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Coochbehar : Maharaja Sir Nripendra Bhoop Bahadur, a year younger than Sayājirao, was installed on his throne in 1883 (Sayājirao in 1881): appointed Lt. Colonel of 6th Bengal Cavalry: Staff Officer of General Yeatman-Briggs in the Tirah campaign, he saw action at Dargal & Samana: married (1878) Keshab Chandra Sen’s daughter Suniti who, as Queen of Coochbehar, was made Member of the Imperial Order of the Crown of India in 1887. The Maharaja was awarded Companion of the Bath 1898, made Honorary ADC to His Majesty the King. [Buckland] ― This loyalty qualified Nripendra in 1907 for admission into Morley’s Advisory Council of Notables. Sayājirao’s daughter Indira Rāje (b.1892) fell in love with Nripendra’s brother Jitendra when their families were camped in Delhi for the Durbar of 1911. They married, against the wishes of her parents in London on 25 August 1913; by 1917 she was Maharani of Coochbehar.

16 result/s found for Coochbehar

... Ara—our Sri Aurobindo. "He went up for medicine but could not go on. He returned to India [in 1893], got a job in Coochbehar. Now I hear he has come back to Calcutta," Sri Aurobindo said in 1939. The job in Coochbehar State was that of auditor and finance secretary. Coochbehar was then a princely State, in the north of Bengal, and he also was the prince's tutor. He married Umarani Mitra, rather ...

... returned alone from England, and his two elder brothers remained there for some time. Then, the eldest brother, Benoy Bhusan, came back to India and obtained an employment under the Maharaja of Coochbehar. He sent some money to Manmohan, and the latter also returned. Manmohan was at first appointed Professor of English at the Dacca College, and subsequently at the Presidency College of Calcutta... Ananda Math. Even as early as 1763, the insurgent Sannyasis were waging guerilla war against the British. In that year, they suddenly appeared in Dacca in East Bengal, then as suddenly flew to Coochbehar, and there worsted the British soldiers in a skirmish. In 1768, they engaged a contingent of British troops in an open fight in the district of Saran in Bihar. In 1770, they were found in Dinajpur ...

... Chiefs to safeguard the interests of the bureaucracy. If Kashmir can be made useful to suppress sedition, the Maharaja of Coochbehar can at least help in putting down the boycott. On the occasion of the distribution of prizes to the students of the Jenkins School the Maharaja of Coochbehar said that "schoolboys were ciphers in politics", and warned them against the danger of rushing into the whirlpool of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Now that we are both in Gujarat we shall meet often.'" C.C. Dutt's father, Kalikadas Dutt was the Dewan of the Maharaja of Coochbehar, where Charu Chandra was born on 16 June 1876. After his return from England, Benoybhusan was engaged by the Maharaja of Coochbehar, as we have already seen. That is how C.C. Dutt was so well acquainted with Benoybhusan, and heard from him many stories about his ...

... The first attempt of an open revolt against the British was perhaps the lightning attacks by groups of sannyasis. In the latter half of the 18th century, such attacks took place at Dacca, Coochbehar, Saran, Dinajpur, Rajsahi, Rangpur, and even as early as 1773, Hastings acknowledged their capabilities. In 1768, there was a serious clash between sannyasis and British troops in Saran, Bihar. The ...

... always to pass on the ball and to receive it back. I tried to keep my position, anticipate where the ball was likely to land, in what positions our men would be found. A well-known player from Coochbehar had once remarked on noticing the easy manner and artistic style of my game, "There is a fine individuality about your play; it is calm and steady, neat and clean and robust." Indeed my aim was ...


... Banki-pore. The two elder brothers Benoybhushan and Manmohan who had returned from England were earning also but they rendered no help to the family. When asked about this Sri Aurobindo said, "Dada is in Coochbehar state service and so he has to maintain a certain high standard of living. Manmohan is married and marriage is an expensive luxury!" In the autumn of 1898 Sri Aurobindo managed to get Sj. Dinendra ...


... suffered persecution and martyrdom. In the latter half of the eighteenth century, different bands if sannyasins organised guerilla or open warfare against the British in places so widespread as Dacca, Coochbehar, Saran, Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Rungpur, and "in most of these encounters they used to carry the day", and so much of a menace they were that Warren Hastings wrote in 1773: "These sannyasins appear so ...

... was watching interestedly, asked Beno some questions and then directed the coachman and even accompanied Beno to the right house. Benoybhusan quickly found a job as tutor to the Prince of the Coochbehar State. According to Barin, Beno who had gone to Ajmer with his pupil, borrowed Rs.1500 to send to Mano so that the latter could also return to India. Benoybhusan seems to have been in Ajmer for a ...

... Councils, admission of one or two Indians to the India Council. An advisory Council of Notables—we can see it in our mind's eye. The Nawab of Dacca, the Maharaja of Darbhanga, the Maharajas of Coochbehar and Kashmir, the Raja of Nabha, Sir Harnam Singh, a few other Rajas and Maharajas ( not including the Maharaja of Baroda), Dr. Rash Behari Ghose, Mr. Justice Mukherji, a goodly number of non-official ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... always to pass on the ball and to receive it back. I tried to keep my position, anticipate where the ball was likely to land, in what positions our men would be found. A well-known player from Coochbehar had once remarked on noticing the easy manner and artistic style of my game, "There is a fine individuality about your play; it is calm and steady, neat and clean." Indeed my aim was to playa clean ...

... had left, there was not much further conversation. NIRODBARAN: What about your eldest brother? SRI AUROBINDO: He went up for medicine but couldn't go on. He returned to India and got a job in Coochbehar. Now I hear he has come back to Calcutta. He is a very practical man, the opposite of poetic, and takes more after my father. He is a very nice man and one can easily get on with him. ...


... there and everywhere, like seeds sown by the wind. For several years they kept engaging British troops in guerilla warfare. In 1763 they suddenly appeared in Dacca, then as suddenly reappeared in Coochbehar where they worsted the British soldiers in a skirmish. In 1767 five thousand of them fought openly against a contingent of sepoys in the Saran district of Bihar, killed many of them and put the rest ...

... you send a monthly allowance to your mother and sister, but your two elder brothers also earn a big amount of money, don't they send any allowance to them ?' To which Aurobindo said, "Dada is in Coochbehar State service so he has to maintain a certain standard of living. As for Mejda, he is newly married, and he thinks that marriage is an 'expensive luxury'!" Throughout his life Sri Aurobindo ...

... very fine man; I got a lot of help from him for my studies. Do you know him? He was perhaps a Bengali.'" At the time Dutt had not met Sri Aurobindo but knew his relatives, specially Benoybhusan at Coochbehar where Dutt's father was the Dewan. Page 208 An Irishman, who later became a professor, was an undergraduate with Sri Aurobindo at King's College during 1890-91. He too acknowledged ...

... charge of the tuition of the younger princes when the regular tutor went on vacation. And how did lie superintend over the children's education? The Gaekwad's daughter, who became the Maharani of Coochbehar, conjured up that episode from her past. "1 was so small when Aurobindo used to come to teach us!" she was wont to say. "But he used to be so concentrated in his own studies and thoughts that he ...