is he who connects man with the cosmic forces and with all the gods of the three worlds (triloka), of earth (bhur), mid-world (bhuvar) and heaven (swar). At the head pfswar is Indra, the god of Illumined Intelligence. It is Indra who shows man the path to the still higher realms and to the Supreme Reality ...
... symbolism is the system of the worlds and the functions of the gods. I found the clue to the symbolism of the worlds in the Vedic conception of the vyāhṛtis , the three symbolic words of the mantra, "OM Bhur Bhuvah Swah", and in the connection of the fourth Vyahriti, Mahas, with the psychological term "Ritam". The Rishis speak Page 44 of three cosmic divisions, Earth, the Antariksha or middle ...
... had to be found for the world of Truth, and this is the Mahar discovered according to the Taittiriya Upanishad by the Rishi Mahachamasya as the fourth Vyahriti, the other three being Swar, Bhuvar and Bhur, i.e. Dyaus, Antariksha and Prithivi of the Veda. × Sayana says varanta is here "opened", which ...
... manifest Brahman, was a harmony of worlds within worlds; they beheld a space within our space but linked with it, they were aware of a Time connected with our Time but different from it. This earth was Bhur. Rising in soul into the air above the earth, the antariksham, they thought they came into contact with other sevenfold earths in which just as here matter is the predominant principle, so there nervous ...
... disappear at once into the pranajagat. The explanation is that the pranakash ordinarily seen is the pranakasha envelope of bhu in which only the images of these creatures are seen & they themselves are in the akasha of the pranajagat, not the real Bhuvar but the Bhuvar of Bhu. It is these worlds that must first be seen & felt; the others can at present [ ] 16 only be entered in Samadhi. The... विदथानि एषां देवानां जन्म सनुतरा च विप्रः । ॠजु मर्तेषु वृजिना च पशयत्रभि चष्टे सूरो अर्य एवान् ।। ie—When the soul is illumined & knows the three kinds of knowledge of these gods (ie Swar, Bhuvar, Bhur) & their eternal birth from the Divine Parapurusha, Surya of the vijnana, sees in mortals the straight & the crooked and illumines in his fulfilling power of upward movement their goings. This indicates ...
... Truth—Vijnana World of the Vastness (Maharloka) 5) Mind World of light (Swar) 6) Life (nervous being) Worlds of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7) Matter The material world (Bhur) Now this system which in the Purana is simple enough, is a good deal more intricate in the Veda. There the three highest worlds are classed together as the triple divine Principle,—for ...
... Existence. In the various descriptions of the universe, there are slight variations, but on the whole the most prominent description of the universe is that it is seven-fold. The Veda, therefore, speaks of Bhur (Earth plane), Bhuvar (world' of Life), Swar(world of Illumined Mind), Mahas (world of Supermind), Janah (world of Delight), Tapas (world of Consciousness-Force) and Satyam (world of Pure Existence) ...
... kingdom of matter it gives the name of Bhu, to the kingdom of Life or Life-Consciousness the name of Bhuvar, to the kingdom of pure Mind the name of Swar. It supposes also that the powers of the higher worlds, figured in Page 535 the three & thirty gods of the Veda & their subordinate deities, support their representative and instrumental beings in Bhu and favour their attempt to establish ...
... In the most popular version the number denoted the three transcendental planes of Sat (Being), Chit (Consciousness), Ananda (Bliss), the three cosmic planes of Swar (Mind), Bhuvar (Life), Bhur (Matter) and the intermediate plane of Vijnana or Mahas (Truth-Con-sciousness, Supermind, Gnosis) which links the higher triplicity to the lower and formulates in its own transcendence the archetypal ...
... lot, but that is not the end of the story, you still have to rise higher. And higher than Indra is swah: this is a very special word in the Veda. It is present in the Gayatri mantra. Om bhur bhuvah swah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat Page 66 Swah is constantly used in the Vedic lore. This swah is a light which has ...
... widely-moving cf उरुक्रमः 5. Vishnu firmly established or supported as on pillars the higher seated world, ie Mahas, by striding variously in a triple stride of his wide movement ie in Swar, Bhuvar & Bhur. (2) प्र तद्विष्णुः स्तवते वीर्येण मृगो न भीमः कुचरो गिरिष्ठाः स्तवते The only sense consistent with the wording is: Then Vishnu stands established by his deed of energy like the dread lion ...
... स ददृशे च तौ , relating to the removal of the nidra, the release of the shakti of trikal (ahi) from the sushupti (एकार्णव) and the perfection of the visvagati in the two regions of sukshma & sthula (Bhur, Bhuvah, Swar) After a strong revival of false tejas, false vijnan and general asiddhi, the annamaya atmosphere was finally cleared, tyaga enforced on the lower annamaya devatas and dasyam in the general ...
... supervise the world and beyond them looks for that which can bring about a universal change. He makes a total yogic surrender to the Reality which sustains the Earth, the Mid-region, and Heaven,—Bhur, Bhuvar, Swar. In that sacrifice he is newborn and even his body partakes in its joy. Yet this supernal birth is his alone and cannot be of great avail for the collective on the earth. The individual's ...
... proceeds with its organisation in knowledge, the telepathy is ever more comprehensive, telepathy of thought more & more justifies itself in spite of errors of reception, the sense of the triloka in Bhu becomes more & more ordinary & dominant. Tapas is attempting to change from the half-free, half-nervous method to a purer form of power; in the process its effectivity seems to have decreased or sometimes... once for all. It has only to be progressively intensified & cast more & more into the Mahakalibhava. It still Page 505 keeps too much of the Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati bhava. St . Sayana Bhur—ie the physical consciousness has now to be solarised (moulded into the ideality). N.B. Before seeing, it was intimated to the thought-perception that today's sortilege would be a repetition & c... than the correct reception of the truth from above. The latter occurs rarely; nor are the perceptions as a rule illumined, but belong to the physical consciousness. The sortilege of the 21ṣṭ, Sayana Bhur is being fulfilled as the preparation for those of the 13ṭḥ. The सुवृक्ति is going on in the physical consciousness which is being prepared as the lowest layer of the barhis . In Tapas, the two ...
... Savitri... is neither subjective fancy nor yet mere philosophical thought, but vision and revelation of the actual inner structure of the Cosmos and of the pilgrim of life within its sphere - Bhu, Bhuvar, Swar: the Stairway of the Worlds reveals itself to our gaze - worlds of Light above, worlds of Darkness below - and we see also ever-circling life ("kindled in measure and quenched in measure") ...
... leader and priest (purohita). Agni leads man in his search of the Truth (satyam). It is he who connects man with the cosmic forces and with all the gods of the three worlds (triloka), of earth (bhur), mid-world (bhuvar) and heaven (swar). At the head of swar is Indra, the god of Illumined Intelligence. It is Indra who shows man the path to the still higher realms and to the Supreme Reality. He ...
... Pulaha, Kratu, Bhrigu, Va-sishtha and Daksha); and by great Bhāgavatottamas like Prah-lada, Nārada, Vasu and others. 55. He was being adored by deities like Śrī , Pusti, Saraswatī, Sānti, Kīrti, Tusti, Bhu, Ūrjā, and by His Mayāśakti consisting of Vidyā and Avidya that cause liberation and bondage. 56-57. Seeing the Lord in this setting, Akrura was filled with the highest delight and devotion. All his ...
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