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12 result/s found for Community life

... al knowledge out of its isolation and connect it with all the worthy aspects of community life. It calls for schools to utilize students' outside experiences and basing and integrating studies upon the knowledge and information and interests students bring to school. The school thus becomes the centre of community life. With these factors in mind, the author has piloted a teaching and evaluation... facilities are very few. The economic condition of these people is really pathetic. Such a situation calls for a science and technology education programme to be closely related to the real problems of community life. It must be so presented that the conventional gap between science and technological knowledge and life situation disappears. If such a curriculum could be developed, schools may be transformed ...

... All construction projects should be submitted to the Construction Service before being sanctioned by The Mother. 5.4.1971 * Auromodel will be developed as a first attempt at community life in Auroville. At the centre of Auroville we shall build huts for twenty to thirty people who will participate in the construction of the Matrimandir and in its organisation. 10.4.1971 ...


... governed by petty human considerations. 28 May 1970 Whatever is done here, must be done in a spirit of complete collaboration with one single aim in view―the service of the Divine. A community life must necessarily have a discipline in order that the weaker may not be maltreated by the stronger; and this discipline ought to be respected by all those who wish to live in that community. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... its early days, quite at the beginning, we may now say, long long ago, for it is now almost half a century ago, the Ashram from its very start and quite spontaneously and inevitably grew into a community life. That is to say, the individuals ceased to have any personal possessions. Whatever they had belonged not to themselves but to the group, rather to the Master of the group, the Guru, to the Mother ...

... and firmness, of patience and sweet reasonableness, of sustained hard work and infinite generosity of understanding, she brought order, tidiness and a measure of functional adequacy to the community life of the inmates. Still it was Sri Aurobindo who remained the Master of the Yoga; he presided over the collective meditation in the evenings; he received the important visitors, he conducted the ...


... of the material necessities of life - food, clothing, shelter - so that they could turn towards the higher life. And in her middle age she was actually to be in a position to organise such a community life for a large group of spiritual aspirants. Thus, in the wider background 'of the inspiring epic of her divine ministry and manifestation, this 1912 manifesto has a key place, like the corner-stone ...


... very favourable to inner peace and if you have good will Page 144 and constant aspiration you will be able to create a harmonious atmosphere conducive to progress.     In a community life, to words concerning the daily life and material preoccupations are to be added also those that express sensations, feelings and emotions. It is here that the habit of external silence comes as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... first years of her stay in the Library House the Mother continued to keep herself in the background. However, her presence and influence were increasingly felt by the disciples not only in their community life but in matters of sadhana also. The disciples could see for themselves how frequently her advice was sought by Sri Aurobindo and how closely she was consulted by him in matters of yoga. Nolini ...


... disparate, tardy, and somewhat local in character. The religious leaders who had provided leadership to the community since the decline of Muslim power in India, withdrew from the mainstream of community life, and devoted themselves exclusively to imparting religious education. Their seminaries, especially at Deoband, Farangi Mahal, Rai Bareilly and Calcutta did help the Muslims to preserve their identity ...

... In its early days, quite at the beginning, we may now say long, long ago, for it is now almost half a century ago, the Ashram from its very start quite spontaneously and inevitably grew into a community life. In the first place, the individuals ceased to have any personal possessions. Whatever they had belonged not to themselves but to the group, or rather to the Master of the group, the Guru, to the ...

... Mother's play Vers I'Avenir, recitations from Savitri and from Prayers and Meditations. In the enrollment of pupils and the choice of teachers, in the organisation of studies, sports and community life, the School remembered its close Ashram affiliations - it was not merely a School located in the Ashram, it was the Ashram School - and the Mother was the effective Head of the School and Ashram ...

... with her will go the whole world. Everything he saw, everything he heard, duly impressed him, and he found the Ashram "a unique experiment... which enabled people to live a self-contained community life", and he seems to have told a friend, Charupada: "If the world were to be drowned in a flood again, you needn't have a Noah's Ark, if the Ashram is saved. It would be sufficient to set up the ...
