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19 result/s found for British Commonwealth

... fitness of things. Immediately after achieving what seemed like "squaring the circle" — the reconciliation of the concept of India the sovereign independent Republic with the concept of the British Commonwealth of Nations — Jawaharlal Nehru could not have acted more appropriately than by meeting that master of surprise and paradox, Bernard Shaw. Nor could he have done anything more appropriate at the ...


... but equal to them in every respect, and in no way subordinate in any aspect of its domestic or external affairs, and free to remain in or to separate itself from the equal partnership of the British Commonwealth of nations.’ 16 This was a huge concession as well from Churchill as from the British Crown and should have led to the full independence of the country within a foreseeable time. The British ...


... after a struggle, to Irak without a struggle. On the whole, she has been for some time moving away steadily from imperialism towards a principle of free association and co-operation; the British commonwealth of England and the Dominions is something unique and unprecedented, a beginning of new things in that direction. Page 98 She is turning in spirit in the direction of a ...

... charming. I came to know much later that Sri Aurobindo had once lived in Great Russell Street. He must have visited the library at the British Museum—the greatest, oldest and finest library in the British Commonwealth. The lady in charge at the YWCA informed me that the man from the CID could not locate either the locket or the woman. She gave me the refund and wished me good luck. ...


... stands at present, they appeal to two different groups, each :in its own way and each has its hemisphere where it is prevalent, almost as a second mother tongue. Geographically, America and the British Commonwealth (including India) belong to the English sphere, while the European continent, South America and a good half of Canada are more at home in French. In Asia, the eastern part took more to English ...

... They had crossed their imperialistic designs and actions with the spread of these anti-imperialistic Page 429 ideals and the planting of democratic institutions. Wasn't the British Commonwealth idea quite a unique force fashioning a free future? It was necessary to look at things from all sides and think mainly about the future. It was really a war between two occult forces, the ...


... not sin personified, at least no soldier ever thinks in that way. After the two World Wars there have been efforts to , create larger than nation-units of collective life, e. g. (1 ) The British Commonwealth ( 2 ) The French entante ( 3 ) the vague formation of the Arab League. But in the day-to-day flow of events one hardly sees signs Page 63 that might encourage optimism about ...

... India to explain personally the solution agreed upon by the Cabinet.’ What Cripps had to propose was dominion status, ‘free to remain in or to separate itself from the equal partnership of the British Commonwealth of nations.’ Sri Aurobindo perceived immediately the advantages and possibilities for India. ‘If the Congress can get Dominion Status without any fighting or struggle,’ said Sri Aurobindo ...

... enlightened proposals and the Cabinet Mission brought similar plans for full support by India to the Allied Cause and for a post-war declaration of India's complete freedom either within the British Commonwealth or outside it. With a living grip always on fundamental realities both of the spiritual life and of the common world within which his brand of dynamic spirituality was to function, Sri Aurobindo ...


... gain; she has also conceded independence to Egypt and Eire after a struggle, to Iraq without a struggle. She has been moving away steadily, if slowly, from imperialism towards co-operation; the British Commonwealth of England and the Dominions is something unique and unprecedented, a beginning of new things in that direction: she is moving in idea towards a world-union of some kind in which aggression ...


... Eire after a struggle, to Iraq without a struggle. On the whole she has been for some time moving away steadily from Imperialism towards a principle of free association and cooperation; the British Commonwealth of England and the Dominions is something unique and unprecedented, a beginning of new things in that direction. She is turning in spirit in the direction of a world-union of some kind after ...


... gain; she has also conceded independence to Egypt and Eire after a struggle, to Iraq without a struggle. She has been moving away steadily, if slowly, from imperialism towards co-operation; the British Commonwealth of England and the Dominions is something unique and unprecedented, a beginning of new things in that direction: she is moving in idea towards a world-union of some kind in which aggression ...

... Hitler and posed a threat to Burma and even India, both of which were then under British rule. There was considerable discontent in India and a great reluctance to join the war effort of the British Commonwealth. India could not see much difference between German Nazism and British Imperialism. Most people forgot that the latter was the gradually fading remnant of an old turn of the human political ...


... this Great War. To be and remain free and strong and invincible, India must be and remain indivisible. The strength of the United States of America, of the United Soviets of the Russias, of the British Commonwealth ( pace Churchill) lies precisely in each one of them being a large unified aggregate, all members pooling their resources together. India cannot main­tain her freedom, nor utilise her freedom ...

... British people desire the Indian peoples to have full self-government, with a Constitution as free in every respect as our own in Great Britain or as of any of the great Dominion members of the British Commonwealth of Nations. In the words of the Draft Declaration, India would be associated with the United Kingdom and other Dominions by a common allegiance to the Crown but equal to them in every respect ...

... to Egypt and Eire after a struggle, to Iraq without a struggle. She has been moving away Page 121 steadily, if slowly, from imperialism towards co-operation; the British Commonwealth of England and the Dominions is something unique and unprecedented, a beginning of new things in that direction: she is moving in idea towards a world-union of some kind in which aggression ...

... British people desire the Indian peoples to have full self-government, with a Constitution as free in every respect as our own in Great Britain or as of any of the great Dominion members of the British Commonwealth of Nations. In the words of the Draft Declaration, India would be associated with the United Kingdom and other Dominions by a common allegiance to the Crown but equal to them in every respect ...

... this Great War. To be and remain free and strong and invincible, India must be and remain indivisible. The strength of the United States of America, of the united Soviets of the Russias, of the British Commonwealth (pace Churchill) lies precisely in each one of them being a large unified aggregate, all members pooling their resources together. India cannot maintain her freedom, nor utilise her freedom ...


... broke with Stalin and attacked Russia. Only on November 25,1942 the tide of batde in Russia began to turn against Hitler at Stalingrad. Rommell's crack-up in Tunisia, face to face with British and Commonwealth armies, came as late as May 12, 1943. The invasion of Normandy by Anglo-American troops was still years away: it began on June 6,1944. Sri Aurobindo's poem proves more than an occult realism:... Our deeds were neither great nor rare. Home is where we have to gather grace— both these compositions of distinct merit yet in no particularly memorable key occur in An Anthology of Commonwealth Verse, If it were less beautiful, And my eyes did not catch beauty, if in the morning My eyes did not catch beauty, I would have peace. O Beauty fair goddess ... written: it was, as we have said, October 16,1939. Already before its composition Hitler had made a pact with the only other Titan one saw on the scene: Stalin. That was on August 23 of the same year. Britain and France had but recently—September 3—gone to war with Germany. Hitler's most sensational striding on and conquering all was still in the future. And it was not before June 22, 1941, that Hitler ...
