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Book of Job : in Old Testament Job attempts to understand the sufferings that engulf him. The discourses consist of three cycles of speeches, in each of which Job disputes with three friends & converses with God.

14 result/s found for Book of Job

... Blake's Innocence and Experience , 132 fn. 11 Blake's Poetical Works, 141 fn. 5 Boehme, iii, 28, 171 , 173, 175, 181 , 182, 183, 246 Book of Ahania, The , 1 16, 166, 198 Book of Job, Illustrations of the , 236 Book of Los, The, 218, 233 Book of Thel, The , 231 Bowra, C . M . , 137, 139, 140, 141, 155, 156, 162, 167 Brown, Raphael , 48 fn. 17 "burning bright"... Spirit, The, 50, 148,224 Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 50,185 Hound of Heaven, The, 73 Human Abstract, The, 57, 232 "Human Imagination, The", 70, 152 Illustrations of the Book of Job, 236 Imagination, 4,147-49,152,153 Isaiah, 47,48, 104 Page 272 Jeffrey, 42 Jerusalem, 65,75,151,155,193,248 Jerusalem, Emanative, 1,53,55,244, ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... suggests the crown of thorns." The Christ-figure is seen in Savitri in relation to the world's evolution and as a step in the direction. A study of Savitri seems to make the Old Testament's Book of Job most spiritual. Pain as the hand of nature sculpturing Man is the Aurobindonian interpretation of Job's suffering. "In Job it is the Lord himself who causes pain and suffering on the protagonist ...

... continental writers who had essayed the epic strain in one manner or another, in long stretches or short. The Hebrew Prophets and the Christian Apostles were profoundly absorbed too – Genesis, the Book of Job, David's Psalms, Isaiah, the Gospels, the Apocalypse poured their splendour and terror into his spirit. From England itself, he was deeply influenced by Spenser's melodious subtlety, Marlowe's ...

... pp. 9-19.- Notes 1. Moloch: A god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom parents offered their children to be burnt in sacrifice. 2. Job is the chief character in the Book of Job (part of the Bible's Old Testament), who, despite great suffering and adversity, kept his faith in God. 3. Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881): Scottish essayist and historian. 4. Friedrich Wilhelm ...


... conclusions are: In the ancient Vedic literature of India there is not much discussion about life after death. The ancient Jewish literature too is almost silent in the matter. Of course, the book of Job and the Book of Maccabees of the Old Testament are exceptions to this general trend. Christian theology affirms that the soul of an individual man Page 46 is created at the moment ...

... say, ' He is'; some others, 'He is no more.' " (Katha Upanishad, 1. 1. 20) Yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?... If a man die, shall he live again? (The Book of Job, 14.10,14) I shall live even when I am dead, just as the solar God Re lives for ever. (Egyptian Book of the Dead, Ed. Naville, Ch. 38) Such then is the ineluctability of ...

... in which all existence is rolled up and dissolved, an infinite non-entity or zero. This is the zero here below, on the reverse side of the reality. But there is another zero up above and ¹ Book of Job, 10.21 Page 305 beyond, beyond the superconsciousness, the Sunya, beyond Sachchidananda. In between is the world of night, the world of gestation where the Gods are asleep. When ...

... and at least as high ideas and as connected and logical a way of expressing themselves—allowing for the succinctness of poetical forms—as is found in other religious poetry, say the Psalms or the Book of Job or St Paul’s Epistles. But there is a better psychological test than any mere hypothesis. If it be found, as I hold it will be found, that a scientific & rational philological dealing with the text ...


... from an imaginative thrill, there is a sovereign excess about it which carries a high artistic potency of suggestion. The Song of Solomon is exotic in its poignant richness of word and vision; the Book of Job is exotic in the figurative revel of its grandiose closing argument; Spenser and Keats are exotic when they diffuse their heavily-charged sen-suousness. What is essential is that confusion should ...


... Quite relevant here is a fine piece of intuitive interpretation by Sir Geoffrey Keynes while discussing the idea embodied in that masterpiece of Blake as Painter - the Illustrations of the Book of Job. What Keynes says can be adduced as one more point to persuade us that Blake could never have intended Urizen to be the Tyger's maker and that this maker could be none else than Christ (with Los ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... — who with me in the foothills hunted wild ass, and panther in the plains; who with me could do all, who climbed the crags, seized, killed the Bull of Heaven; 1 The Book of Job, 14.10. 2 Quoted on p. 13 of Immortality by A. W. Momerie. 3 Frankfort-Frankfort-Wilson-Jacobsen, Before Philosophy (Pelican Books, 1949), p. 79. Page 326 ...

... skin-disease cap-a-pie. Job's wife almost echoing the Satan's words, though because it is too unbearable to see Job's suffering, asks her husband to curse God and die. The good 64 The Book of Job, XLII. 5, p. 500. Page 237 man asks her not to talk like a foolish woman. One must accept whatever God gives with an equal spirit, good or evil. The worst suffering does not ...

... world of night, the world of gestation where the Gods are asleep. When the Divine, the One indivisible existence felt the first stirring and was moved to create, he divided himself 1. Book of Job. I 0.2 1 . Page 30 and cast himself as it were out of himself. And the Light and Consciousness of his Being forthwith leaped into darkness and inconscience. That is the involution ...


... 57, 118-9, 161, 269, 270, 390 Ashwapati, 237-41, 243, 246, 274 Asura, 250, 287, 368 Atris, 372 BEATRICE, 284 Beethoven, 273 Bharati, 189 Bible, the, 121, 305, 345n – Book of Job, 305n – St. John , 345n Borman, 316 Brahma, 256 Brahman, 181-2, 185, 188-9, 193, 205, 290, 299, 339, 368, 385 Brindaban, 385 Britain, 338 Buddha, 52-3, 104-6,182-3,196 ...