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Devabrata Devavrata Debabrata : (c.1879-1918), member ‘Yugantar’ revolutionary group, a real editor/ columnist of the Yugantar, he was a master of Bengali prose. After his acquittal in the Alipore Bomb Case, he joined the Ramakrishna Mission & as Swami Prajñānanda contributed to its journals.

26 result/s found for Devabrata Devavrata Debabrata

... was no declared editor) were Barin, Upen Banerji (also a subeditor of the Bande Mataram) and Debabrata Bose who subsequently joined the Ramakrishna Mission (being acquitted in the Alipur case) and was [ ] 2 prominent among the Sannyasis at Almora and as a writer in the Mission's journals. Upen and Debabrata were masters of Bengali prose and it was their writings and Barin's that gained an unequalled ...

... meetings with his grandfather were for political purposes.] This is not correct. In these visits he was not concerned with politics. It was some years afterwards that he made a journey along with Devabrata Bose, Barin's co-adjutor in the Yugantar, partly to visit some of the revolutionary centres already formed, but also to meet leading men in the districts and find out the general attitude of the country ...

... places, allowing only a few to know. This is the true account of what happened according to Sri Aurobindo's own statement. The new story now told that Devabrata Bose and Sri Aurobindo both asked to be admitted into the Ramakrishna Mission and Devabrata was accepted but Swami Brahmananda refused to accept Sri Aurobindo is another myth. Sri Aurobindo never even dreamed of taking Sannyas or of entering ...

... have no intention of going back," I said. "On that I am determined." Debabrata Basu and Sachin Sen had already joined the Ramakrishna Mission before I came. Both of them had been with me in Alipore Jail among the accused in the Bomb case. Page 384 Let me here in parenthesis note a few things about Debabrata Basu. He had been a contemporary of Barin, U pen and Hrishikesh and was... shared in her brother's work as a revolutionary. On his joining the Ramakrishna Mission, Debabrata Basu was given the name of Prajnananda. He has written a book in Bengali, Bharater Sadhana (The Spiritual Heritage of India ), which is well-known to select circles. I had to bring up the names of Debabrata and Sachin for I thought – I had also been told something to this effect – that the Math ...

... said, "These two boys will be hanged." The prophecy almost came true, for Barin got a death-sentence. Before the Swadeshi movement started, Debabrata Bose and I went on a tour of Bengal to study the conditions of the people. We lived simply on bananas. Debabrata Bose was very persuasive and could win anybody round. We found the country pessimistic, with a black weight of darkness over it. Only four ...

... He, Upen and Debabrata were very good writers too. They wrote in the Yugantar." Upen, or Upendranath Banerji (1879-1950), came from Chandernagore, then in French India. Throughout his life he was associated with a number of newspapers, including the Bande Mataram. He wrote profusely, except when he was put in prison by the British government. Upen Banerji and Debabrata Bose "were masters ...

... of the paper; the editorials during that period were hers. (5) I did not take my wife for initiation to Sri Saradamani Devi; I was given to understand that she was taken there by Sudhira Bose, Debabrata's sister. I heard of it a considerable time afterwards in Pondicherry. I was glad to know that she had found so great a spiritual refuge but I had no hand in bringing it about. (6) I did not go ...

... statement by a biographer, "as my father was in Rangpur, not in Khulna. I went to Khulna long after returning from England." Sri Aurobindo reminisced. "Before the Swadeshi movement started, Debabrata Bose 1 and myself went on a tour of Bengal to study the conditions of the people. We lived simply on bananas. D. Bose was very persuasive and could win anybody round. We found the people steeped... could eat very little. I was not known as a political leader but as the son of my father K. D. Ghose. My father had been the all-powerful man there. There was nobody that hadn't received 1. Debabrata Bose was committed for trial in the Alipore Bomb Case, but was acquitted. He later became Swami Prajnananda. His sister, Sudhira Bose, was a bosom friend of Mrinalini Devi, Sri Aurobindo's wife. ...

