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Calypso : nymph of Ogygia, the island on which she entertained Odysseus who, after enjoying her for seven years, spurned her offer to make him immortal if he stayed.
... Page 23 Cyclope, to the Island of Aeolus, to the island of Circe, to the Sirens island, and thereafter passed through the channel between Scylla and Charybdis. The next stop was the Island of Calypso and then, to the island of the Phaeacians. At last, he reached Ithaca. No one recognized him, except his favourite dog, Argus. Odysseus found that his queen Penelope was surrounded by a number of suitors ...
... Last came the third form, the most dangerous of all, for now Death masqueraded like the virgin of a noble tribe who on the beach smiled softly at a shipwrecked man. 73 Calypso, Circe, Nausicaa, these would, each in her own way, keep Odysseus chained to her, but to him life meant moving on and exploring and experimenting, not subsisting in the somnolence of any steady condition ...
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