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Chandavarkar, Justice : Sir Narayan Ganesh Chandavarkar (1855-1923), educated at Elphinstone College, Bombay (where he was a class-fellow of Tilak): a successful pleader of Bombay: accompanied Lalmohan Ghose & others to England for educating the British public on Indian conditions, 1885: elected president of the Congress in 1900: gave up politics when he was appointed a judge of the Bombay High Court in 1901: succeeded M.G. Ranade as leader of Ranade’s movement to reform Hindus & Hinduism: fulfilled his duty as head of the Special Tribunal which sentenced Vināyaka Sāvarkar to two consecutive life terms in the Andamans in July 1910: hence knighted on retirement from the High Court in 1912; then for his safety, made Dewan of Indore. In 1914 he left Indore & re-joined the Moderate Congress.
... Vibhishan's utterances are of little importance nowadays to anyone except the Government and Anglo-India, who are naturally disposed to make the most of his defection from the cause of the people. Justice Chandavarkar, who long ago gave up the cause of his country for a judgeship and whose present political opinions can be estimated from his remarks in the Swaraj case, grandiloquently condemned the "vilification"... being the only righteous and right-thinking man among Indian politicians,—which is after all a little hard on Sir Pherozshah Mehta and Mr. Harkissen Lal. But in the same report that enshrines Mr. Chandavarkar's semi-official rhetoric, we have it that the Commissioner of Police and his deputy were present to support the speaker with their moral influence and loudly Page 280 applauded his sentiments ...
... puzzles which it seems impossible to solve, nevertheless presses for solution. In Nagpur it has been established that to laugh at the holder of a Government title is sedition. In the Swaraj Case Justice Chandavarkar has declared it to be the law that to condemn terrorism in strong language and trace it to its source is sedition. At Patiala it is contended that to read the Amrita Bazar Patrika and the ...
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