... Swarnalata Das, M. A.... Mrinalini's second friend was Miss Sudhira Bose , a classmate of hers with whom she lived in closest intimacy till the day of her death. Sudhira was a younger sister of late Debabrata Bose, an associate of Sri Aurobindo in the Alipore Bomb Case, who after his acquittal at the trial , turned a Sannyasin1 and joined 1. Taking the name of Swami Prajnananda. Page... on the matter of his wife's diksha or initiation. "I did not take my wife for initiation to Saradeshwari Devi," he stated. "I was given to understand that she was taken there by Sudhira Bose, Debabrata's sister. I heard of it a considerable time afterwards in Pondicherry. I was glad to know that she had found so great a spiritual refuge, but I had no hand in bringing it about." Sri Aurobindo ...

... we have been good. But in infantry we have been outclassed." NIRODBARAN (after a while, giving Sri Aurobindo Udbodhan to read): Here is a review of Nishikanto's Alakananda, written by one Debabrata Roy Chowdhury, who says, "Nishikanto's poetic life grew up in the shadow of Tagore's poetry; so his poems of those days are colourless like a shadow-grown tree.... Today he has found the direction ...

... violent revolt in the future. Never rigid, Sri Aurobindo was always ready to change his tactics and strategies with the changing circumstances. When Sri Aurobindo went on a tour of Bengal with Debabrata Bose —remember Khulna and the dishes I Thus the revolution he and other Nationalist leaders envisaged was a four-pronged effort, its constituents being: youth, labour, peasantry and army. He ...

... the name there was a "Hush, hush" and he shut up. Barin was preparing bombs at my place at Baroda, but I didn't know it. He got the formula from N. Dutt who was a very good chemist. He, Upen and Debabrata were very good writers too. They wrote in the jugantar. Here Purani brought in the topic of Oundh State and described the reforms the chief of the State was introducing. They seemed to be something ...

... became many. At Calcutta Jatin set up his residence at 108C, Upper Circular Road. It became a training ground and the Society's study centre. P. Mitter, Surendranath Tagore, A. Rasul, S. G. Deuskar, Debabrata Bose and others met here every Sunday evening, and discussed revolutionary subjects. Bengal, of course, had secret societies running in its blood. Remember Rajnarain Bose who formed one in which ...

... searches in Calcutta in May 1908, the police found three copies of Bhawani Mandir: one in the Bande Mataram office, a second in the bomb store at 134 Harrison Road, and a third in the house of Debabrata Bose, one of the chief writers with Barin for the revolutionary Bengali journal, the Yugantar. 1. In the History of Modern Bengal, Part 2 (p. 175), R. C. Majumdar mentions about "its ...

... Sethna's massive work on the subject - Ancient India in a New Light - fortifies the new revolution-ary outlook. The International Institute of Indian Studies based in Ottawa, Canada, gave him the Devavrata Bhishma Award for 1994 for this work.   In her letter dated 5.8.1961, Ms. Kathleen Raine after making general remarks on the poems of K.D. Sethna, concludes thus: "Only one thing troubles ...

... Sethna's massive work on the subject - Ancient India in a New Light fortifies the new revolutionary outlook. The International Institute of Indian Studies, based in Ottawa, Canada, gave him the Devavrata Bhisma Award for 1994 for his work. In her letter dated 5 August 1961 Ms Kathleen Raine, after giving general remarks on the poems of K.D. Sethna, concludes thus: "Only one thing troubles ...

... PAGE–150 Shankara, Crest Jewel of Discrimination, Vedanta Press, Hollywood, C.A., 1975. Sinari, R., The Structure of Indian Thought, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 1970. Sinha, Debabrata, Phenomenology & Existentialism: An Introduction, Progressive Publishers, 1974. Singer, P (ed.), A Companion to Ethics, Blackwell, Oxford, 1991. Sircar, K., The Mimdmsa: Rules of Interpretation ...

... Aurobindo stayed in Grey Street when he went to Calcutta during vacations. Barin did the cooking and Devabrata, later Swami Prajnananda, used to come and go. All those who were to be recruited to the revolutionary organisation used to come to this Grey Street house and meet either Barin, Jatin or Devavrata. Sri Aurobindo used to meet only those who were of importance. They used to survey the day's work... rivalry between him and Barin for leadership. When Sri Aurobindo went to Bengal he stayed with Jogendra Vidya Bhushan, who was a Government servant and a sympathiser of the revolutionary movement. Devavrata and Suresh Samajpati were on Barin's side. Even Hemchandra Das was for Barin. Hemchandra Das ¹. Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, pp. 68-70. Page 55 writes; He [Jatin] had... Jessore, Khulna, etc. We found the people steeped in pessimism, a black weight of darkness weighing over the whole country. It is difficult nowadays to imagine those times. "I was travelling with Devavrata Bose. He was living on plantains only and he used to speak to the people. He had a very persuasive way of talking. It was at Khulna that we had a right royal reception, not so much because I was ...

