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Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
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Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]

Chetti, Shanker : a respectable businessman at whose house Sri Aurobindo spent the first six months of his stay in Pondicherry (April to October 1910). The only three-storeyed house in the town at that time, it was on Comouthy (Tamil pronunciation of Gōmati, the sacred river) vidi, later 39, Calve Subraya Chettiar Street.

1 result/s found for Chetti, Shanker

... from Sri Ramakrishna was received. The first message was in Baroda, the 'Arabindo, mandir karo, mandir karo,' 2 & the parable of the snake Pravriti devouring herself. The second was given in Shanker Chetti's house soon after the arrival in Pondicherry, & the words are lost, but it was a direction to form the higher being in the lower self coupled with a promise to speak once more when the sadhan was ...