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Dhanwantari Dhunwuntari : divine physician of the gods. When the Devas & Dānavas churned the waters of the divine Ocean of Milk, he emerged from it with the pitcher of immortalising Amrita for which a struggle arose between the Devas & Dānavas resolved by Lord Vishnu in favour of the Devas. Ayurveda, the system developed from a text in Atharvaveda, was communicated to him by Brahmā.
... are built up by experience and intuition and handed down by tradition: for example, the Chinese method of treatment by finding nerve centres and puncturing them with pins. PURANI: It is said of Dhanwantari that whenever he used to stand before a plant, the plant used to reveal its properties to him. SRI AUROBINDO (smiling) : He was the physician of the Gods; so that is nothing unnatural for him ...
... heart and navel, and the last two centres as one. NIRODBARAN: If there was a medical chakra, I would try to open it. SRI AUROBINDO: In that case you should call in Dhanwantari or Ashwinikumar. PURANI: R says he is Dhanwantari. NIRODBARAN: If I call him, he will come then. SRI AUROBINDO: He will sit on the top of your head and swear at you. (Laughter) ...
... Atharvaveda is Arthaveda. Āyurveda is related to the secret of life and the science and art of sustenance, protection and maintenance of long life. The originator of Āyurveda is supposed to be Dhanwantari. Apart from him, other prominent names are Aitraeya, Kashyapa, Harit, Agnivesha, and Bhedamuni. At present, 3 important books of Āyurveda are: Chakra Samhitā, Sushruta Samhitā, and V ā gbhatta ...
... his doctor-disciple, "the temptation of a joke at doctors has always been too much for any lay resistance." 1 Here are a few typical humorous anecdotes concerning the disciples of Hippocrates and Dhanwantari. (1)Dr. so and so had a fancy to visit a far-off village and dwell there for a month in the midst of the simple village-folk. When the time came for his departure back, - and the doctor was ...
... cases are rising, the nearer the Supramental is descending, if it is descending at all? Let it open up in you then. Don't you see how all these things are coming just to make you bloom into a Dhanwantari overnight? For me to suprarnentalise and then know definitely physical things is a "long way to Tipperary". Why not get it like my painting vision? I would like to know how the experiences ...
... l is des- Page 93 cending, if it is descending at all? Sri Aurobindo: Let it open up in you then. Don't you see how all these things are coming just to make you bloom into a Dhanwantari [A legendary Indian doctor] overnight? 16 4.NB: Today I shall request you to 'stand and deliver' on a different subject.... What shall I hear from the mighty pen as a remedy for my chronic ...
... the empyrean; Varunie arose, Venus Anadyomene from the waters, the daughter of Varuna, Venus Ourania, standing on a lotus & bringing beauty, delight and harmony & all opulence into the universe; Dhunwuntari arose, cup in hand, the physician of the Gods, who can heal all pain & disease & sorrow, minister to a mind diseased & pluck out from the bosom its rooted sorrow; the jewel Kaustubha arose whose ...
... thy life may be long in the land!' But then to call in an eminent litterateur like you is after all appropriate. You can furnish them with a long address on the romance of medicine beginning with Dhanwantari, Charaka and Galen and ending with Nirod Talukdar or Dr. Ramchandra. 6 (4) Sri Aurobindo's taste of Maharatta cookery: On learning that the Maharaja of Dewas had invited DK to dinner ...
... thy life may be long in the land!' But then to call in an eminent litterateur like you is after all appropriate. You can furnish them with a long address on the romance of medicine beginning with Dhanwantari, Charaka and Galen and ending with Nirod Taluqdar or Dr. Ramchandra." When his correspondence in our Ashram increased to unconscionable proportions and he had to deal with them all by himself ...
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