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Brahmasutras Vedanta Sutras : by Bādarāyana or Vyāsa, consists of 555 Sutras, aphorisms.
... Buddha's System of Meditation, Sterling Publishers, N. Delhi, 1986. PAGE–149 Quine, W.V., Philosophy of Logic, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J, 1970. Radhakrishnan, S, The Brahmasutra, George Alien Unwin, London, 1960. Radhakrishnan, S., An Idealist View of Life, George Alien & Unwin Ltd., London, 1942. Radhakrishnan, S., Hindu View of Life, Alien & Unwin, London ...
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... fix a pessimistic and negative view of terrestrial life and distort the larger Indian ideal. But his theory is not at all a necessary deduction from the great Vedantic authorities, the Upanishads, Brahmasutras and Gita, and was always combated by other Vedantic philosophies and religions which drew from them and from spiritual experience very different conclusions. At the present time, in spite of a temporary ...
... are obliged to change the outer life. Our aim is not to get supramental experiences only in meditation but also in making them conscious in every act of ordinary life. There is one Sutra in Brahmasutras viz., the upadesha of manifestation and non-manifestation in the Upanishads can be explained by the example of a serpent sitting in coiled form or otherwise. From one standpoint, there is no ...
... quint-essence of the Upanishads. The Upanishad, Brahmasutra and Bhagavad Git ā are collectively Prasth ā natrayi. The Vedic literature mainly consists of mantra samhitā, Brāhmanas, Āranyakas and Upanishads. In understanding the mantra samhita, the study of Brāhmanas, Āranyakas and Upanishads is considered to be essential, and the study of Brahmasutra and Bhagvad Gita is also considered to be... Pure Monism of Vallabhāchārya, Dvaitādvaitavāda or Dualism-non-Dualism of Nimbārkāchārya, and Dvaitavāda or Dualism of Madhawachārya. The commentaries of these great Ācharyas are commentaries on Brahmasutra which was composed by Bādarāyana (Vyasa Rishi) in which the secret of Page 95 the Upanishads was expounded aphoristically. The commentaries of the Acharyas have been further commented... but Bhagavad Gita also has been interpreted differently by different Acharyas, and there have been a number of commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita. The commentary literature on the Upanishads, Brahmasutra, and Bhagavad Gita is continuing to develop even in our own times. IlI Vedic literature includes in its comprehensive sense the Vedānga literature as well. Vedānga literature began to ...
... philosophy and put his name at the head of Indian metaphysicians. Mr. Subbarao admits that it is impossible to establish an exclusive Adwaitavada, much less the Mayavada, from the Veda, Upanishads, Brahmasutras or the Gita. It is impossible not because the great thinkers who gave us these writings thought confusedly or without a clear grasp of principles, but because theirs was an entirely different method ...
... expression: "being freed". Obviously the Upanishads are more psychological than philosophical in rendering their spirituality. In this respect they connect up with the Rigveda rather than the Brahmasutras. In fact, I page-327 recall from the former some phrases aptly bearing on the theme I am discussing. The Gods are said to bring about, by their fostering, the "fearless ...
... Obviously the Upanishads are more psychological in a poetic way than philosophical in an abstract manner in rendering their spirituality. In this respect they connect up with the Rigveda rather than the Brahmasutras. In fact, I recall from the former some phrases aptly bearing on the theme I am discussing. The gods are said to bring about, by their fostering, the "fearless Light", abhayam jyotih, even in ...
... death, the soul of one who has done good deeds takes the path of the ancestors, 'pitriyana', it becomes smoke, night, etc., attains to the world of the fathers and finally to the lunar paradise. The Brahmasutra deduces from this that the soul takes with it all the elements, even those of the subtle physical, which will be needed in the next incarnation." So a question: "Is this correct? Is the subtle ...
