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Chakkarai, V. : Chetty, was with Doraiswami, Bhārati, V. Sastrulu (see Tilak) & other young nationalists in Madras Presidency were fired by Sri Aurobindo’s Bande Mataram, & guided by Ganapati Muni’s deep knowledge & experience of Vedic culture, formed a secret society of their own. Bharati attended the 1905 Benares Congress session, while Doraiswami, Chakkarai & Sastrulu attended the 1907 Surat Congress. Chakkarai contributed a prose poem to the issue of Shama’a which Sri Aurobindo reviewed in Arya. [Reminiscences & Anecdotes of Lōkamānya Tilak, edited & published by S.V. Bāpat, Poona, 1924]

3 result/s found for Chakkarai, V.

... and colour of phrase and a moving sentiment,—but not yet, I think, all the originality and sureness of touch of the poet when he uses his own already mastered instrument,—and another prose poem by V. Chakkarai inspired by Rabindranath and executed with a sufficient grace. All these together make up an admirable number. The closing portion of the magazine is devoted to notes and criticisms. Several... translations. There is a brief essay or rather the record of a reflection by Mr. Cousins on "Symbol and Metaphor in Art", quite the best thing in thought and style in the number: a translation by Mr. V. V. S. Aiyar of some verses of Tiruvalluvar done with grace and a fluid warmth and colour—perhaps too much fluidity and grace to Page 629 render rightly the terse and pregnant force that is ...

... teacher, the poet, the man of imagination and reverie, of intuition and spiritual poise - Tilak * The Nationalist contingent from Madras was quite strong and included V.O. Chidambaram Pillai, V. Chakkarai Chetti, Subramania Bharati the poet and S. Doraiswami Aiyar. Page 269 the lawyer, the mathematician, the man of intellect and erudition, of incisive logic and imperturbable equanimity:... shown as succeeding in their endeavour to "slay the Congress". A clever and amusing skit, it is interesting mainly because it tells us something about the way tempers were frayed at the time. V From Surat Sri Aurobindo went to Baroda and stayed there for about a fortnight. We have seen how he had begun prānāyāma some years earlier, and how its regular practice had yielded some rather ...

... regain the vitality and courage of true manhood. By then Subramania Bharathi had moved into a house on the same street. He composed many of his songs in Appa’s house. With V.O. Chidambaram Pillai, Chakkarai Chettiar, Jayarama Naidu, Raghunatha Rao and several teachers, lawyers and writers, they formed the first group of nationalist Tamils. Appa and the Mandayam brothers, Tirumalachari and Srinivasachari... University of Nawadweep, the last surviving ancient seat of traditional learning after Nalanda, Ujjain, Amaravathi and Kancheepuram. [ Nayana , pp.28-36] [13] V. Venkateswara Sastrulu (Proprietor, Vavila Press, Madras), The Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Lokamanya Tilak , edited & published by S.V. Bapat, Poona, 1924, pp.36-37. ...