... and a most valuable addition to the Greek Heritage ." 14   There were fewer accolades at home. And they came late! The International Institute of Indian Studies conferred upon Sethna the Devavrata Bhishma Award for 1994 for his contribution to international peace and world order on the basis of universal Vedantic values. He was also nominated for the Sahitya Akademi Award.   However ...

... sentence from Sri Aurobindo's letter to me dated 5-12-1944: "I did not take my wife for initiation to Sri Saradeshwari Devi; I was given to understand that she was taken there by Sudhira Bose, Debabrata's sister. I heard of it a considerable time afterwards in Pondicherry. I was glad to know that she had found so great a spiritual refuge, but I had no hand in bringing it about." So ...

... of the leading articles in the early issues, and "always exercised a general control". 18 Among the editorial staff were able writers and committed revolutionaries like Barin, Upen Bannerji and Devabrata Bose. From the beginning the paper was a sensational success, the circulation leaping up from one to ten thousand in the course of a year, and sometimes Page 217 times it had to ...

... quick, and wouldn't prepare through a long period of years. 8 The Bengali paper, Yugantar, that had commenced its tempestuous career on 12 March 1906, was run by Barin, Upen Banerjee and Debabrata Bose and promulgated, week after week, its message of revolution and advocated guerrilla warfare in unambiguous terms. Sri Aurobindo came to Calcutta soon after, took charge of the Bande Mataram ...

... instance of wrong inference based on false evidence is furnished by several people ascribing the authorship of the Bhawani Mandir scheme to different persons. Some have ascribed the authorship to Devavrata and some to Barin. If a wrong statement like this remains uncontradicted, is it to be accepted as true? If this is the case, as Girija says, it is a very strange doctrine. 36. In the Jyaistha... that people who wanted to join the secret society were compelled to practise meditation? That he was admitted shows there was no compulsion. 3. If some of the members of the secret society like Devavrata, Barin etc. had a spiritual tendency and if they practised meditation, how could any objection be taken to it? Men like Barin, Devarata and Ullas were free to follow their own bent. 4. Hemchandra ...

... Adhara through which it is engineered; it needs, in fact, the greatest which India contains & which is at the same time willing to take it up. I see only Devavrata & myself who have the idea—for the Dayanandas & others are a negligible quantity, & Devavrata seems to me to have gone off for the moment on a wrong route & through egoism has even allowed his spiritual force to be used against us by secret forces ...

... destined a much vaster role for him than that of a mere political leader. Outwardly, his release was a signal triumph of the devoted, self-sacrificing services of C.R. Das. Along with Sri Aurobindo, Devavrata Bose, Narendra Bakshi, Nolini Gupta, Bejoy Nag, Puma Sen etc. were also released. C.R. Das appealed to the High Court on behalf of the other accused, some of whom had been sentenced to death. Barin... Shah, Bejoy Kumar Nag, Narendra Nath Bukshi, Puma Chandra Sen, Hemendra Nath Ghose, Aravinda Ghose, Dindayal Bose, Birendra Nath Ghose, Dharani Nath Gupta, Nagendra Nath Gupta, Hem Chandra Sen, Debabrata Bose, Nikhileswar Roy Moulik, Bijoy Chandra Bhattacharya and Pravas Chandra Dev were acquitted. "Thus the enquiry before Mr. Birley occupied 76 days and the trial in the Court of Sessions took ...

... Sri Sarada Devi, the saintly wife of Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Aurobindo once remarked in this connection: "I was given to understand that she was taken there (to Sri Sarada Devi) by Sudhira Bose, Debabrata's 46 sister. I heard of it a consider- able time afterwards in Pondicherry. I was glad to know that she had found so great a spiritual refuge, but I had no hand in bringing it about." 47 ...