... Mimamsa and Uttara Mimamsa bear the imprint of the Upanishadic thought, and the last one, in particular, has as its basic text Brahmasutra, which was written by Badarayana, and in which the quintessence of the Upanishads was expounded aphoristically. Brahmasutra came to be commented upon by various Acaryas. This gave rise to at least five schools of Vedantic interpretation, viz., Advaita of... Dvaitadvaita of Nimbarkacarya, and Dvaita of Madhwacarya. Bhagavadgita is also considered to be an exposition of the essence of the Upanishadic teaching. The commentary literature on the Upanishads, Brahmasutra and Bhagavadgita is continuing to develop even in our own times. It is true that the Upanishads are concerned mainly with the inner vision and not directly with outward .human action; yet, ...
... Truth, the one and only Reality. The signs or qualities of this ultimate Truth or Reality are four. Brahman may be described as if in a group of four aphorisms, like the first four aphorisms of the Brahmasutra, the basic compendium of Vedantic thought, which Shankara has commented on in very clear terms. If you know his commentary on these four aphorisms, you get to know practically the entire philosophy ...
... obliged to change the outer life. Our aim is not to get supramental experiences only in meditation but also in making them conscious and in every act of ordinary life. There is one Sutra in Brahmasutras viz., the upadesha of manifestation and non-manifestation in the Upanishads can be explained by the example of a serpent sitting in coiled form or otherwise. From one standpoint, there is no ...
... Truth, the one and only Reality. The signs or qualities of this ultimate Truth or Reality are four. Brahman may be described as if in a group of four aphorisms, like the first four aphorisms of the Brahmasutra, the basic compendium of Vedantic thought, which Shankara has commented on in-very clear terms. If you know his commentary on these four aphorisms, you get to know practically the entire philosophy ...
... viśvaṁ tvayaitat sṛjyate jagat. Tvayaitat pālyate devi tvamatsyante ca sarvadā." (Chandi, 53) 3 sthityadanābhyāñca. (Brahmasūtram, I.3.7) Also see: Purushottamananda Avadhuta, Brahmasutra, pp. 144-46. 4 "The Spirit pervades the universe as the Virat Purusha, the Cosmic Soul, and as paribhū (literally, 'the One who becomes everywhere'). He has entered into every single objct ...
... teaching; but Bhagavad Gita has also been interpreted differently by different Acharyas, and there have been a number of commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita. The commentary literature on the Upanishads, Brahmasutra, and Bhagavad Gita is continuing to develop even in our own times. The Upanishadic literature tended to subordinate more and more completely the outward ritual, the material utility of the mantra ...
... Upanishadic thought, and the last one, particularly has as its basic text, BrahmasOtra, which was composed by Badarayan, and in which the quintessence of the Upanishads was expounded aphoristically- Brahmasutra came to be commented upon by various Acharyas. This gave rise to at least five schools of Vedantic interpretation, viz., Advaita of Shankaracharya, Vishishtadvaita of Ramanujacharya, Vishuddhadvaita... ta of Nimbarkacharya, and Dvaita of Madhwacharya. Bhagawad Gita is also considered to be an exposition of the essence of the Upanishadic teaching. The commentary literature on the Upanishads, a Brahmasutra and Bhagawad Gita is continuing to develop even in our own times. It is true that the Upanishads are mainly concerned with the inner vision and not directly with outward human action; yet, ...
... looked. I know the Scriptures And the philosophies with all their commentaries. You will forgive me if I claim I am Versed in Panini and the Vedic lore, And can declaim on entire Brahmasutras, Lecture on metaphysics and improvise On these like pundits till the insomniacs Shall doze off into sleep for weariness. But I confess — such wordy feats have never Led ...
... omnipotent cause of the origin, persistence and passing away of the world." Śankara's Brahma-sūtrabhāsya, Bibliotheca Indica, p. 90, 1. 3. Cf. Deussen, System of the Vedânta, p. 123. 3. Brahmasutra II, 3, 9. 4. Chand. Up. II, 2, 2. 5. Śvet. Up. II, 9. 6. BrahmasOtrabhasya, Bibliotheca Indica, pp. 627-628. Page 100 ...
... expounded in the Principal Upanishads. It is on account of these elements that the Gita is recognized as one of the three authorities for the Vedantic teaching, the other two being the Upanishads and Brahmasutra. And the Gita is so highly esteemed that it is ranked as almost the thirteenth Upanishad. 2. A Most Difficult Dilemma of Human Life and Gita's Solution The greatest significance of ...
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