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Court of Cassation : Court of Appeal of European countries other than England.
... French procedure about which I know nothing. I presume he would have to move the Govṭ in France or, failing there, the Court of Cassation in Paris, but the latter would be an expensive affair. So long as Bose is not handed over to the British (if he is in Chandannagar), the Court of Cassation has, I should suppose the power of cancelling the warrant. I do not know whether it is necessary first to appeal... is a French subject, but it could only succeed by strong diplomatic pressure which the present Fr. Govṭ might be unwilling to employ. In any case it might be worthwhile to get a decree of the Court of Cassation so as to establish the principle. There is always, however, the danger in these political cases, where justice & law are so seldom observed, of an opposite decision making the position worse ...
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